
What explains such a dichotomy between Reddit and Pol?

I spent the last two months browsing Reddit instead of Pol. I gained a fair amount of Karla by abiding to the rules and through fake virtue signaling.

What makes people from Reddit such bleeding heart liberals, defending Muslims even after what happened in my county (Beltrame), and shitting on you as soon as you voice a contrarian opinion?

People seem just as educated on Pol as they are on Reddit, yet their opinions are diametrally different.

What events brought you to the dark side, Pol?

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Other urls found in this thread:

mtf or ftm

Plot twist, we are the light... Open your eyes and see dark side of the liberals and fags.

theyre all under 18

Just girl.

>Was on reddit for a while after being a Sup Forums'r for years on Sup Forums
>Never got upvotes because my opinions always seemed more realistic
>Came back to Sup Forums Sup Forums
>At home
I'm convinced that reddit is a normie factory promoting the most leftist of agendas while maintaining they are the most centrist place of all because "muh democracy". Then you realize their "democracy" is directed by the mods. (Spez).

Ah... makes sense now.

Reddit suffers from moderation.
Mods are good in theory if they can be objective and stick to deleting shill threads and banning trolls.
However, when you get an idea of how subreddits like /r/politics work... (tldr: Shareblue moderators with a political agenda in league with vote bots that artificially boost topics while burying others) becomes clear that there can be no objective discussion there. It’s yet another echo chamber on the internet.

People in positions in authority are zionists. Simple as that. I've been on reddit discussing the Jews and I always get banned.

In fact recently I was banned with a message that said "back to the_donald with you". I don't even like Donald Trump.

When you have this kind of moderation it creates an echo chamber very easily.

>People seem just as educated on Pol as they are on Reddit

The majority of them won't discuss topics outside the norm. Suppose you want to discuss the thermodynamics of cremating thousands of Jews a day in a couple of ovens. On Sup Forums, you'll get people calling you a fag, a Nazi, an idiot, ect. And you'll also get people willing to work out the math with you, provide you with further reading, or people just bumping for interest. On Sup Forums, you will only get people calling you a Nazi. Who is more educated, the people with the open minds, or the insecure hivemind?

the ability to downvote opinions you don't like is very attractive and it rewards popular ideas
why would someone go on reddit if they know they'll be silenced?
also, Sup Forums sorts threads by activity, not votes so the most controversial posts get attention so you get rewarded here for being able to stir people up and reply to you

reported for hate speech, tb1qhwufam

>People seem just as educated on Pol

Your ave re average redditer has morw education than your average polack. Thats the start of it...

You've learned the power of safe pandering. If you want to see it even worse, go look at the posts on because instead of fake karma you get money for safe pandering.

One searches for truth in lies, and the other seeks lies in truth.

Basically pol is degenerate and reddit isn't. For as much as we hate degeneracy, look at our content.


>I spent the last two months browsing Reddit instead of Pol.
Mods. Fucking duh. Anytime you have mods, especially ones who are corrupt AS FUCK and don't understand the rules they're enforcing, and just ban anybody who says things they don't like, you are going to experience MASSIVE PROBLEMS.

an authoritarian shithole like reddit, an anonymous imageboard where your speech is almost 100% free
boy can't figure this one out sherlock can't seem to put my finger on what makes the dichotomy between reddit and pol.

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Oldfag here. I've experienced multiple forum deaths and the biggest factor is always mods. As soon as you give the wrong people power they will use the forum to push their own agendas and beliefs and the only people left posting are the people that suck up to the mods completely. Mods kill any free discussion.

The difference is moderation. Here there is none, so I can call you a faggot and everyone will agree.
On plebbit, there is moderation, so everyone will suck up to the guy moderating.

I just checked your post history, and I see you post on T_D. Therefore your argument is invalid, AND at the same time mine has been proved to be correct.

100% free, AND is given an equal weight as everyone else's. Upvoting is the shittiest system I've ever seen on a forum.

exactly. plebbit is funded by special interests and social experiment University projects to PUSH NARRATIVES - it is a cookie cutter opinion factory. it is an incredibly powerful tool to normalize various opinions. /pol is uncensored, for the most part, and our free exchange of ideas is threatening to the establishment. reddit IS the establishment, a forum for people too stupid to get traditional forums.
why am I writing this anyway, you KNOW all this by now unless you are being untruthful.

The rating system. Reddit encourages conformism due to the fact that posts with higher amount of upvoats are more visible. This in turn makes it easier to goonify and that's exactly what happened years ago. Since 80% of mods are goons, wrongthinkers get banned.

There is no amenable authority at pol who will ban you for unPC. At reddit, say something unPC get instabanned.

That's all it takes to curate an audience.

>posting biological females
You have to go back

Don’t kid yourselves. There’s moderation here. It’s just that our mods work at the National Security Agency.

