I know you're too busy argueing with shills and bots, but can someone give me an answer pls?
China just made their petro yuan and americans keep borrowing more money.
So, how long until the other countries stop lending americans money?
I know you're too busy argueing with shills and bots, but can someone give me an answer pls?
China just made their petro yuan and americans keep borrowing more money.
So, how long until the other countries stop lending americans money?
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I'll give you a bump because this is an actual, legit thread.
it wont be a sudden collapse but a slow gradual shift
this has been going on for years already
China's currency faces a lot of obstacles to broader use for cross border trade. Mostly the government manipulates it too much and that makes it relatively unstable (and politicized)
How will the US respond to the Petro-Yuan?
America kills over the petrodollar, but with a Jewish hidden hand. Jews are shifting power over to China now(to prepare for the Gog and Magog invasion of America.) Not that this will happen anytime soon, but if fusion energy goes public, because it is right now top secret, it will end any petrocurrency. Fusion energy will change the game entirely, and China might go public with it or crack it if they don't already have it top secretly.
If Pedro yuan gets his green card it's all good.
America will do nothing, it will only talk a big game, even though they've killed in the past over the petrodollar. The reason they will do nothing is because the Jews are allowing the petroyuan. Christ will return as soon as China gets off it's feet. China's semi-capitalist cities already have the GDP(PPP) of entire European countries. It wont be long until they catch up with America as a whole.
China #1 confirmed.
The biggest thing is what volume of worldwide supply is traded in it. Right now it's a trading function of China to Russia. Essentially a way around Western sanctions for Russia to get US dollars.
The Yuan is just a USD backed currency, with far stricter controls on international transfer. China has to decide if they want to allow free flows if Yuan out of China, and if that is worth challenging US hegemony over. The problem with that is once they allow it, they will have a massive capital flight, 100x worse than they have now. Rich Chinese don't want to be in or invest in China. Because of this Petro Yuan is nothing more than a sanctions loop hole.
Underrated. Kek.
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week
>Trading Oil for a different kind of fake money
I don’t see the issue here.
We never recovered from 08 I can see a collapse maybe this fall. Maybe January
>The Yuan is just a USD backed currency,
No it isn't.
lol are you retarded?
this is an old, stale and false meme
>jews allow the petroyuan
oh no it can't possibly be due to China's nuclear arsenal
nope, the only reason America hasn't invaded China yet is because the jews won't allow it
>US finally enters 2nd Civil War
>"sorry, can't pay you back right now, we're being fucked at the moment"
>China gets mad, finally test their new blue water navy and invade the US
>A war hardened population call truce with the government in order to repel the invasion
this is where it's all or nothing. At this point, the resistance needs to crack down on liberals or everything will repeat again and we'll be at peak liberal bullshit in a few generations again.
Seriously though, they dictate our foreign policy. That's why we're always involved in wars that don't really benefit us.
No he's actually right there if you don't know this you're an idiot
This is just bullshit,chinese government does not allow people to exchange foreign currency nor they will let you take away the gold
When China stops buying US debt, to get paid in USD and stops accepting USD through HK Banks I'll believe you.
The Yuan is a USD coupon that Chinese people can use.
>implying resistance won't ally with chinese to kill off liberals
Chinese are quite racist you know.
And when you look at the kind of people the gooks are, you'll fully support their communist regime as I do. Chinese are not worthy of freedom, they boil dogs alive for fuck's sake, kidnap children for as little as 0.5 BTC.
That's fucking retarded. The Yuan is China's currency. They have trillions in USD because they make everything the US needs and sell it to them for which they get paid in USD.
A USD that is crumbling in value btw
With all due respect, which is none, you are an absolute idiot. Gog is a person, a ruler who rules Magog, which is a territory just south of the Black Sea, in Turkey, whose invasion plans are for Israel, not the US.
How you got so many things wrong is just ponderous.
this is true
my point is, even if the Jews wanted to pull a Iraq/Lybia on us they can't, since we have nukes and they're not suicidal.
What do you think they've been doing for years idiot, they've been trying to trade without the dollar with Russia and other enemies, including the euros. I hate delusional people the 80s are fuckin over dude, we aren't great anymore.
Chinese may be the most racist people on earth. Only Chinese qualify as humans, and within China the racism from hill people to valley people to city people is profound.
