What do you all think
Of cute girls and poetry
This needs threads and love
Senryu Shoujo
Other urls found in this thread:
I fucking love this series. MC is pure and too cute and I ship her and the punk dummy. Prez and Father are miracles of the universe as well.
Nanako is cute
But Senryuu is not fun
Which is a real shame
Chapter 12 done.
fucking blasphemy! to be fair, you need to have a high IQ to understand it
Now now now user
Senryuu is plenty of fun
Just needs a cute girl
What manga is this?
Are you retarded?
Dumping first chapter
Senryuu awareness must spread
Diabetes too
Is it called Senryu Shoujo?
Hey fuck you user
Dw ik what it's called now
No need to be rude
What I have just stated
Is merely a truth
All these senryuu memes
Most of them do not add up
All of you are shit
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I can't into senryuu
And neither can you
But I can do it
You are just shit at this
Like your taste.
I am not that guy
But that's not 5 7 5
You need to git gud
So, what's the difference between Haiku and Senryuu in the end?
Senryuus have less strict rules and don't require a cutting word or seasonal references.
Something about how the former ties into seasonal themes while the other just abides by the structure I think.
Silent girls are cute
Delinquent MCs are great
I like this manga
I like this manga
Nanako is really cute
Mogami river
A man of good taste
My bro from another mom
Let's enjoy senryuu
Is this romance?
What is the last line
Explain it to me user
In senryuu only
We hope, the ship is too real.
It's a comedy
Also has cute romance plot
All in 4 koma
Isn't 'senryuu' 3 syllables?
Or is it 2 syllables in English?
If you like komi
It is similar in style
You will like this too
Yes. The kind that makes you feel like a little girl watching puppy love grow in front of them.
This girl here on the left will be your self insert.
I am seconding this
because I don't understand
what was that last part.
By now you should have
already watched Nichijou
user, it's so good
By right the 5 7 5 is sopposed to follow on/morae, but then it gets too complicated and doesn't sound as nice because you're trying to translate japanese poem rules into engrish so I count syllables because this is just for fun.
I did not watch that
I didn't have the mood too
And now I'm lazy
I am loving the
Recent resurgence of these
Cute romance manga
Komi is well liked
Senryuu shoujo gets ignored
The world is not fair
Komi's popular
Due to people dumping it
You know what to do
Might as well do the rest of you anons a service and dump the rest of the available chapters.
Remember to give thanks to the group for their work.
Already with the marriage proposals...
So fucking cute.
Captchas are getting relentless.
What is with this boy and doing lewd things behind a temple
I like her more than those 2
>ywn break a girl's heart just by saying you're going away.
This is too adorable and innocent
This is cute