In all seriousness why do we allow this and how can we stop it?

In all seriousness why do we allow this and how can we stop it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

stop voting liberals into positions of power over you

link or fake

Stop Importing fucking Asians and brown people to your country.

Ride out and meet them

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They were Pakistani right?

>Someone was raped! The liberals did this!

I know disgusting, subhuman Paki's are technically Asian, but what the fuck. Seriously, they know exactly what they are trying to do. The whole west is collapsing due to brown and black people. Fucking hate these people so much.

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"Asian" means Arabic/Middle Eastern in the UK Press.

Why are the English so self-hating? Whatever brain disease they're suffering from needs to be quarantined as it appears to be fatal.


America, foreigners, please understand that the lections are all rigged, everywhere. I dunno why you can't understand this.

Oh ... haha. Fucking Brits. Call them what they are.

I'm laughing too. :)

>I dunno why you can't understand this
(((American))) Media circle jerk for the last 70+ years telling them that they are the greatest Country in the World

>too cucked to even correctly identify where they come from

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Pretty much every notion of community has been stamped out of British people, it's all to be mocked and marginalized.

Have you tried banning porn?

Kill Muslims. Whatever terrorises the unbeliever is fair game in their book. It's in a Surah and everything. They have this concept called "geerah" where all Muslim man are supposed to look after Muslim women as property of their tribe and regard all foreign women not equally whipped by men as plunder for the taking (Germans have the word "Gier" for "avarice"). They are not human or moral as you and I understand it, they are the worst of the worst duped by Medieval revanchism to half-imagined enemies. None they accuse us of, slavery, colonisation, constant war - none of it is there they haven't happily forced unto Europeans first. You were deceived and disarmed and so are now prey. Terrorise back and you can still swing it though.

you just validated the post you replied to

Just like when you count spics as white to inflate the crime numbers

then do a putsch you pussy

The rope in the hands of the people. If the French did it, Bongs can too.

*breathes in*

Asian men. They sure are pesky

organize visiting parties and visit every police officers home and remind them that you all know where they sleep, and repeat with government officials.
Everyone sleeps and that's when they can expect the worst to happen.

just accept it, the middle class and intellectuals don't care about working class girls getting raped or groomed, so you can't do anything.

>Stacy has her slut privelge taken away by muhammed

Gee OP, maybe stop acting like being a raving whore is normal?


She's a teenager, and she would have been fucking a random stranger every week anyway, so I don't see why anyone cares about any of this. The only crime here is that she didn't get to get raped by "chad".

There would be blood in the streets if something like that was going on in the US. We're cucked too, but we have our limits. Innocent little girls getting raped would be the straw that broke the camels back, you would be seeing a revolution.

But the euros just take it in the ass without saying a word. You don't have that revolution blood in you like we do.

You can't. You were disarmed.

Holy shit it's real...

This, extreme problems mean extreme countermeasures.

Hi alphabet soup agencies, i didndunuffin

This. Same reason we're pretty much fucked.

>There would be blood in the streets if something like that was going on in the US

Niggers, spics and other degenerates have been raping your women for decades and by now all you do is jerk off over it.

I´m not even an eternal Anglo, but shit like this makes me so goddamn butthurt. And this happens not even occasionally, but it happens constantly.

When are you disgraceful Albions going full empire on these Paki goat-fucking subhumans?

Yeah, when you are sold into the sex trade, they don't let you take weapons with you.


I sorry about that

Fer Gondolf

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I feel sorry for the girl in the stock photo, being used for an article like this



I don't think any of our political parties are even talking about this let alone offering a solution. Its like they know it's such a toxic issue they don't want to go anywhere near it.
A lot of these stories, as we've seen across the whole of Europe are suppressed. They don't want us to make any sort of connection between migrants and any sort of crime

i hope you get doxxed and i can come and rape you, you fucking faggot nigger cunt


oi m8

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And you, go book a hooker. Seriously, I'm begging you here - morals are well and good, as is purity, but by the time you can not see the difference between going out for dates because you're told that it is good for you and getting sodomised by subhumans in kebab store basements you're really mostly a mudshit yourself. So try a lady of the evening for your own sake - that's what they're there for, this is why civilised countries allow for them in well-hidden locations. Let out that pressure before it consumes you, for everything in your post all but weeps that you're coming close. Polite sage because I do mean it.