And their word for black people is the same word for the blackened bottom of a wok.
Why do you say rich Chinese don't want to invest in China?
No response will be necessary until China decides you can only buy Chinese goods using petroyuans.
Then it's WW3
They have Mr. Ling sitting in a random Starfucks. If John and Elisabeth come in with a Nike T-Shirt, new iPad and a nice Asian prime gene girlfriend, Mr. Ling is happy.
If the Ameritard wakes up, Mr. Ling is not happy. But I must admit getting Americans off buying useless junk and soul crushing dept, its like solving the opioid crisis with some lollipops and a slap on the bun.
What are you even saying, in the 2nd part of your statement there dumb ancom?
The average spending power of the Chinese is 163rd in the world. Would you want to invest there?
Jews and Jewish capitalism built up China. Jewish communism founded it.
Your real question is, how much longer will colombia be a hell hole and how much longer can I fuck my goat before the world notices?
We're too busy gearing up to fill entire swimming pools with the blood of our neighbors. If we experience hyperinflation weimar republic style we will just go straight to facsim or something else hard or cease to exist.
No because the yuan was trash back then, but with the new gold oil yuan now you should.
Both the US and China seem to be dancing on the edge, it's a matter of who falls first. My bet is on China, since they historically get fucked in cycles. Xi is moving closer to dictatorship to try to have more control over the whole thing, but history is working against him. The demographic pressure in China is way too fucking huge. At this point all they care about is avoiding another SHTF scenario.
With all of the above said, I'm curious to see whether the US will go through some change of leadership which will allow for their empire to go on or whatever. Europe poses too much resistance to internationalism to be zog central again.
>inb4 eurocucks
It's much easier to create rootless slaves in the New World, and you only get this perspective once you've been to both and compared them yourself(of course, supposing you have some knowledge beforehand).
What's certain is some interesting things will develop in Asia, not only because of China and India, but also because of Erdogan talking of a neo Ottoman Empire and the shitshow that will be Iran in the near future. All in all, gas the kikes race war now
the price of rmb doesn't present it's real value because it is way overprinted
the only reason why it is still valuable because chinese government has the strictest foreign exchange control
the rich people know what's happening so they are trying to escape
>So, how long until the other countries stop lending americans money?
As long as the US dollar is a global reserve currency, which is for the foreseeable future. Besides, most US debt is owned by burgers themselves, they mostly lend from themselves
>whose invasion plans are for Israel, not the US.
Their invasion plans are to invade the New Jerusalem, which is in America(where all of Israel i.e. the Germanic peoples were gathered into one place.)
We will fall into hell first, because no one wants the usd anymore, china will rule.
>he doesn't know
you have a very shallow understanding of history
this is what happens when you base your entire worldview off of infographics on a tibetan throat singing forum
Members of NATO will keep doing it as a political favour, but it would be fair to assume that it will be harder for the US to borrow.
On the other hand i don't really consider that a problem, the problem is that they have to borrow such huge amounts to begin with.
Bump. This feels like a good thread.
>Economy the size of Italy
Wow, China is going to be R I C H sending their gold to Russia for oil. The way to get rich is to send all your gold to other countries in exchange for energy that is used to make consumer Goods you send to America in exchange for USD.
Our money is only propped up on other people trading oil with our money you tard. We got rid of our gold standard and were in ass fuck loads of debt. If the world doesn't use our money to trade with it will become worthless.
When sweden joins the Eurozone the euro will jump above the USD and above the yuan. It will be the petro euro.
Shit I'm in the wrong place, I thought this was a Vietnamese basket weaving forum.
Please listen to HK bro. The rest of you Peter Schiff Doom Paulers, China doesn't have enough gold to distribute it through their window. You won't be able to take your Yuan to the bank, get gold then fly it to Canada. CCP will never let that happen.
China hates everything good in the world, including pic related.
wtf are you talking about? Swedes voted no to euro back when we didnt even have the miditerranean as example for how its a really stupid idea (unless u wanna be poor as fuck and dominated by germany, which is kinda tempting for cuck like me honestly but yeah i think not)
That will suck for VW, Volvo and Mercedes.
>A government controlled currency is too unstable.
