Just one week left to go, have you praised Haruhi today?
Just one week left to go, have you praised Haruhi today?
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Of course. Every day.
Oh, I praised her, if you know what I mean.
why is haruhi so puffy?
She eats lots of corn.
I want to be her clubroom chair
she asked for it
No, I'd rather praise the character who comes here to laugh at me.
When is harucos6 gonna be scanned I can't control my boner for much longer
Not even c93 yet. Come back jan.
inb4 Disappearance-Yukifags and their shit taste in noncharacters.
Done with my series rewatch sooner than expected. Just waiting for the 18th to watch Disappearance again. And then I'll probably watch it on the 24th as well. I do this every year. It's not weird right?
Also Haruhisky is a blessing and I'd suck his dick.
>let me do that
That was a good doujin
That Tanigawa will never resume the series, and Kadokawa will never care to permit another animated series.
Is the rewatch on 17. or 18. ?
How is it possible to be so cute
I want to sleep with Haruhi!
in what way
describe further
In the most loving way possible!
Why is there a red tinge to her eyes?
Fuck if i miss this series, too bad lazy ass Tanigawa won't ever finish it
>Just one week left to go
You know.
I don't. I heard we aren't doing a stream this year.
We always do a stream every year
I was told it was cancelled this year. What time do we watch?
Sweet, I can't wait.
You guys stream in chronological order with S2, right?
am I kawaii uguu~
It's just Bamboo, Endless 8 and Someday in the Rain
Guess I should actually watch season 1 first then. I haven't even started my first broadcast order viewing.
It doesn't matter that haruhi will never be finished. If you read the later novels they show that haruhi has grown up, and so have we. You HAVE overgrown fantasies of aliens, time travellers, espers and parallel worlds, haven't you user?
I praised her by watching her anime and movie for the first time. I loved it, can't wait to watch the shorts soon.
You're in for a treat
Where can I get the shorts?
youtube, just search for
churuya san
haruhi chan
But I want them in good quality for my archive.
Not yet.
>good quality
pick one, they never were released in good quality.
That's a shame.
That's bullshit though, I have them in 1080p
When were they released in HD?
No idea I got mine off of nyaa about a year ago
The usual place. Pick them from the complete collection torrent.
I hate it when people do that. Do you have it without the Sup Forumss?
Haruhi is for pure activities only
Thank you very much!
Me in the bottom right most of the time
Spin off had some nice art
Even for Haruhi I can't make it through this show. I get so bored watching someone write fanfic about the dullest ship.
>5:00 AM in nipland
yeah it was trash.
nice to see long hair haruhi though, but the art style was meh.
Haruhi literally had to bow out of the Kyonbowl voluntarily to even give Yuki a chance to win, I found it pretty funny
Mostly it was just nice to have all the cast back in those roles. Even if they were mangled into some shallow shippers framework.