Why are chimps allowed in modern cities?

When I look at these set of pictures of the brother of that whatever recent dindu got shot for being a drug fueled chimp hi-point carrying former convicted Africanus Criminalus

I hear toto's Africa and chimp screeches.

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Man look at that thing. Did it throw its feces around?


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How much direct groid exposure is required to redpill a considerable number of salvageable lefty/centrists?

Goddamn, I thought SF was the gayest CA city.
Now I see SAC if the true fagtown.
No wonder california is so cucked.

God bless these monkeys. The are red pilling more people than we could ever dream.


Is this some sort of edgy 90's sega advertising?

What's going on in this zoo?
Why is the animal not in its cage?

ooh ooh ahh ahh a chimp yelling in a jews face this is awesome

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I unironically am loving this. None of you fags apparently have lived in SacTown. Its a literal shit hole and the cops are dicks. I have zero sympathy for flat landers. In all seriousness this is a great thing and i hope the city council and police dept. Learn their fucking lesson

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niggers will be a downfall of the US

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Honestly, why would 98.5% of black people pretend to be miffed as to why the whole entire world despises EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THEM? Oh wait they are literally retarded, nevermind.

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lol this. dont interrupt the enemy when theyre making mistakes

None of the framers of the constitution ever anticipated that anyone would remove the safeguards society had against niggers.

Because honestly, why the fuck would anyone do that ever?

My thoughts exactly

Create and lay out bait, then watch as they unknowingly work for you. Personal fave has to be that one fake McDonald's flier on the outside of the store informing blacks they'd be charged more.

If the Union soldiers knew what was to come they would've killed Lincoln themselves.

california .. whatever

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He only wanted a banana.


i laughed too fucking hard

altough to remain on topic, any city that allows tugghis behaviour to not be reprimanded by non excessive force (or straight out violence ) is gonna find themselves overrun

The Pitbull turning on its owner

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It’s amazing he can think this is a good idea and will help his cause.

niggers truly can't go anywhere without their jungle beats providing a soundtrack for their lives

Did (((Steinberg))) remember rabbis warnings at that moment?
"Time to buy a house in Israel."
The Talmudian parasitism approaches it's inevitable conclusion; societal collapse into chaos.

either the florescent lighting in that room is so bright he needs sunglasses. He's high and trying to hide his eyes. Or he thinks dressing up like Kanye West will get him the repearazuns they deserve.

His thought process is clearly outlined in the post you commented on. It makes perfect sense when you think about it.


NPR reported on it. They just say: unarmed black man shot in his grandmother's backyard. His brother protests at city hall meeting. Then they play audio of stevequan chanting his brother's name.

Nigger came in with slippers on and took them off before he hopped on the desk so he wouldnt damage it..

This was allowed/planned.

tfw you are seen as final boss of the huwhite oppressor

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I don't know if there was a video.



Be honest Sup Forums if you were a cop and you saw this would u hesitate to empty the mag? In a place like Cali with known violent apes.

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