>Wants to reduce world population by 10-20%
pick one
>Wants to reduce world population by 10-20%
pick one
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Well if he could reduce the U.S. population by 16% I'd be okay with it.
try 50% and I'd agree
>Implying you hve to kill them to reduce the population
Space colonization when
change that "by" to "to" and I'd agree
>not wanting to reduce the worlds population
Yeah, no. That's actually a good thing so long as we reduce the right populations.
>wants to make niggers in africa infertile
>bad guy
pick one
Is he our guy /pol?
>Born and raised by those that who praise control of population
Based Aussies have explained everything
this is some fucking scary shit
Population reduction is a good thing at this point. Do you honestly want billions of needy uneducated dumb shitskin overrunning the planet?
he wants to get like 93% of the population his ideal population is 500 million.
Because there are not enough people on the earth???
You are the dumbest faggot on the internet.
Philanthropist is just code for people who have money and think they're arbiters of how the world should be run.
this. We don't want more niggers.
Also gooks, spics, nor sand-niggers.
why do you assume you aren't part of the group Bill wants culled? i
>Wanting to forcibly sterilize all niggers via vaccine
>A bad guy
Pick one.
If we just let Hitler gas all the non-aryans we wouldn't have this problem. We would be 7 foot aryan super soldiers gassing xenos in andromeda ,with nazi space tech, by now.
Bill "this is how the world should be but only after im dead because i would never want to live in a place like that" Gates
He wouldn’t be a real philanthropist unless he reduces global population south of the equator by 100%
>only 10-20%
If he weren't a philanthropist he would want to reduce world population by 80%.
>wants to lower population
>in terms of individual, has probably done more to raise it than anybody in the current year
I'd love to hear your brilliant non violent method of making more people die.
>Ron Paul
This man is too good for our planet.
prince phillip - "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation"
philanthropist is another word for globalist illuminati piece of shit
he literally said space colonization, ie move people to other planets to reduce the worlds population.
Load up all of the influential and affluent people on a space colony and leave the subhuman poors on Earth. Done.
If I am selected so be it.
I am not some self important faggot like yourself.
I was not referring to you of course.
what he means is africans are making 10 babies because 2 of them survive due to shit conditions
So much smarter then saying:
"well we live in a diseased infest, famine ridden, shit hole so how about we not have kids".
>well we live in a diseased infest, famine ridden
implying that's not the default condition of humanity for 100,000 fucking years
make it 30%
Implying there were other avenues to a better life back then as there are now.
In case you don't get it you small country faggot who cannot think things through.
In today's world there are modern lands you can get to and have a healthy survivable family .
Back then there was not.
There was not choice you derp.
>just swim to a different continent lol
Or earn you way to one by showing you have something to offer that society and in the meantime don't stupidly pop out kids in place where they have and 80% to die.
hurrrr durrr small country logic fag.
>j-just a few more scoops and I'll be able to afford my trip to a better place
fucking kek man what kind of world do you live in?
Yeah but what if that 10-20% are all the nonwhites in white nations.
The problem with people who say this is, they invariably mean intelligent populations and not third world hordes. Because brown and darker are less likely to think for themselves and are more likely to be easily controlled puppets who buy and act and vote the way they're supposed to.
>make 10 babies
>only 2 survive
Except that's not how it is
It's closer to "make 7 babies and 5 survive" which is why the African population continues to explode.
How the fuck would Africa keep exploding if only 2 babies are surviving per woman?
Where do you faggots get this meme that all the African babies are dying? They're fucking growing up and invading Europe you retarded, ignorant piece of shit
conditions have only really improved over the last 10-20 years
meaning 20 years olds were born in those bad conditions
>it's totally not culture to gain standing by having many babies
>people just abandon their culture because conditions changed
Ok so you cannot make it to a place where you do not have 8/10 kids die.
The answer is "Hey lets start having kids here where 8/10 will die"
Lol wtf are you missing?
>fucking kek man what kind of world do you live in?
Not the one you do which is devoid of something called common sense and humanity. I mean how, and why, the fuck would you have kids in a place where you know most will die???
Go back to your waffles kid your shit attempt at argument just got crushed.
>The answer is "Hey lets start having kids here where 8/10 will die"
sure man, people don't have a tendency to procreate whatsoever
there's not enough whites. one shitskin is too many
philanthropy, just for the elites tho
That fuckface isn't even targeting the right groups to depopulate. Target niggers and Jews!
>by 10-20%
It should be to 10-20%
Sure man and they don't have any control over procreating whatsoever.
Well maybe these so called people do not as they tend to be mindless fucking machines that you're sticking up for but they (same as morons like you)need to be decreased in numbers.
y'all niggas can't read
he wants to reduce the grow rate so the population stabilizes at a lower number
I'm not standing up for them it's just how it is
YOU are saying people somehow shouldn't feel like procreating because they live in shit conditions
you realise africa would be fucking trees and sand if that were true right?
Nature simply doesn't work that way faggot
>I'm not standing up for them it's just how it is
Yeah you are sorry if you got lost in your own train of thought.
>YOU are saying people somehow shouldn't feel like procreating because they live in shit conditions.
YES I am you moron.
If you do not have you life together then do not have fucking kids!!!!
How the fuck do people miss this simple idea.
>you realise africa would be fucking trees and sand if that were true right?
Which would be far better then what is there now.
Check the pic dough boy.
>Nature simply doesn't work that way faggot
But people can it is called reasoning which you apparently have none of you small insignificant country queer.
>>YOU are saying people somehow shouldn't feel like procreating because they live in shit conditions.
>YES I am you moron.
the absolute state of american edution kek
case closed
later faggot
don't forget to kys
>If you do not have you life together then do not have fucking kids!!!!
According to you, humanity should have ended thousands and thousands of years ago.
Plz neck yourself and right the wrongs of the past.
Yes let me have kids in a fucked up place so they have fucked up lives if they even live a life.
ROFL wow what a great parent you will make with that logic .
Also a lot of those kids if they do even survive those fucked up conditions that your sorry stupid ass put them in will end up a dysfunctional/dangerous blight on this world where ever they end up.
Thanks for that moron of a parent.
I would tell you to kys but you would probably fuck that up as well.
Also kid "yourself" is one word so it is not represented by "ys" you dumb shit social media kid.
lol you must be 12 or maybe small country people have no logical development above the age of 12.
Long ago there was no choice you idiot leaf.
Today there is.
Oh wait we still need more primitive savages running around in 2018to what?
Keep the human population up?
lol @ stupid leaf who is so stupid.
Have less children.
If he could reduce USA and Canadas population by 44% it wouldnt be that bad
How is this not eugenics
He's obviously doing too little, he should've reduced Africa to 0
Start with the americowards
Better yet beaners.
And don't tell me "hurrr those aren't mexicans"
Who gives a shit you all the look the same and you breed like roaches .
are you implying eugenics is a bad thing? cause is not.
I literally pick both
Kill all Jews and we will achieve world piece for the first time in human history.
Plot twist, at the end he is going to use the vaccines to make withes infertile instead of africans.