You stop it when you see it

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Guarantee it was some fat bitch. Fat people feed off of others' misery just like demons and juice.

>just accept it goy you'll never change anything

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You allow it because the solution is uncomfortable and you are comfortable. You have to give up your comfort in order to take the fight to Pimp Rings. You can get killed taking on Pimp Rings.

The solution is to strike your Elite Class that punishes you for taking the fight to Pimp Rings. You have to turn off the tap (Elite) before you mop the floor (Pimp Rings.)

not like asia doesn't deserve getting nuked anyways
japs are literally the only asians I would spare

As long as girls use protection and don't discriminate based on skin colour, I don't see a problem. Don't worry eventually once they wanna settle down they will come back.

Why the fuck do you care about a far away island? Leave them to their own concerns and focus on ours. We have an open door policy to shitskins from the South, a president that is becoming globalist by the day, a failing healthcare system that is draining us, nearly 20 trillion dollars in debt, etc. Fuck European countries and those that live in them. They don't give a damn about us. All they do is leech of us like the Jews. Except Israel doesn't bitch about us as much.
This isn't a divide and conquer. D&C needs a United team, they aren't with us and they made that clear many times.

What evidence do you have that she's not a crisis actor?

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>Daily Mail

why do trumplets still link to this rag?

fuck off

13 year old girls being raped by old Pakistani. Your not a nice guy

The fight for the west is being attacked on multiple fronts.

I feel this very much

You can rape, traffic, and abuse girls longer than you can shitpost on twitter in the UK.

I could tell you exactly how you stop it, but you posted one too many mutt memes, bong.

I dont see a problem with this, wasnt this you fought for Britain? To be a globalized continent?

>Just do a coup against a totalitarian system with an unarmed force
Yeah, what could go wrong, pussy.

You know how.

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A type of porn ban was actually meant to come in this April, but has been delayed for technical reasons for a year.
It's an (((Asian))) problem not a porn problem.

Also, despite what serial killers say, a lot of research says porn lowers rapes and sexual assaults

Yesterday brits laughed full speed ahead at our burned mall. My heart is wrapped in barbed wire now.

Why don't you fuck off to Europe if you care so much?
I'm sure your fantasy of liberating Europe looks nice, but in reality even if we went to help out they will complain about it like they did after ww1 and ww2.
Let them fix their problems.

>In all seriousness why do we allow this and how can we stop it?

A better question is:
Why the fathers and brothers of these girls don't make justice by themself and hang these fucking mudslimes? What the have to lose at this point?


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Everyone in the UK knows exactly what they mean when they call them Asian. It's literally just a point of confusion overseas.

>stop voting liberals into positions of power over you

Liberals in the United Kingdom have almost no power.

Stop using your fucked up definition of the word "liberal" in countries that have proper liberals left you moron.

FFS. Calling them Asian subverts their origin. On UK Google and typed in Asian , can imagine boomers doing the same.
This completely ignored the issue of brown, Muslim and violent savages and instead blames it on the largest continent in the world.
>Pic related, first search result of "Asian"

Attached: o-ASIAN-SERIOUS-facebook.jpg (2000x1000, 253K)

holy fuck...

>bongs getting angry over anything
>implying bongs can rise up against and fight anything that isnt the other football team
bongs need to go full 1488 or they wont have any white children or a future to secure for them, would feel sad but they also sent immigrants over here 600+ years ago to fuck with our lands so i hope they die out 2bh

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Please use https for extra security like so:

Also, Jesus Christ this article is fucking horrifying! More people have to hear about what's happening.