I miss r/fatpeoplehate so much, i stopped browsing reddit when they shut it down.

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>It’s yet another echo chamber on the internet
>implying this isn't

>dark side
Kill yourself.

I started browsing Sup Forums in 2006 or something. Just Sup Forums and Sup Forums (now both shit) in the beginning. See reply below as well, and the post it refers to for an answer.

This, and being anonymous. Anonymous posters mean you don't build a reputation or base your interpetation of posts on the basis of the poster's past actions (unless you're posting on Sup Forums with a Swedish flag). Imageboards will always be superior because of these factors: lax or very little moderation, no user profiles/"karma" system (a post is a post, not a user making a post in the same way as if you had an avatar and a name), harsh language and edginess being assumed standard traits of most posters (less so these days, I haven't seen gore on here in forever).

Plebbit is full of attention seeking. Also their users are mostly low IQ people who think they're intelligent because they can type a 500 word post

It's basically tumblr in long form.

no way, if the nsa or any other intel agency is monitoring here its with algorithms specifically to monitor keywords.
now im almost positive pol is being watched like a hawk by anthropologists this place must be the holy grail for them.

Goy yoy yoy

wtf i love the NSA now

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Reddit just uses the Donald as a scapegoat for any kind of unwanted opinions or behavior despite the fact that the Donald itself is barely any different from the rest of reddit

On the other hand there seem to be much more specialized people on Reddit, and the site attracts a lot of high profile people (stars, scientists, politicians).

On reddit, you can score good boy points for agreeing with the perceived consensus. Dissenters get downvoted and disappear from view. This fosters herd mentality. Nobody's going to say anything mean, not even bitter truths, because offending people becomes the highroad to oblivion.

On Sup Forums, posters are anonymous to one another. Tripfags even get a lot of hate for going against that principle. So you can't build any sort of cred and you don't need to worry about it. Every post stands alone.

exactly this. fuck reddit. lowest common denominator opinion is normalized

I only go on reddit for 3 things earthporn, spaceporn and gakinotsukai. I never vote, comment or post things. The biggest problem is everything is a popularity contest on reddit

After the Reddit revolt, admins purged all centrist or right leaning mods on all major boards. Boards that didn't comply were named from r/all. Now reddit is just another fake leftist "consensus building" site, meant to brainwash people by punishing any dissent against the far left.

Reddit threads are popular because.

1. They are moderated to an acceptable consensus
2. The upvote system reinforces opinions that people already agree with and suppresses disagreement.

Sup Forums and 4chins has the advantage of

1. Looser moderation allowing for broader range of topics. In fact the largest form of moderation on Sup Forums is probably user engagement with the thread. If your thread/comment is shit it's ignored.
2. Controversial, funny and insightful comments provoke engagement.
3. Meme worthy content is saved due to the transient nature of the threads.
4. The primary incentive to repost new spins on memes is for the lulz and not for internet reputation points on a named account. If you content is unfunny it gets ignored and filtered out. If it's funny it gets saved, reposted and inovated on.

This is why Sup Forums is a OC meme engine whereas Ribbit is a left wing circlejerk of reposts and unfunny shit where everyone is encouraged to agree with the most popular opinion.

The goal of a comment on plebbit is to get as high a score as possible. This means pandering to the average opinion of the sub. Comments that are opposed to the average opinion of the sub are literally not seen because of how the system works, creating a feedback loop of reinforcement.

On Sup Forums posts are seen in the order they are made and controversial ones are more visible because they attract (you)s.

Every time you disagree with someone and call them a faggot, you make their opinion more visible. Posts with replies get eyes.

Moderation system/karma system.
No questions asked.
I've see EXACTLY the same shit happen on some Russian websites: as soon as there is moderation and karma system, an echo chamber forms where any kind if dissenting opinion dis-encouraged to the point if being practically disallowed.

a combination of lack of moderation, and anonymity. people on Reddit are afraid of voicing unpopular opinions because they'll either:
lose karma
get banned
become inexorably linked with that opinion
whereas on Sup Forums, i can call you a dirty kike, and also shitpost about hrc "winning" the election without any possibility of backlash

>On the other hand there seem to be much more specialized people on Reddit
Not really, only people whoring for attention. "Look at me, I'm [profession] ladi-da and can make unsubstantiated points about the subject mixed with things any moron can google in ten seconds, points please".

The classic saying is that Sup Forums/imageboards attract smart people pretending to be stupid, while something like plebbit is dumb people pretending to be smart. What that means is just that there'll always be a big magnet of a site like plebbit around, that the masses gravitate around. They come and they go, but we always stay. They just want to be popular, but a site like this has nothing to attract people that like that kind of self-masturbation. Tripfags are actually disliked here, it's preferable to stay anonymous unless you have a reason.

