Pol Shouldnt hate hazel eyes

Hazel eyes are a blend of the aryan/anglo/med/nordic eye colors... People with hazel eyes can choose the color of their offsprings eyes
>hazel+Blue= blue eyed children
>hazel+ green= green eyed children
>hazel + persian gold= golden eyed children
(And yes, Hazel eyes can include even the lightest blues and persian golds)

Attached: hazel.jpg (500x500, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


gold is gold, blue is blue, hazel is a made up color for goths

grey eyes are the master race

go blow a kangaroo, and shoot your--- oh wait you queers gave your guns up.... fuck off, your the descendant of british street scum

who are you again?

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Bullshit. My mother has blue eyes, and my father has hazel eyes. I have hazel eyes, and my brother has blue eyes. My eyes are more dark green and not golden like in the image though. But no you cannot choose the color of your offspring as you state.

im an american....from america

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What about these?

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hazel eyes are to green eyes what 56%ers are to white people

t. mudeye

oh boy here we go again with fifty shades of brown

Im 100% norwegian

Blonde hair, hazel eyes

AB negative blood type(rarest blood on earth by a wide margin)

what i meant is people with hazel eyes have the genes for any eye color. you proved my point, your brother has blue eyes. you have the possibility to have blue eyed children with a blue eyed woman

>green eyes
>not blue eyes
>t. 60% mutt

Fogot pic

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I need to watch this show.

>Hazel eyes are a blend of the aryan/anglo/med/nordic eye colors
Dios mio...

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I have the exact color of your eyes. I always thought it's brown.

Brown is really pretty dark. The lighting was shit for the picture, at times my eyes appear to be gold.

>green eyes rarer than blue eyes
>have to be even more genetically pure to get them

Never heard of this word until Sup Forums. Just call them brown and get over it

im a blend of scottish irish german italian swedish and swiss
>Hazel eyes
>mother has blue eyes
>sister has blue eyes
Am i the definition of Amerimutt

Sweet another bullshit eye color slide thread

I have greener hue. But I always wrote brown eyes on all the applications.

stop deluding yourself
you’re not special
they are brown

What if I have blue eyes and my wife has hazel eyes?
(Weeew lad got a McCurdy in the captcha)

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That is completely brown and not gold at all nibba. My dad's eyes are genuinely gold and look nothing like that.
They aren't green, they aren't gold, not even hazel. That is poop brown with good light

I'm not colorblind, sorry aussie. Hazel can be called light-brown if you would like but the color reacts completely differently in lighting conditions, like green or blue eyes react. Brown eyes, or as you may prefer to call them dark-brown, otherwise known as shitskin eyes dont have the same reactions to lighting conditions.

fuck off snowflake


South american shit brown is not hazel, go pick some soybeans m8
>"Soy products alone (soybeans, vegetable oil) account for almost one fourth of the total exports of Argentina." - Wikipedia

I have blue eyes, my parents are from Germany and both have blue.

I like hazel eyes though, my fiancé has them so I may be biased. Pic related is hers I just cropped from a pic
Her sister has the same color. Their dad is from Scotland and has blue eyes, and their mom is from Italy and has light brown.
Her sister’s husband has blue eyes too and so far all of their kids have blue-green eyes

>Chance my future kid’s eyecolor Sup Forums

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Eye doctor calls it hazel/golden hue, not brown, drivers license says hazel, not brown

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Guess my eye color

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You’re a lucky man. Breed the shit out of her.

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That is brown eyes you retard. Hazel eyes are a genuine color and are significantly different than brown eyes. Why the fuck are there so many retards in this thread who do not understand what hazel eyes are.

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Green + gold =/= hazel dummy, lol

>Being this mad because you have brown eyes

that is green my nigga

Green eyes are attached to sociopathy.

My inner iris is green and my outer iris is brown, but unless my eyes are bloodshot or you look really close, they look brown.
If you ask me what my eye color is, I'd say brown. The eyes in the picture you posted are brown. Hazel isn't a color.

Light brown is distinctly different than dark brown, behaves with light the same as blue or green eyes.

Same here. When I’m wasted or in direct sunlight they change color

That is not green eyes you retard, please do not breed. That is what hazel eyes are in light, they are an interim between brown and blue as far as melanin levels go. Hazel eyes can be categorized as being dark green, with some gold in the center which is the melanin that would create brown. True "green" eyes are very close in melanin level to blue eyes, are are very rare.

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Which one is the sociopathy? The nigger behavior or the jew behavior?

