Religatards? got anything to say?

religatards? got anything to say?

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All religions come from the children of noah, after babylon they spelt up becasue they were punished.. all kept distorted accounts of adam, eve, the flood, and the origin of creation. Oral teachings and thousands of years separated from each other will do that, thats why they's thousands of pagan religions that are all connected in a way and have similaritys, all are distorted pieces of truth mixed in with thier own culture/peoples lies.

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this is an actual quote from ricky gervais...
talking to a bunch of pakis
it was sincere
gervais... i reject all gods... but allah and mumahed his prophet

>Guaranteed (You)'s:the thread
Here's one

of the nearly zillions of dumb sayings your is profound.

Hate speech
Call Scotland Yard
Arrest Ricky Gervais

uh can you feel that, can you feel that captain compost.

Let's get him banned from the U.K. for hatespeech against Muslims.

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the dutch and the leafs are the eternal enemies of the white man

>Ricky Gervais says Allah is silly nonsense

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Ricky Gervais is the fatter, less funny version of Simon Pegg. Accept no substitutes!


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That's a face just asking to be punched.

argumentum ad populum

The (((Elite))) hatred of religion is not what you think it is. Jews do not hate fantasy or practioners of fantasy. What they hate is any space where Goyim can speak without being controlled by Jews. The Christian Church still provides such a platform, thus it must be demonized and destroyed. That is why they will look the other way on Muslim Jihadists but rail endlessly about Christian "Fascism."

All the attacks on religion are about controlling the minds of the Goyim. You simply can't have the Goyim asking why Jews have so much power and Christians so little, when compared to Jews.

>1 post by this ID
>quote from a famous person

I wonder if Ricky Gervais may actually be elevated to a kind of truth warrior status as a result of all of the totalitarian speecjh control laws in the UK

or will he be convicted next?

2999 gods died of laughter when one of them declared there is only one god.

Why are atheists so retarded when it comes to religious history?

There's been way more than 3000 gods.

doesn't matter, they're all dead, see That one god died little bit later too.

Show me the religion that claims that only their god is real. Even the abrahamites don't do that ("...worship no gods but me", not "there are no gods but me"). All religions I know of either accept that there are gods other than the ones they worship or claim that there are no gods at all (buddhists, LaVeyan satanists).

Anyways, while individual gods can sometimes be disproven (like for example the christian god can be through the "problem of evil"), AFAIK there is no way to disprove the existence of any god. And claiming something for a fact without proof just makes you seem like a retard.

Simple. I don't care what he( or you think). My life, my religion or lack thereof is none of your damn business. Since you've taken the time to express your opinion on this matter I will express mine. Religion is a great thing for keeping the masses in line whether it's true ore not. Stupid people need something to keep them going in the right direction. Atheism, as practice by you and your idol there, is a religion of your own ego and you are it's priest. Then again perhaps Jarvis is one of your high priests because you seem to take his word on this matter without question, much like any other zealot of any other religion.

You're wrong. Christianity says that there is one God and there are many who are called gods, but are not.

>Why are atheists so retarded when it comes to religious history?
Probably only 3000 who claimed to be the one true gods, they created the universe, etc. You see, you not only have to convince the world your gods exist, but of the more than 3000 other major gods, why is yours ion particular of any significance?

Attached: god's rules for testing gods.jpg (600x648, 86K)

>Atheism, as practice by you and your idol there, is a religion of your own ego
The worst smear you can ever make against something is to call it a religion? I


So this is what happened.
>Concentrate on sensing
>See an image of a woman in my mind
>A bit moments later experience union with God
>Dream that I will go to heaven
>Enter bed, embrace myself, love myself
>fall asleep and dream I have chakra sex with woman inside geometric shapes
>dream that I'm the woman I saw during the sensing exercise, get raped, wake up feeling it
>start investigating religions and spirituality after all this
>literally people arround me go crazy
>any religion I try, they try to send me to hell with it
>get boons from the religions initially, later on to discover they were fake (wtf)
>notice that there's a dark god giving me crazy signs from every religion that I try, making faith nonsense and instead making doubt my best weapon of investigation
>notice that the people of the world work in conjunction with this dark god to fool me
>try several spiritualities
>all end in disaster but all give fake boons and signs
>be threatened in shrinks office to accept (accept what?) or be declared insane.
>what the fuck is going on
>paranormal happenings with spirits out the ass in every religion and spirituality I try
>my eyes turned reptile like when this happened
>will this be inverse bible?
>hail satan
>say: save me satan
>feel saved in my soul
>but it was a troll again
>Investigate gnosticism
>Looks like gnosticism can explain this dark god, but doesn't explain many things and the vision I saw was a very normal single heaven, not so many, plus I got bad vibes from jeebus in the past.
>Only thing that gives me peace and nullifies spiritual attacks is believing in the god I experienced union with.
What have I stumbled upon?