>he site attracts a lot of high profile people (stars, scientists, politicians).
Yeah, they use it as a PR platform. They never really commit to anything other than empty hot-air answers. There's probably a huge amount of high-profile people on Sup Forums and other imageboards, though, considering they can go here and be truly anonymous. But there's no point to admitting "Hey, I'm William Shatner" if you're on here because, well, first nobody believes you, and secondly go back to being anonymous you dumb faggot this isn't a Hollywood news site.

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Sup Forums tells you the truth while laughing at you mixed up with conspiracy and racism. Forcing your brain to work the meaning. Reddit shelters you from the world, Sup Forums opens your eye up and shoves it the world the ugly, the funny the great all while insulting you. Like in the movie fight club, when a new fag reads Sup Forums for the first time their ass is a wad of cookie dough, some months in the future its carved out of wood.

The best thing about anonymity is you can see what people REALLY think, what is going on in their mind. Real ideas and opinions are shared here, there is no "reputation" or image that needs to be held. This site is not a popularity contest, its about people sharing ideas and asking questions.

Reddit is owned by Advance Publications, which was founded by the Newhouse family, which are, you know......... Jews

>mystery solved

coincidentally several of my local papers and local state media are owned by Advance Publications...

and those same papers and media came out strongly against Roy Moore...

so for example check out this shit.

>[–]Emilyroad[S] 33 points 23 hours ago

I see the questions you're asking, and how you're trying to ask them. But I want to clear a few things first, and I'm going to be super crass because it's the simplest way. So, although I'm swearing, please don't think I'm upset--only firm. Think of this as like an informal standup routine:

I'm not a female with male biology. I'm simply just female. I used to look male, and now I don't. But I've always been female. Same as you've always been whatever you are (unless you're genderfluid). As such, I grew up with a dick. A girl dick. Yes, Kindergarten Cop is factually incorrect: There's girl dicks and boy dicks and girl vaginas and boy vaginas and nonbinary vaginas, dicks, and several intersex variants. These things can exist outside of gender altogether. Intersex people alone are about as common as redheads, which I'm sure you've heard or met a redhead and understand that their hair is red and how that affects how others feel about them. Just to frame a reference for you.

Insofar as my personal preference, I'm attracted dominantly to the female side of the spectrum. I'm not discriminatory when it comes to genitalia, but it's totally fine if others are. It's not really a question you should ask someone unless you're going to date or fuck, or need medical info for/about. In fact, I've quit making the assumptions as best I can. I just ask pronouns of everyone or default to the singular they/them/theirs. I do it when I answer the phone most times, or meet new people. It's important to know, and respectful.

Did that answer some of your questions? If you have more questions, my inbox is always open :)

check out how many deleted comments there is, link below link is the original thread

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Reddit is for people who pretends to be smart yet proves to be idiots. Pol is reversed.

I can't wait for the day when society regains it's sanity and such issues are no longer a matter for discussion but simply institutionalisation.

Wonder what kind of (((trick))) this is. Hijacking both sides of the public opinion.

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>Screen Cap this you degenerate fuckers.

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>What makes people from Reddit such bleeding heart liberals,

big brother and his moderators

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is that dagyo?

Please, look at his karma then look at yours. More karma = more correct opinion. Period.

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> he didn't post on /r/n1ggers

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What pisses me off the most is the unnecessary length.

The short version:
>I'm sexually confused

>reddit, normies with girlfriends
>pol, forever alone edgelords

Know the difference, it could save your virginity one day.

Yeah exactly, Sup Forums is so much better with all those 20 years old calling eachothers cucks and shills whenever they disagree.

Reddit's where the goody two shoes' go, and pol's for the naughty kids.

She's a qt

upboats and what amounts to default tripfagging.


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would breed/10

Reddit and Sup Forums are like yin and yang.
Reddit is about being in so much denial you never live.
Pol is about eating so many red pills you kill yourself.

If you like men.

anonymous boards reward disagreeable behavior

Fucking asshole actually fell for it

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>Pol is about eating so many red pills you kill yourself.

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>People seem just as educated on Pol as they are on Reddit,
Educated in what? Social science? Well, that's not a great indicator. Your average redditor is really not a smart person.

Sup Forums is inherently contrarian because the most offensive viewpoints tend to get the most (You)s. Reddit is the exact opposite, if you don't write what people want to read they will downvote you and you'll be essentially silenced.

>What explains such a dichotomy between Reddit and Pol?
Anonimity and fear, Reddit is bunch of sacred pussies wich trying to make-belive themselves in all that "politicaly correct" stuff so nobody will ostracize them. Considering it contains mostly their kind so degree of self-inducing fear only growth with time. While on imageboards people usualy allready separated from society hence fear no further separation.
But when you’ve robbed a man of everything blah-blah-blah...
>What makes people from Reddit
Fear of unknown and ostracisation from their community. They basicaly too stupid to understand and too afraid to chek themselves that they can do things other way.
>What events brought you to the dark side, Pol?
Second Chechen war.