Yeah you’re a snowflake, but the fact is hazel is a shitskin eye colour as is gold so I don’t know where you’re trying to go with this


Well I've had my DNA tested I'm 100% norwegian

Hazel eyes with golden hue, AB negative bloodtype, blonde hair

You're damn right im a snowflake, scandinavian dna is from space

never come to sweden we don't need more of your diseased kind sage

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Relax user, it’s no big deal either way
They’re lighter than the type of brown minorities have
When I think of “typical” brown eyes, I think of the eyes so dark you can’t see details in them and usually you can’t see the pupils
Of course some hazel shades are lighter, just like blue shades can be. But at the end of the day she’s pretty, white, and carrying a recessive blue gene. Since our kids will be white regardless, I’m not worried desu

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I certainly hope you remain that way and don't become Weimerica, a land where cucks like David Zogg & Emma "Cheech Marin" Gonzales gaslit your citizenry into banning the constitution.

The state of pol

Both of my parents have blue eyes and I got hazel. Explain pol

Yeah they just say that to sensitive white people so they will like them. You brown. My entire family has amber and green eyes. From Norway and Scotland. Not even light brown like this girl
This is closer to Amber than brown. Nice wife

What is my color, is it hazel? or green?

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>don’t breed
>with whites that have hazel eyes
Ohhh now I get it, you’re a kike shill

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>they just say that to sensitive white people

What a hilarious idea

Do you think I go to the eye doctor in shambles begging the doctor about my eye color you weirdo?

Pitch black get better lighting faggot

Black. Post a better picture nig

>Romanian talking about white people
opinion discarded as usual

Not just vikangz, space colonists from the pleiedes

I believe you are begging a Sup Forums thread to confirm your bias about yourself and you just wrong brown bitch.

murky, like the
>grågrönne grumsede limpopo flod

Oh no user...
>it’s pretty much impossible for two truly blue eyed parents to not have a blue eyed child
Just google a Punnett square my man...

> Norwegian with blonde hair
> shit eye color.


>implying i dont genuinely enjoy talking about myself


You realize eye color it a bit more complex than 1 punnett square from 9th grade bio

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I have two grandparents with hazel eyes (one on each side) and two with blue. Both of my parents have blue eyes, as do all my siblings. Only one of my grandparents' children ended up with brown eyes. Incidentally, she married someone with brown eyes, and all their kids (my cousins) have brown eyes.

Hazel is just a word for people that don't want to admit their eyes are brown, and they likely have some non-white heritage. The only way to be sure you're white is to have green or blue eyes. Green are the coolest looking.

What colour is my eye?

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What if your eyes are grayish green

More norwegian than anyone on Sup Forums, geneaology traced to pre-11th century direct descendant of king magnus

This is not brown my nigga

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Also both of my grandfathers had green eyes. My parents always told me my eyes looked like thier fathers.

Norden represent

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Eye shills are funny

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>That is not green eyes you retard
>Hazel eyes can be categorized as being dark green
really made me think

>anons willfuly posting images of their irises
wtf is happening to this place

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What color? Looks brown to me.

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Your daddy aint your daddy, but your daddy don't know.

It clearly did not make you think. Because your gypsy brain cannot handle it. I will make it clear to you based on reality.
Dark brown black: Most amount of melanin.
Standard brown: Large amount of melanin
Dark hazel: Less melanin than brown. Lighter brown
Lighter hazel: middle amount of melanin, looks dark greenish.
True green eyes: Little melanin, slightly more than blue
Blue eyes: Little melanin
Grey eyes: Absolute minimum of melanin.

Lel, I'm half black with Hazel eyes. You should rethink your statement.

I’m white :)

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So if my eyes are that color and I'm just Spanish as far as I can trace besides a handful of whiteys, what does that mean?

Am I just a common mutt?

Even Orwell couldn't dream up the reality we live. The surveillance night mare in his book pales in comparison to the 'self doxxing' that people do. Especially on fecesbook, but yeah, even here.

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holy shit that picture is fucking retarded

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I have brown eyes that turn greenish in sunlight, what am I

My father has ice blue eyes. My mother has brown. I have hazel. My mother in law has ice blue and father in law had brown. Wife and I both have hazel. Our children have hazel. I hate my father and mother in law for breeding the blue out of my family line. Sure their spouses are white but marring non blue eyes might as well be a race traitor. Gas the brown eyes. Eye color War now.

What about eye color mutations?
Pic related, letter C is what i got.

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also both my dad and grandpas from both my parents have greeneyes

Nigga I ain't using your made up shit cause you wanna be special, when I was a I learned three eye colors: brown, green and blue.

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could you open your eyelid a bit more please? cant really see

I was a kid*

I tried taking a photo of my eyes and I blinded my left eye with flash help