What did Sup Forums think about this?


Subs when?

Watched it in theaters, it was good but nothing extraordinary.

Looks like a movie for children. So I don't think Sup Forums is the right place to ask considering the 18+ requirement and all. That's like going to Sup Forums to talk about the latest Shrek movie. Like what is going through your mind?

Cute eyebrows

I can't wait, the PV looks gorgeous.
>he says on an imageboard for manchildren

This is such a non-argument. You watching actual children's movies and are trying to tell people that watch cartoons aimed at young adults and adults they're manchildren for watching stuff aimed at them? Do you realize how fucking stupid you are? Do you call the people on Sup Forums manchildren for not watching Shrek? This is your mindset. Do you understand your own mindset?

What makes this a children's film?

What makes Shrek a children's film?

I have never seen Shrek, I don't know why you keep talking about it.

I have never seen this movie. I don't know why you keep talking about it.

>So I don't think
Yes, I can tell.

Also, to make you shut up forever. Enjoy your children's movies. Just know that Sup Forums is mostly adults.


So where else do I ask about it, Sup Forums?

Alice in Wonderland and Tom Sawyer are about children, user. That doesn't mean you can't appreciate a well-crafted story.

No, please ask about it here. Real anime fans love Ghibli and their related works. The only people who shit on them are tryhard newfags who've seen less than 100 anime, or hipsters who just dislike anything popular.

>but but but

The art in this film looks gorgeous.

Mary a cute.

>Ghibli face
I'll pass.

None of us have seen it.

>I have never seen Shrek

>caring about demographics
If the story and animation are good, I will watch it and enjoy it. Simple as that to me, and it should be for you too.

Pic unrelated? That's not how hands are supposed to look in that scene.

I'm a sucker for cute witch stuff ever since I first saw Kiki as a kid, and all the relatively recent witch anime have been a godsend.

Please go shitpost elsewhere.

Good taste.

>He thinks children's movies can't be kino.
Spotted the fedora.

Is anyone subbing this?

>no Sucy

Sucy is not cute.

>No Diana
Even worse

Diana is a bitch.