Gun ownership is 100% a form of slavery.
Refute this
If you own a gun you are not a slave
Slaves don't own guns
*you don't have to live like that
You can fuck right out my life
Maybe if guns were sentient life forms it would be slavery
read the pic commie
>no gun to defend yourself
>not also a form of slavery
communist spys want your guns America..
If the FBI can’t even raise their kids, how can anyone trust them with super important secrets to supposedly help the country?
>King team said in response to the criticism. "It's merely pointing out the irony of someone wearing a communist flag while calling for gun control. But sure, assume something that's not there."
>The Castro regime began the process of confiscating guns from citizens in 1959, said Sebastian A. Arcos, the associate director of the Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University.
>In a famous Jan. 8, 1959, speech, Fidel Castro said: "What do you want guns for?... To fight the revolutionary government that has the support of all the people?"
To this day, Cuba does not allow average citizens to have firearms, Arcos said.
Literally never in my life. That said, as a gun owner, I also practice conflict avoidance, as many other gun owners do, and as most other people in general should do.
he has a good point.
I can see how gun worshippers are terrorists because violence isn't a sane response to problems.
>hollywood jew spreads kikery
are you fags even trying?
>everything is offensive
Your mere existence is offensive to me. Refute that.
>Be little old lady
>Guy in pickup cuts you off
>Guy gets out with crowbar
>Michael Ian Black
I guarantee we find out this guy fucked kids in the next couple of years
Michael Ian Black has been a faggot liberal since I’ve been in diapers. He’s too frightened to face reality
Disarming equally has the advantage of reducing gun violence and removing so much terror from the national psyche. American culture is so used to living in terror that we don’t even name it for what it is. Terrorism, of course, is another form of slavery.
Remember when Rwanda became terror free after being disarmed?
I find it hilarious the best they can do is bitch on social media and protest. Their political opposites have all the arms, so they’re out of luck. At least they can fish for likes on twitter to help them cope. Such cowards anti-gunners are.
This is the actual reason why we have 2nd amendment.
In British law the serfs were not allowed weapons.
Slaves are not allowed to own weapons because they could revolt.
Op is a faggot.
>The very first gun-control laws were authored and implemented by Southern KKK Democrats to confiscate the guns of the negros soldiers returning home from the civil war.
Gun-control is, and always has been, racist.
If someone is suspected of intentionally challenging you with their car using it as a weapon even inadvertently then wouldn't the fleeing felon rule apply?
"At common law, the fleeing felon rule permits the use of force, including deadly force, against an individual who is suspected of a felony and is in clear flight. Force may be used by the victim, bystanders, or police officers."
'Suspected' is a key word here.
Having the ready ability to take someone’s life is dominion over that person; gun ownership could be viewed as slavery by another name.
So buy a gun and get off the plantation, slave.
when some of the population is armed with guns, they have control over rest of population. We willingly create a contract with armed police/military for security. We enter no such contract with civilians.
Then by a gun and be white?
Which is a bad thing because...?
So answer my question: Did or did not Rwanda become terror free after banning guns?
Fucking kill yourself before someone does it for you when you try for take their guns
We do contract with civilians. It’s called being a citizen.
Where did I sign a contract with police or military?
Paranoia is the slavery here.
>Dominion over another is slavery
>Supports governments with guns
>Biggest mass killers in history are people's own governments
brazils gun controlled too
btw nice flag commie spy
>implying this faggot dislikes the idea of slavery
>Disingenuous kike ignoring the obvious
So the solution is to arm everyone.
banning guns is irrelevant in regard to Rwanda you plebeian
I have never accidentally cut anyone off... I may merge like a mother fucker, but every time i cut someone off I meant it.
It's literally not. Prior to the genocide, the government banned and seized the guns of the Christian population.
he is a jew, ask him about israeli gun control and how they treat arabs
Twitter accounts ownership is a form of retardation.
>could be viewed
Who are you and why should I care about your opinion?
the banning, and subsequent collection of guns in Rwanda, in no way whatsoever, contributed to this "genocide".
Literally never
Michael Ian Schwartz (Jewish) lives in fear because he knows his wealth and security are ill-gotten. Same for most of his kin.
>ban guns but ONLY for the Christians
>less than a year later a genocide against Christians begins
Hmmm, yes, "in no way whatsoever".
I have thought "this situation could have been avoided if i were armed" a lot morr often than worrying about others being armed.
>current year
>take anything Ismael Perez has written as credible
There is no conclusion between the propositions. The statements are P(): people own guns; and Q(): slavery is bad;
There is no demonstrated relation between P and Q in the tweet at all, hence there is nothing to refute. It is true that people own guns and it is true that slavery is bad in the perspective of a slave, but that does not create a causation relationship.
my grandfather killed my grandmother and then blew his head off with a .357
i own guns and i'm not scared of other people owning guns. he was going to kill her regardless whether with a knife or his sheer drunken strength.
you know one thing? if my grandmother would have had a gun at her house when he came knocking she might still be alive today.
evil is what we should be scared of. not guns.
sorry bud, the national psyche will always be terrified. The "news" is the sole propagator of world views and will always utilize fear as such. Stop watching the fucking shit tier fake news channels and piece together world events on your own and you will stop falling into the "national psyche". This is why journalists are the biggest terrorists in existence right now
OP is 100% retarded.
