Whenever I reveal I'm a conservative, people's attitude change and they start rejecting me. Is that some kind of brainwashing?
Whenever I reveal I'm a conservative, people's attitude change and they start rejecting me...
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Yep. You can almost watch their brains go on lockdown when you say something controversial
I think it's a cogdis defense mechanism
theng et out of the city areas
No not really. Conservatives are like the people who enter your house as a guest and then demand you change the drapes and rearrange the furniture because it offends them. Like, bitch, get out of my house. They do not understand the NAP. Not to say the regressive left is not equally as bad. Your question, however, was about hatred of conservatives.
>Is that some kind of brainwashing?
Just tell them abraham lincoln was a conservative as well, and that the liberal party in his day wanted to keep slavery.
Where am I supposed to work? In farms?
Lol what
What part of your brain came up with that? It makes no sense at all.
>announcing to the world that you are a social reject with psychopath beliefs in violence, greed, racism etc
Can you give some examples?
What does it mean to be a conservative these days?
You know it is true.
Pol demands Jews not be Jews. Blacks not be Blacks. etc etc
The Church rules arbitrarily, but follows none of its own rules of conduct.
Conservatives boycotted Target over Target letting transpeople pick their restroom.
Conservatives demand everyone dress as they say or they try to shame them.
Conservatives like to talk about the offensiveness of swear words while supporting people like Hastert.
I can this all day. These were just a few examples.
work at the Haribo factory and get me access to the Miami and Dragibus supply
Conservatism automatically connects with George Bush/Donald Trump neoconservatism.
I tell people I am a socialist.
NatSoc, but just saying socialist opens them up to listening.
You would shocked about how willing commies are willing to listen about the evils of the Jew and bankers and Israel compared to the "conservatives".
No. You're getting what you deserve for being wrong. Try reading books instead of burning them.
Shouldn't France be woke? I thought that around 20% of your population are muzzies and nigs that commit almost all the crime and chimp out every other day. If even this can't wake the people up I don't know what else could.
>Blacks not be Blacks.
its racist to want niggers to stop committing crimes and raping/killing us? you are a retard
In case you have missed it, mon ami, cultural marxism has infested the last three generations like a cancer. The public sphere (academics, media, etc) are almost completely under leftist control.
How can anyone call themselves unironically "conservative"?
You mean the books leftist governments allow me to read?
So...you're lying because when you tell the truth you get shunned. KEK
Dude just move to an area that breaks heavily for FN there's gotta be solve towns out there or just get a job that lets you work remote
Not all conservatives behave in these oddly specific stereotyped manners you say.
If you aren't a obeying member of the cult you must be shunned and excluded.
KEK "leftist"
That's why there will be another war, because you want to convince others to consider you're ideology but are unwilling to listen to others.
MFW You're so brainwashed you can't think for yourself.
It's cult behavior. It's like proclaiming to be an atheist before it was socially acceptable to most people. They think that your mind is poisoned by heresy and that you deny their wisdom. Conservatives dabble in the arcane arts of "racism" and "sexism" and must not be allowed to freely associate in society.
Thats where you wrong kiddo.
Jews can be Jews in Israel
Blacks can be black in Africa
You can be and dress like whatever you want but not in my neighborhood.
There are roughly speaking 2 main 'tribes' these days that determine ingroup/outgroup dynamics.
The Blue Tribe is most classically typified by liberal political beliefs, vague agnosticism, supporting gay rights, thinking guns are barbaric, eating arugula, drinking fancy bottled water, driving Priuses, reading lots of books, being highly educated, mocking American football, feeling vaguely like they should like soccer but never really being able to get into it, getting conspicuously upset about sexists and bigots, marrying later, constantly pointing out how much more civilized European countries are than America, and listening to “everything except country”.
The Red Tribe is most classically typified by conservative political beliefs, strong evangelical religious beliefs, creationism, opposing gay marriage, owning guns, eating steak, drinking Coca-Cola, driving SUVs, watching lots of TV, enjoying American football, getting conspicuously upset about terrorists and commies, marrying early, divorcing early, shouting “USA IS NUMBER ONE!!!”, and listening to country music.
>Progressives are like the people who enter your house as a guest and then demand you change the drapes and rearrange the furniture because it offends them.
There, fixed your typo. Be more careful next time.
Go back and read what I wrote again.
You’re being dehumanized by the kikes.
