2025 Forecast for USA Population to be at 16% of its current level of 324 million?



Appears Deagel was used as a reference in a Stratfor report, which lends to its potential validity. What does this mean though.. how does it drop so much? 324 million to 51..

Attached: okay....jpg (969x545, 122K)

This site is retarded

perhaps they know of an incoming natural disaster that would make a portion of the United States uninhabitable?

See those little red arrows? That means that's how much the figure it represents will decrease. For example, it predicts the mil budget will decrease by 8bil

No, then that would imply the World's population would decrease by 6.9 billion.


Normies are the only people that don't know the NWO plans to reduce the human global population by over 6 billion. If you'll tell them about it, and point out open indications left by the NWO like the Georgia guidestones, they'll just suspect you're peddling a conspiracy theory. Normies really are the lowest form of humanity.

From the difference in world figures, it appears ONLY the US is gonna have this problem. Is the drop equivalent to the percentage of white people?


Attached: georgia_guidestones.jpg (673x380, 88K)

>every major nation in the EU loses millions of people except my country

Attached: 1490208335825.gif (200x200, 770K)

It's more. There are close to 200M whites.

Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain and other European nations are also set to lose millions of people according to this site

U.K to be decreased to a population of 14 million, feels bad

Attached: tfw mexican.png (702x395, 140K)

China too

if it makes you feel any better, 2/3 of ireland will be wiped off the planet

feel at ease now

The sooner, the better.

200M whites or 200M whites +"whites?"

Why do you think whites will be targeted?

The Tay 2.0 project ends up being successful in 2024, and within a matter of weeks, pic related happens to America.

Attached: Terminator.jpg (1280x1024, 404K)

half of those 200M are mutts