How the fuck is this not being talked about? What the fuck is going on with the FBI in Florida?
How the fuck is this not being talked about? What the fuck is going on with the FBI in Florida?
Other urls found in this thread:
Come on, this is clearly being slid. First this, then Parkland. How is the FBI involved with TWO shootings in Florida?
Will lewd posting get people talking about this?
What do you think? Was it just a father covering for his son, or was he implicitly involved? Omar's wife is facing life in prison.
well, you forget the attentionspan of this board is only related to shilling and blaacked posting
Brother Nathanael for President
-Israel's Mossad will be indicted for installing interior demolition devices in the towers
-America will then brand Israel as an enemy and Jewish lobby as infiltrators
-Oh, and the Fed:...I will give Congress its Constitutional power to coin our own money, and put the Jewish banksters out of business
-I'll slap term limits on Supreme Court judges: Kagan, Ginsburg, Bryer, Sotomayor, all Jews, and the lapsed Catholic Kennedy
-I'll sign an executive order challenging their homosexual law as a breach of judicial boundaries
-I'll nationalize the media: CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox will no longer be pouring out Jewish positions, but instead, voices from all directions will be sanctioned
-We'll be on our way to the nation where the Jewish agenda no longer holds sway
You know what's going on. The FBI is actually being weaponized against the very nation who's laws it's meant to uphold.
Anybody else really sleepy
Sessions needs to stop grab assing in the Justice Department and indict his father for gross criminal negligence.
Middle Eastern jew false flag
The problem I have with your videos is the delivery. Your moving back and forth, and the way you say things is sorta merchant-y. If this is intentional, stop it. I'd much rather see you in everyday garb, sitting at a table (breakfast table, or dining table, or in a living room at a couch, even), ready to deliver some edification in very non Jewy way.
Start doing this, and I'll start watching again.
Bumping, I only saw one thread about this last night
It's being slid hard. I cna't find too much more information on it. I only heard about it on Fox News this morning.
So are ya chinese or japanese?
He's not Japanese! He's Laotian
Aren't ya Mr Kahn?
im sure the FBI had some convoluted but BRILLIANT plan in the works. Get dad to be FBI informant, let Mateen shoot up the club & then
Sounds about right. They knew about Cruz and did nothing too
They'll keep sending unbalanced psychopaths to shoot up schools and concerts until we give up our guns.
Think Tucker will talk about this tonight? He clearly browses pol, he mentioned duckduck go Friday night.
>anybody taking our guns
Mmmmm, people do realize Texas independence was fought, and won, over the right to bear arms. The entire Texas revolutionary war was based on this. First flag of Texas was literally the cannon flag with a star that said “come and take it”.
It would be the dumbest play of the century for government officials to try to disarm Americans, especially Texans.
>It would be the dumbest play of the century for government officials to try to disarm Americans, especially Texans.
Look at this newest movement. They're trying to use social pressure and shame to get things passed. None of these faggots have made a single substantive point about gun control except "W-w-we have the right to live safely" (no they don't, and if they're willing to sacrifice liberty for safety they deserve neither)
Pic related is what they're trying, that townhall with Rubio was a struggle session straight from Mao. Ironic that Rubio's family escapes communism so he could grow up to be in a communist show trial
I hope so, him and Laura Ingraham are the only two I like on that network. Hannity is a sycophant
I think they're testing out crises on different demographics to see how people get receptive to gun control
first gays, then country music fans (soft right-wingers), now kids, each time they make a slightly bigger push for repealing the 2nd
like a political candidate going from state to state, making different speeches to appeal to each demographic
think about how we're seeing fewer and fewer Islamic attacks but more and more angry white men attacks
get everyone angry and upset, then phase out the muslim bad guy and replace it with a white face
they're manipulating people's emotions from foreign terror and turning them against a target of their own
Which shooting is this?
Have had so many I forgot the names
Orlando, where the left proved they cared more about Muslims than fags
Yeah, I used to like Judge Jeanine, but she's been letting Trump get away with too much. Ingraham and Tucker have been pretty even in calling Trump on his bullshit.
I will say this though, Ingraham is a terrible interviewer. She constantly interrupts and no discussion happens.
>in florida
as opposed to everywhere else?
I want to enter the dragon
Every single mass shooting is instigated by an intelligence agency. Every single one.
I don't watch either of them enough to know, but I've seen some of Tucker's and Laura has Ann Coulter on a lot
Plus there's this:
hes a kike. never, ever trust a kike. Even if there are a small percentage of kikes who are actually decent people, that faggots behavior, the scheming to get donations and his very 'extreme pilpul-esque' delivery screams 'do not trust'.
would be pretty lulzy if someone went on a rampage with a .50 musket
dump truck just arrived
>I think they're testing out crises on different demographics to see how people get receptive to gun control
I'm sure international jihad is just a ploy to abolish the US' second amendment.
If anyone wants to go down a deep rabbit hole....
Look up the white boy who turned himself in Cali. with a car load of weapons. Claimed Omar and him were part of a 6 man team who all trained together at the CIA.
He claimed he was supposed to shoot up the gay parade in LA along with another guy who also chickened out.
He claimed they all had upcoming trails that the CIA used as leverage over them
This guy had some cheese pizza on his computer was going to trail in a month.
He claimed that he was told it was disappear if he carried out the attack.
Once he found out Omar was killed, he chickened out, as he claims they were told they would all get away.... but at that time, he knew he was a patsy.
He was a Bernie supporter, and without this story making any major news, his FB was killed within an hour of the story breaking.
The police department he turns himself into spills all the beans by accident without realizing what was going down.
It was a day to mass shoot a bunch of fags that didn't go as planned, and Omar was the only person to carry out his objectives.
Because Soros is spending millions on his shill army to slide all decent threads.
I know it's True Pundit, but here's another story that I don't recall seeing a thread for.
Good find. Is Obama to blame for the rampant FBI abuse, or was this something started by GWB?
It probably goes back far longer. Hoover was out of control, even though he was anti-commie. It's no wonder the government was happy to let him create that type of org, knowing they would take over one day.