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>What makes people from Reddit such bleeding heart liberals
They're all infected roasties

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your comment won't be deleted nor hidden nor shadowbanned, guaranteed

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>post an unpopular opinion
>get silenced by downvoting parties

yeah nah. as autistic as Sup Forums is, the lack of filter in posts makes it better

reddit users are the gamblers still willing to throw good money after bad
pol users have walked away from the table and are preparing to deal with the consequences of their losses

ah, fuck off pasta nigger

Who is this, I want to fuck them.

>tfw you occasionally fap to traps but then read this shit
gas them. gas them all. I'll take the loss.

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lol what a retard
could he talk any more slowly and repetitivey? fucking hell. I tried the 'why atheists should reject materialism' video recommended in this one, and found that it's actually titled 'why atheists should reject *faith* in materialism,' which is a degrading strawman from the get go. Then I sat and listened to this dumb cunt's slow rambling echo around the inside of his colon for many minutes and he still hadn't gotten to any of his goddamn points. He was more focused on obsessing over the most base, boring assertions, saying the same thing multiple times in different words. This fucker's head is so far up his own ass he's seeing in seven dimensions, and all those dimensions are full to the brim with shit. I'm genuinely disappointed. I had hoped to find something new.

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you have to apologize for speaking , what a fucking cucked site

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Several reasons, first and foremost being the algorithm they obviously use to downvote dissenting opinions into oblivion.

Sort by "controversial" in any political thread and you'll actually see sensible comments that have insanely high levels of negative karma (assuming the faggot moderators don't simply delete them outright).

So, its not that Reddit is full of bleeding heart liberals (it is RUN by bleeding heart liberals, however), it's just that dissenting conservative voices get drowned in a sea of groupthink. You can thank that for the cancer that is T_D, btw because it corralled all the Fagapedes into a single subreddit.

Sup Forums is 90% LARPers and bait threads, however if you're willing to find the 10% of quality posts, they tend to be pretty damn good and offer good discussion and insight.

I actually conducted education/background studies on Sup Forums, namely Sup Forums, and on reddit so I actually have some actual insight. Wont' post link cause not outting myself.

First of all, Sup Forums isn't educated, many pretend, but a statistically significant number of regular posters studied and tested were not. Not going to go into secondary effects of this, but imagine someone who's uneducated, being surrounded by others who he thinks are educated telling him his opinion is correct. Unhealthy feedback loop. Another random stat about this is of the articles posted on Sup Forums high seventy percent were literally just made up. Grenade wars in sweden, pizza-gate, etc.

People go to reddit because they come from wealthier educated families, and participate in lots of various activities. Video gaming go-karting, etc. Reddit is the only social media site out there that allows for someone to apart of all of their hobby communities simultaneously. Reddit, unlike Sup Forums is entirely spot on with universal educated levels, so they're not more educated than normal, even if there are high groupings of certain types of people like programmers on the site

Highly censored attracts soft soy boys

Wild wild west attracts alpha males

Gee, I wonder why

>that gif

I literally tore my upper lip open now because I'm not supposed to laugh after my surgery

Basically completely different ideas and just how the sites themselves work, Sup Forums is anonymous, meaning you can say shit and get destroyed in one thread and come back in another without your previous discussion being brought upon as a way to ridicularize you along with no upvote system, this keeps new threads constantly coming.
Plebbit on the other side is the exact opposite, assuming you're not banned, making one mistake means it will always be used against you and the upvote system hinders you from finding new discussions, this just keeps the same posts at top for a while and then they're replaced with another of the same kind.

Dark side? I don't know if I should feel flattered on disgusted by you. But asnwering your question, the freedom that this place represents, no "wrong opnion" as long as you can hold your own in a discussion, this place brings people from all over the world with all of the political beliefs imaginable together to shitpost about each other and say how right they are, it's amazing.

that webm... I kekd too hard

Hive mind. Also education doesn’t mean shit, there’s a lot of brainwashing going on in the education system.

Sup Forums is just the entrance to the dark side friend, enjoy the ride

>i grew up with a dick
>a girl dick

but seriously
>please don't think I'm upset
>only firm

these people are mentally ill authoratarians, like nazis and commies only slightly more deranged and power tripped, absolutely insane

Ive never been on Reddit. Can you post user on there too? I just go on pol out of boredom. Sometimes you can find interesting threads on here but it’s mostly bs.

Hmm. I'm sure that's not a microcosm of anything.

I l-like women with masculine features

Accurate but not succinct.