I've been living in "golden" state for a minute I love the spirit it offers. But lately all the bad news
I've been hearing it brakes my heart.
However I am planning on saving CA not flee from it.
How can we save CA? Give suggestions. Ideas.
How can we set up a nationalistic state and drive the shitskins away and bring back high IQ whites back?
ITT: Operation save California
Sorry, California needs to collapse before it can be saved. If a child doesn't actually feel the pain from their mistake, that child will never learn.
Come on user don't give up!
Nuke the San Andreas fault and knock this shithole into the ocean.
>Sorry, Reality needs to collapse before it can be saved. If a child doesn't actually feel the pain from their mistake, that child will never learn.
Problem is, most of the state is conservative and a few cities control the entire state and will always do so because they have immense immigrant populations in their cities. Matter of fact, if a bunch of Nazis voted in San Diego, they would take over a powerful part of the entire country. It isn't something that is a mistake that can be learned from, it's out right voting manipulation.
I've posted about saving California, Sup Forums knows Cali is too far gone. It's leaders in the State Dept. are too embedded to voice your opinion and facts to make any kind of change. I'm a califag too...i'm not fucking leaving my home state tho. I'm staying right here to fight the leftist bullshit occurring day to day. Keep fighting user, don't quit, don't back down. Let your voice be heard.
I just left that state I hope it burns down
Should have stayed to fight...tisk tisk
California must burn for it to be saved. The lords of Sacramento must arrested and tried. The illegals must be sent back. The ghettos cleared. the homeless either sent to mental hospitals or put on poor farms. And every single faggot liberal purged.
Thank you user. same here.
Sounds good, we need a force to do so.
Nah I stayed and tried to fix that state for years nothing is going to change the shitlibs have a strangle hold on it with the voting fraud they commit
Me too. Till the civil war 2.0 breaks out California will remain a shithole.
The window to save CA through the legislature closed decades ago. The left has an iron grip on CA that can only be broken through violent revolution.
It's too bad you left, but good on you for changing your situtation.
Then pray for civil war. It's the only way my old state ever gets fixed.
If I were you, I'd stay, stock up on supplies, train, exercise, prepare for SHTF, and when the time comes, find your people and do what you have to do.
I agree, I also live in Los Angeles and this place is a fucking mess. Born and raised here and these leftist cucks don't represent what makes Cali great. Fuck these people. Not to mention they literally ruined Hollywood and Music in general.
Save us from what?
Fucking sick to my stomach. I came home to Cali to cremate my dad, and everywhere I go, (Orange Co) fucking homeless everywhere living in RV's, being tweekers on their bikes.
It will not be saved so long as corrupt politicians run it -- on both sides of the aisle.
Spics have ruined it as much as liberals. People more worried about catering than following what makes sense.
Fuck this sanctuary hellhole.
"Also in this vein it was mentioned (he used the plural personal pronoun we) we take control first of the port cities - New York, San Francisco, Seattle - the idea being that this is a piece of strategy, the idea being that if you control the port cities with your philosophy and your way of life, the heartland in between has to yield. I can't elaborate more on that but it is interesting. If you look around the most liberal areas of the country and progressively so are the sea coast cities. The heartland, the Midwest, does seem to have maintained its conservatism. But as you take away industry and jobs and relocate people then this is a strategy to break down conservatism."
There is an effort..and has been for a long time. The state of Jefferson if you haven't heard.
As someone who lives in California, the problem are the big cities, LA SF SD SJ that’s where its shit but outside it’s all good
(818) here. You cannot save CA because you don't know what this place was. I've watched us ramp down from the shining beacon we were to this den of degeneracy and poverty.
t. 42 year Californian
I will say one thing OP, the beach cities are secret republican. They don't want to say it but it's true. Only San Francisco and Los Angeles are the problems. In Orange County you wouldn't believe how red it is here. Don't believe the media. There are people here to save it.
Absolutely correct . We know what the issues is on our streets in our community. We know what the problems are... how can we correct it is the question
This is how.
>Heavily militarised.
>Anyone can join, yet still mostly white.
>Gays aren't socially acceptable.
>Couldn't exist without guns.
One thing at a time user
Well im purposely voting against tax hikes and incumbents in LA county
Its a start
That stupid kid feels the pain, flees to Colorado, and continues doing the same shit that got him injured in the first place.
From me and my elotes con chile.
Would love to visit californian nature someday, maybe even live there.
Would love to have you finbro.. The sierras are truly breathtaking.
then when you meet these kids, be hostile towards them. Let them fucking know you don't like them for what they bring with them. Saying that shit on here makes no difference since the demography that comes on here is more likely not liberal trash.
California south bay nigga that lived in the same area as Quentin Tarantino. All you polmotherfuckers better realize that alot of the people are tired of this shit. Los Angeles is a fucking shithole but only in the Hollywood/Downtown parts. The hood don't vote. We literally can upend this state if we actually worked at it.
Concord,Ca is white mans land..your not a califag
No hood "niggas" browse pol.. c'mon now
Taking California actually could be as simple as knocking out a cuckboy at a protest..................think about it /biz. California could easily turn red if we're smart and calculating. Former blue "all my life democrat" here just to tell you this. I voted Trump to literally piss off the hipster cucks here and I love every day driving around with my top down and palm trees everywhere.
>> I voted Trump to literally piss off the hipster cucks here and I love every day driving around with my top down and palm trees everywhere.
God bless you user.
The cure is World War. CA was once the very bleeding edge for aerospace and defense contracting. It can be converted back very easily.