>it's a Sup Forums thinks "Asian" is a linguistic trick and not the established terminology of hundreds of years here episode

A lot of it is a class issue. White working class are the most reviled group in British society. If this wasn't happening in a shit part of town to poor girls they might even talk about it

stop calling shitskins "asian"

>be 13 year old slag
>fuck paki
>he gets his cousins and father to fuck you too
>go to social worker
>they laugh at you
>but don't worry: white knights at Sup Forums will help you

You guys are so fucking sad. lol

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Stefan Molyneux had a talk about DROs and how there would be an incentive in a free society to check in on families to make sure kids were being raise without abuse because abused children turn into criminals, which would be a liability for the companies that ensure against crime.

Can I get an young English man 18-34 age group to attempt to explain what's going on to me?

I see lots of jokes and banter, but can someone explain how this is happening? Even in the USA nothing similar to this could happen.

Exactly. We need to focus all our attention on ours. We can't get distracted by their fronts. European likes to pretend they are men, so let them prove it by handling it.
Last time we went to help them out, we lost our focus here and Jews took power. And what did we get for it from Europeans? Nothing but bitching and moaning. Their governments stab us every chance they get, and their people hate is. Whether they are left or right their one common hatred is us.
So fuck them. We have our own issues.

I wish you brit faggots woudl realize this. "near east" "mid east" "indian" etc... how fucking hard is it

> asian

Smash the fragile illusion that all the evil in the world is white male in origin.

We need to nuke Japan again so these Japanese rape gangs that keep abducting UK children can be stopped for good. Asians are bad news.

All the people involved in this affair should be hung on public place.

Liberals are enables and protectors of these criminals.

You spelled Muslim wrong.

>Last time we went to help them out, we lost our focus here and Jews took power
As if they werent already in control of your media and promoting the multiple waves of feminism.
>. And what did we get for it from Europeans?
Made us your puppet states that followed you in all wars and dependant on you economy?
> Whether they are left or right their one common hatred is us.
Because you like to act as if you are God chosen.
>So fuck them. We have our own issues.
Please never intervene or help Europe in any way shape or form ever again.

Bongs will begin to react when men will be sold to these islam gentlemen.

""""Asian""" (muslim)

Attached: asian (muslim).png (599x380, 361K)

Brits brought a bunch of non whites in their country. Non whites started raping. British government covered it up and didn't try and stop it. Non whites saw it as an invitation and grooming gangs were all over England. Finally story broke out and we are getting those stories now. Thousands of British girls were raped and forced into slavery while their government protected the rapists.
Of course Brits are cucks and aren't doing anything about it.
Oh and of course this is America's fault for defeating Hitler in ww2.

>Calling Sand Niggers and Shitskin "Asian"

Stop it. I thought it was the Chinks or the Nips that did this.

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Yeah every thing is about making money and getting clicks, appealing to our emotions, selling some products. It's half the reason we are in such a mess.

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>Last time we went to help them out
Last time we went to help them out
>Last time we went to help them out
Last time we went to help them out
>Last time we went to help them out
Last time we went to help them out
>Last time we went to help them out
Last time we went to help them out
>Last time we went to help them out
Last time we went to help them out
>Last time we went to help them out
Oh gee, thanks Mr. Noseberg

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>Please never intervene or help Europe in any way shape or form ever again.
That is what I'm saying you dumb fucking nigger.
Deal with your issues. It's not our problem.

Also, in a DRO paradigm, we would be able to make orphanages more competitive by allowing people to have more of a say in boycotting them, defunding them, boycotting individuals with bad reputation, investigating individuals, and so on. For example, I wouldn't be caught dead among my peers unless I boycott all of the shady people I know of, so that my crypto does not fall into their hands on a small scale and so that my crypto does not fall into the hands of people who do not blacklist companies and individuals I deem evil. Companies will see this and blacklist these people as well until they are removed from power and provide reparations.