Really? A pink keyboard? On top of playing a girl character online, he owns a pink keyboard? It's not even a mechanical keyboard. What a faggot.
Really? A pink keyboard? On top of playing a girl character online, he owns a pink keyboard...
they messed it up, it should have been the pc case pink, for maximum moan and bitch
>didn't show Morimori his GUTS
I guess that's something you save for the third deito
>a mechanical keyboard
>t's not even a mechanical keyboard
Red's and Brown's feel like utter fucking shit and Blue's are obnoxiously loud.
>case on the floor
not just a girl character user, A fucking healer.
Patrician is
>black case
>black monitor
>pink keyboard
>whatever mouse you like
I have this too, I need a new desk.
>plays MMO’s
>doesn’t have a boob/butt mousepad
Beyond the realm of disbelief
>blues are obnoxiously loud
Don't believe idiots on the internet when you haven't ever heard it yourself.
Get O-rings if it bothers you so much.
I don't have one, they aren't big enough for games.
mechanical keyboards are a meme
you can also notice that both keyboard and mouse are wireless
not much to say, he's a fucking FILTHY CASUL
I have heard it, it's annoying as fuck. And they feel like pressing a god damn button. I don't understand how pressing a plastic switch is supposed to be some orgasmic experience. Literally a manchild toy.
I don't have any room user i'm sorry
>not RGB
It's shit.
Please, how can you even call yourself a japanese media enthusiast if you don't own a Topre keyboard for that folded one mirrion times rubber dome?
>Implying there's anything wrong with that.
>Really? A pink keyboard?
Who gives a fuck? Are you so insecure in your masculinity that it seriously bothers you that a fictional character has a computer keyboard in a "girly" colour?
>10 episodes
Truth be told I liked the ending, I just wanted more love to be shown though
I'm more bothered by that keyboard layout.
>Scroll Rock
>2 rolls of the same buttons
>Home where Num Lock should be
>0 where * should be
>the Enter and character keys don't look right either
Have animators not seen keyboards before in their life?
Eh, most of that's probably just down to time constraints on animators and it not really being *that* vital that a computer keyboard be 100% accurate to real life. Enter and character keys may be down to the fact that it'd be a Japanese keyboard layout, not US.
Mechanical keyboards are a meme
>24 key number pad
mother of god, someone link me to this bad boi.