The people those industries attract are educated, well-paid, and patriotic. Engineers, factory men, truckers, etc. All pitching in for the war effort. These people could afford families. They could afford to be traditional with women raising families while these men pulled 12+ hour shifts at places like Lockheed, Boeing, Garrett, McDonald Douglas, etc.
California only got to such heights in the 50's and 60's because of the men that came there to break Germany and Japan. Everything since has been weak men looking for acceptance and handouts.
Every actual Californian that reads this will confirm what I've written here. Btw, moving here doesn't make you Californian. Paying taxes does.
>How can we save CA?
ICE, ICE baby
I agree 100%.. Aerospace in California is still very strong. The 50's and 60's was a great era. Todays California is far from that time.
Former lifelong politically subversed democrat here. Voted Trump and have to keep my lip shut while working in a piece of shit industry that forgot what it took to make great movies. You can't make any good art if it's not offensive in some nature and that's where we're at now. We need to promote a "NEW HOLLYWOOD" so at least there are others out there that are aware they are not alone in this fight. Any meme'd logos are welcome /biz. Thanks.
top kek
3 choices
If you are willing to fuck with Inyo to not have ONE of those counties (fresno or mono) fuck with green state pick A
If you are willing to have fresno OR mono fuck with gree state to not fuck with Inyo, think about the county that will fuck less with the green state.
If fresno, pick B
If mono, pick C
Same with San Diego... but the lower tier beach neighborhoods are largely transient and filled with SDSU and UCSD students... the good thing is that Berkeley is funneling most of the white and Jewish SJW UC students to Northern California which leaves So Cal universities dominated by chinks and pajeets... which I believe are the saving grace that could one day flip a lot of these counties red (they’re more conservative). Everything east of I-15 is KKK level except for a pocket of Arabs (mostly Christian Iraqis and Syrians that fled the Arab Spring and are mostly conservative). The only problem is the border cities.
My aunt works for the county of San Diego social services and the feds were dumping mud slime African refugees up until last year so there are a lot of Somalians... but they are in their containment zone..
Hopefully the pajeets and chinks buy up all of the SJW areas uptown and Mexishits move to LA.
The Sierras are a national treasure and the last bastion of whiteness in California. Will never fall...
>> pajeets and chinks
They are EVERYWHERE in Northern Cali also. I lived in SD for about 4 years. I believe there is WAY more bullshit going on UP here rather than Down south. At least thats what Ive seen while I've spent time in both the North and South of Cali
For one you have to kick out all illegals. Fire the corrupt little shits like Brown, Pelosi, Kamala. Etc. Then we can return to some sense of normalcy and have wages go back up to being livable.
100% correct. We can't leave our state over this shit. We need to fight for OUR REPUBLIC!
Same, user. Two generations of my family have done some type of engineering work on .mil projects and now I’m doing that at the company I’m working for. This state is a dormant war machine...
I think it is in the works, but it will take time as to oust these bad actors.
I've actually seen a lot of asian gun owners in california. I even saw the stereotypical shy glasses asian girl, but she brought her glock to practice with at the range.
Inyo or bust... it’s a fucking fortress and not a single nigger will venture there without consequences....
It's beautiful! We must stand our ground for OUR state and OUR rights
Most trad Asians are conservative. The problem is their kids going into the UC system and coming out pink-haired and bull-nose pierces
That boat has sailed sweetie. That's the thing with demographics: the only way to fix them is war. This is how modern Brazil came to be, by the way, demographic war. Give shitskins an inch, they'll take a mile. Of course they're only the footsoldiers of higher interests, but you know what I mean.
Solve the demographic problem, that is the only solution. Changing politicians, this or that is a fucking waste of time. Demographics set the fate of a region/state/country. Never forget that.
Yeah, I think you are right user.
1) Kick out corrupt politicians that allow illegals to flood
2) Secure borders
3) Begin deportations of all illegals
4) Implement more republican policies that stop favoring Hispanics and minorities (many will move away from this)
5) Wake people up to the dangers of multi culturalism
6) Aim for separation between the races more.
This would be a good start at least...
Not saying this would happen, but first step is definitely to wake people up to the Hispanic issue. Many still think it is ok with "based Hispanic illegal homeworkers." This needs to stop.
Three different sets of hardworking asian convenience store owners in my city, all their daughters went to school in toronto together and came back useless
Hm, race mixing should be forbidden according to law. Whites will never take over if they continue to be demographically challenged.
You can only do so much... Apparently white-white's only make up 28% of Californian demographics.
Intermarriages between whites and the majorities will only further blend out the whites and quicken their demise.
Like clockwork
Absolutely degenerate
I'm really hoping that things are reaching a breaking point. More and more people seem to be noticing that San Francisco and Los Angeles are now complete shitholes. Maybe people will start to realize what liberalism and the Democrats have done to the place. At the same time everyone I know calls Trump orange Hitler so probably not
Concord, CA is mixed as fuck man. Walnut Creek is white as a saltine. But Concord is the gateway to the I4 and the valley. Hella farms over there.
Buy lots and lots of guns and weapons, from black market if you have to, wait for the signal....
Choice D, requires changing Nevada and utah
Choice D is choice A with those changes:
1-Inyo becomes part of nevada state (yellow),
2-Washoe and Clark counties becomes the blue state
3-Elko and linconl from Nevada become part of Utah
Ahh I stand corrected. I'm over the altamont in Mexico...I..I mean the central valley.
At least FOX is trying