Wot. Any good economists will know China's next step. However, predicting a market based currency like the USD is harder because you have the entire world's actions to take into consideration. The USD is only being propped up by the petrodollar because inflation from overprinting the USD to pay for the deficit and interest on borrowing will be layed off on other countries because of their reliance on USD to buy oil. Once more and more countries take up Yuan as a common trading currency, the US will fall flat on its non-backed currency and potentially face a recession from disasterous inflation.
about 15 years according to Martin Armstrong. He states that the US dollar is still the worlds most stable currency.
I'm so fucking psyched for this. The Petro Yuan might take some time to show it's effect though. The situation in the middle east is fucking america way harder atm. If Syria and Russia win the the war there will be a Shia coalition of Syria, Iran and Iraq (who are shifting hard af in their direction). They`ll be on Russia and Chinas side and will stop using the petro dollar. All of this would be a loss of control that the US can't afford and they'll do something about it. 75% of the USD are in foreign country. I'm so looking forward to a inflation that'll let the one of the weimar republic look like childs play. Prepare to get fucked!
Buy heirloom seeds, grow as many of one plant as you can , save the best plants seeds -repeat -hand down to kids
why no gmo mr bot?
You'll know things have hit the fan if we go to war with China.
That means that the Petro dollar is either already worthless or about to take a major hit
Frankenkike genetics
exactly what I meant by
what a disappointment. A in a lot of books they wrote this will be the beginning of WWIII but they all failed.
Now this boring shit will go on forever.
Why would you trust that guy? He's probably saying that to buy time for him to trade in all his USD's for something worth a piss. Face it bucko there's nothing for the USD to stand on anymore.
>China just made their petro yuan and americans keep borrowing more money.
>So, how long until the other countries stop lending americans money?
As long as America is the #1 military power in the world, China's Yuan means nothing. Also, China is a vassal state that produces the goods. China's Petro Yuan means nothing because for the Petro Yuan to be useful, China needs Vassal states. For that to happen, China will have to outsource all its jobs to some other country since it already produces everything it needs. Till that time, America will be fine.
most poster on this board don't know what's happening
China needs a better blue water navy to enforce and protect a Petro Yuan, without that its just a sanctions loop hole that eventually needs to get paid back in USD.
>Petro Dollar
Really this should be the "Naval Dollar", the same as a the Sterling was the global trade currency before WWI. Whover controls and protects trade, not just of oil, enjoys going currency rule making.
>When the debt catches up to the USD
Since it's backed by the barrel of a gun, we can default with little issues.
Missiles flew the other day, but the social control it's more powerful than tomahawks.
Man this entire thread is full of morons who don't understand the petrodollar.
>le #1 military
>has the same conventional army forces as China+Russia
ok retard, keep falling for that american propaganda.
>oh no it can't possibly be due to China's nuclear arsenal
No it can't be.
>nope, the only reason America hasn't invaded China yet is because the jews won't allow it
Or perhaps there is no need to.
No no, this is a Peruvian waterboarding consortium
>A USD that is crumbling in value btw
The U.S. controls the world's oil trade. That's like controlling the only water well in the entire world. No matter how many $$ we print, it will never reduce in value because most of you morons don't understand that the only thing of value on earth is human effort - currency is just a mechanism placed on top of human effort.
As long as the U.S. controls the oil trade, everyone will need to sell us their shit - human effort - in order to get the $$ to buy oil to sustain themselves.
and then they take the profits they made selling consumer goods and buy more gold than they spent
I thought this was an Eskimo cappuccino factory
Well if you have alot of money(not US dollars) and nothing to invest in, what do you do with them? Buy chinese yuan, nah, the Euro, f that. The US dollar is still the most stable currency around. But that will change in time.
>No response will be necessary until China decides you can only buy Chinese goods using petroyuans.
No you idiot. That is not how the petroyuan would work. No one cares about Chinese goods because Chinese goods can be manufactured by anyone else. So your analogy is horribly wrong.
Only if China had something of value, say like the silkworm, and everyone wanted it and could not produce it themselves, then the petroyuan would make sense. The only time in the future the petroyuan will make sense is if everyone starts selling oil in Yuans - then everyone has to sell their shit to China to get Yuans to buy oil to sustain their economy.