>Pol demands Jews not be Jews. Blacks not be Blacks. etc etc.
They can do whatever they want when they're in Israel or Africa, is it too much to ask someone to follow your rules while in your house?
>The Church rules arbitrarily, but follows none of its own rules of conduct.
If this was supposed to mean that we don't follow the rules we make, it would pretty much defeat the purporse of these rules existing in the first place, only brainlets and tyrants do this kind of thing.
>Conservatives boycotted Target over Target letting transpeople pick their restroom.
>Conservatives demand everyone dress as they say or they try to shame them.
You're thinking of teens and models, we ask of everyone to dress decently, as long as it's decent you can dress whatever you want.
>Conservatives like to talk about the offensiveness of swear words while supporting people like Hastert.
Lol no, offensiveness is a fucking joke.
Since you said you can do this all day I'd like you to continue, this is more entertaining than shill threads.
conservatives are retarded, lolbertarians are retarded, so are progressives. Take the nationalist pill
>and that the liberal party in his day wanted to keep slavery.
They still do, they just call the slaves "undocumented immigrants" and pay them even worse than African slaves.
"Conservative" is just a code word for Nazi
you aren't really a conservative. You are a liberal. A classic liberal.
That's not really a fair analogy.
It's more like I want to have my house like this don't fuck it up.
Okay you can have your home how you want it too. I just don't think you should force your style on anyone else.
What the fuck you are putting all your stuff on the streets and now you are trying to make all these other people live with me and trying to make us all partake in your lifestyle.
Okay now I'm going to lock all my doors. Now you are putting all this shit on TV telling me the best way to design my home is like yours and that my locks should be removed.
Where am I supposed to work? In farms?
yes,a real work for once
Your stereotype is outdated. The puritanical personality type you're describing is far more prevalent on the progressive end of the spectrum in current year. It's exactly what feminists and SJWs do. If these people were born in the 18th century they would be fighting sorcery and witchcraft in the exact same way that they combat "sexism" and "racism" today.
>Undocumented immigrants are slaves
Good. Then we can agree to let them go back where they came from.
The only reason why there will be another war is because leftist western governments invade and loot countries in Middle East while inviting them and pretending to care about them.
They are believe that they can destroy Russia.
Insanity, the post.
>Conservatism automatically connects with George Bush/Donald Trump neoconservatism.
This, conservatives are connected to retarded boomers that are ready to die for Israel. I tell my retarded neocon buddies that browse reddit, im a fascist but i tell liberals i meet that i am a socialist that advocates white interests and then rant about bankers and jews. Its all about how you word it. But nobody likes conservatives because all they have "conserved" is the jewish control corporate oligarchy.
Not falling in line with the media
I'm a little in both groups though, it's not a clear divide
>not being a nationalistic libertarian fascist
This ameribro gets it.
Conservatism is just another way of saying Israel first which is very off-putting and needs to be dropped.
No joke, I ran a test on tinder.
> Changed bio to conservative dribble, 34 matches in one week.
> Changed bio to leftist dribble, 623 matches in one week.
Women are weird.
Lol well what setting are you in?
If you're in a feminist dominated office space, then you can expect this. It's not that they're brainwashed, they just have an ingroup preference.
What if you had a group of dream friends who all were as cool and based as you -- wouldn't they hate liberals? Of course they would. No because they're brainwashed, but because they have established norms in their social circle.
I know a 7.6/10, well dressed and groomed, who is strong right wing. Father doctor, mother law professor, uncle big wig military guy, brother banking. I also know her husband, a inbread weakling. But she IS licking his asshole in a way that he thinks he is gay now.
>Are liberals brainwashed?
A thread died for this
Thanks for sharing
No. People just see that you're an idiot and move on.
I love Mummy. I cant wait to go to Ukraine this summer and pick up my own.
Once you realize how weak-minded people are you will no longer care what they think of you.
Prob b8, ill bite.
Conservatives are tradionalists retard, they want things to remain the same.
Now Progressives...
>to progress
Wanna change stuff all the time. Now that youve had your lesson in basic party ideology, this website is for adults only.
This. As I went through my "red-pilling" process, I wanted to tell everyone the truth of what's really going on. But soon you realize everyone is retarded and don't care anymore what retards think
Inglis isn't wrong though.
Several generations of leftist leaning, Marxist indoctrination since at least the 60s on every level
>Of course it's brainwashing
This tactic is called Fabianism. Look into it