Is Africans had guns they would never have been slaves.
Are we a slave to the government because we might fear breaking a law and having men with guns appear to take us away.
I thought they said conservatives were the ones who were afraid of everything?
isn't this un funny faggot canadian?
This, nothing will stop unstable people truly out to get you except simple, barbaric violence. There are lots of crazies that will gladly spend decades destroying your self worth, making you suicidal, isolating you from the world, destroying your potential, and kicking you while you're down.
Very few of them will do that when you're armed. They always try to disarm you first.
As long as the slave owners keep their guns while us slaves lose ours. Sounds fair, good job based liberal retard.
>How many times have you cut someone off in traffic and been afraid they'll shoot you
>I'm a cowardly asshole and I don't like the idea that people could potentially fight back against me
Don't cut people off, fuckface.
i thought people favoured baseball bats for road rage incidents these days
>Ismael Perez
it says william cooper right there in the pic.....
I don't worry about any of those problems because I know I can deescalate them.
With my firearm.
No wonder this faggot is spouting gun control drivel, everyone thought he was dead.
They aren’t scared either. They are just pulling every trick they can to get whites disarmed. Victimitation has brought them results in the past, but it’s not working here.
>I’m terrified, plz gib up your gunz!1!1!
>My policy preferences won’t get pushed through, this is scary!
It’s all intend to exploit people who are morally vulnerable to join their cause. They explicitly target the weak-minded.
if want to to use syllogistic logic to prove your (false) argument, you MAY want to use it correctly. Just a tip.
That's his pen name you uneducated mutt
Literally never
But I have to grab my kids shoulders every time I see a Nigger in public
Niggers are a form of slavery
Yeah it’s called being an American citizens.
The contract is the Constitution/Bill of Rights.
If you don’t like living in a country where other people excercize their rights like gun ownership and free speech, then move to a country where they don’t have those things.
You might already live there considering meme flag.
>we don't have to live like this
I'd take being a kiked up multimillionaire actor comedian with private security and a gated community. Sure.
"We" sure are in danger, up here in the Hollywood Hills.
>How many times have you accidentally cut somebody off in traffic
Never since I'm not cripplingly unaware of my surroundings.
>Flinched at a sound thinking it could be gunfire
>Lost somebody to gun violence
Wow, that was hard.
I only worry about that sort of thing if the car is occupied by black people. Does that mean black people are enslaving me?
Post yfw you just learned that you become a salve owner
Imagine being this fearful of an inanimate object
They just want a monopoly on violence since they've been so successful at marching through the institutions. They want you disarmed because they know that no one is going to want what's coming after they remove the mask.
You never answered my question about Rwanda. How terror free do you think the country was after they banned guns?
>marx wasnt a real gommie.
I would legit feel like a slave without gun rights.
Especially in a situation like Europe where criminal dune hajis bring in AKs and mow down people in Paris.
Also just forcing people in general to have to live with niggers and not have gun rights at the same time is absolute anarcho tyranny.
I am a coward, fearful enough to know that gun ownership increases the risk to my family. That is why I do not own a gun.
>Guns in the home and risk of a violent death in the home: findings from a national study.
The “Good Guy With a Gun” Is a Myth
We're fine with legal citizens being armed to the teeth, thanks.
>misleading health study that proves that you're more likely to commit suicide with a gun if you own a gun
>a fucking Vox link
Answer my fucking question about Rwanda you stupid meme flag.
Democrats project their fears & weakness onto everyone else.
They cannot trust you with a gun because they know THEY cannot be trusted with a gun.
I've been shot at in a drive by and had my house shot up on separate occasions, I still don't worry about getting shot.
WTF kind of soygoy is this?
God Created Men and Sam Colt Made Them Equal. Universal gun ownership is the highest form of equality, prove me wrong faggot.
their 'freedom' was not contingent on the populous being disarmed.
your question is moot.
Don't drive like a dickhead
You argued that disarming a population makes them terror free. My question is how terror free was Rwanda after banning guns?
>when some of the population is armed with guns
aka, whites
>We willingly create a contract with armed police/military for security
What makes that statement true? Your feelz?
Why didn’t you tell us you were a teenager?
>Answer my fucking question about Rwanda you stupid meme flag.
When are we going to gas drivers that hog the left lane?
>put suicidal people, drug dealers, abusive spouses and sociopaths, all with guns in the same population as normal people with guns
>average the population
>"oh look having a gun in your house will make you kill your daughter"
>unironically linking Vox
So you concede that banning guns in the past has not only not made peace, but been the direct catalyst towards genocide.
>hat makes that statement true? Your feelz?
reason & logic, perhaps?