>As long as the US dollar is a global reserve currency, which is for the foreseeable future. Besides, most US debt is owned by burgers themselves, they mostly lend from themselves
Really, for a board that considers itself smart, there are tons of brainlets on this board.
>No you idiot. That is not how the petroyuan would work. No one cares about Chinese goods because Chinese goods can be manufactured by anyone else.
for 10 times the money
>The Petro Yuan might take some time to show it's effect though.
Like a 100 years?
>Or perhaps there is no need to.
but there is a want, a want that can't be satisfied so easily like Iraq and Libya
>>le #1 military
>>has the same conventional army forces as China+Russia
>ok retard, keep falling for that american propaganda.
Lol. No wonder you country is shit. Moron, the size of one's army is not the only military power the U.S has. It has far better tech and a far better information network. That, coupled with the fact that most Americans would not might dying for their country if China went to war with the U.S. has always kept U.S. in a dominant position. Not to mention, the research infrastructure in the U.S. is far far better than that in China and Russia - at best, the Chinese steal from the west and they don't even do that properly.
It's because of brainlets like you that my country keeps fucking up your country again and again - because you don't see our real power. There's a reason why OPEC sells all oil in dollars and not in fucking Yuan - because we are strong - and far stronger than 20 of our next allied nations combined.
Of course, but that would apply value to the USD, and require an unlimited amount of Gold. The premise here of most posters is that the Petro Yuan makes the USD worthless. Eventually the supply of available gold runs out or the USD has to retain a value.
The petroyuan is not that powerful as they say because chinese government has the strictest foreign exchange control.
The "you can exchange gold" is a lie,they won't let you take away
The saudi said they won't support it,however some anti-america nations like Russia,Iran and Venezuela will support china
>for 10 times the money
You got this wrong. China doesn't have tech. They receive tech from the west or get tech from the west. They provide cheap labor. They can easily be replaced by other vassal states like India, Vietnam, countries in Africa etc.
Even Japan and Germany, who were the vassal states after WW2 had poor product quality in the initial years before become world leaders in product quality.
If China goes rogue, it would be very easy to shift the vassal state to some other country.
Between 6 weeks and 6 years. Then it's over Shartinez.
>but there is a want, a want that can't be satisfied so easily like Iraq and Libya
China doesn't have oil the last time I checked. Iraq and Libya both had oil and were threatening to sell oil for other currencies - that is why they were taken down. Is this your first day on Sup Forums? Or is the information so censored in your country that you don't know what's going on outside?
>The premise here of most posters is that the Petro Yuan makes the USD worthless.
because most posters here think petro-yuan will be like the old petrodollar
the yuan will not REPLACE the dollar, we're not seeking to recreate the old oil monopoly with the petro-yuan
there will simply be the option to ALSO use the yuan to buy oil
>The petroyuan is not that powerful as they say because chinese government has the strictest foreign exchange control.
No you moron. The petroyuan is useless because most oil producing nations sell oil for dollars and not yuan. Also, if petroyuan became a thing, then China would be the 51st state of the U.S..
>The saudi said they won't support it,however some anti-america nations like Russia,Iran and Venezuela will support china
You miss the point. Even if Russia, Iran and Venezuela sell their oil in Yuan, people have to sell China stuff to get Yuan. What does China need that it does not produce itself? Nothing, and thus the PetroYuan will die out even before it becomes a thing.
He's a Westerner with a Western cell phone sim or at a Western hotel. Ch4 is blocked on the censored CCP web.
>there will simply be the option to ALSO use the yuan to buy oil
And why the shit would anyone want to buy oil for Yuan? What is the benefit? I hope you realize a petro-Yuan implies that people have to sell China shit to obtain the Yuan to buy oil in Yuan, right? What shit can others sell China that your country does not already produce? Martinis?
Who is holding large reserves of Yuan outside of China?
Iraq and Libya were taken down for challenging the petrodollar monopoly. The petroyuan is a challenge to the petrodollar monopoly. China also happens to be America's greatest geopolitical rival.
stop posting you literal retard
Do your Homework
Bullshit, all it takes is countries losing their trust in that inflated heap of paper. Stuff like that starts landslides all the time...
Which, back to my point, makes the contract a sanctions work around. Not a threat to global hegemony.
China is expanding and becoming increasingly powerful while Americans still have their heads up their ass thinking they're the shit
June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre