Why do amerifats make such shitty weapons?

Why do amerifats make such shitty weapons?

Attached: amerishart engineering.webm (326x640, 1.48M)

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Attached: 4235923.png (646x412, 240K)

I don't work with weapons systems but it seems like there was an error in targeting.

Operator error

No error tbqh. The Patriot's only purpose is to intercept incoming missiles and it should not need to do a U turn and kill friendlies.

Obviously there was SOME type of error.

How does its targeting system work when functioning normally?

Fat clogging up their brain arteries

Better than anything else on the market. Also combat proven.

Attached: 90F873C9-4FD7-482B-AB56-EF4E9D29CD76.jpg (480x360, 18K)

I meant no targeting error, not no error at all. The missile is supposed to self destruct if it goes astray.

It worked as it should, it's to kill sandniggers.

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Funny, it never did that when we used them. Maybe you just suck at warfare like all Arabs?

Why is Sweden considering it then?

Attached: MIM-104_Patriot_operators2.png (2753x1400, 53K)

Because they want to clean themselves up.

It looks to me like they fire the intercepters to late.

Missiles have a phase where they must accelerate before making any drastic maneuvers. It seem's they fired the missiles as the incoming threat was nearly overhead. As soon as the missile hit a speed where it could maneuver the threat had passed it.


Seems to happen quite often

>he thinks we want Israels weapons to work

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So, because of user error, a missile failed to track properly.

How is this the same as hitting yourself with your own missile? Or are you just a fucking idiot?

What weapons would you use if you didn't buy American?


Someone on the ground had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.

But you didn't. Because you can't. You can buy the S-300. But apparently someone decided they didn't want it.

>the sandnigger doesn't know what 'export versions' are

Saudi Arabia, where webm related happened, did buy the S400. They just haven't received it yet.

"Combat proven"

Yeah against third world dipshits with 60s weapons...

Did you miss the part where we said YOU? Be literate, please.

>implying first world soy countries fight

Looks like it worked fine to me. It was designed to attack the enemy.

did you check the best before?