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thats only because literally all the mudslimes name their kids mo

Woah, that changes everything. Back to the drawing board.

>what is genocide to the English culture for 500 points Bob

either the civilization will end
or muhammad will be the top baby name 100 years from now
they are the only two truths

England is fucked. They breed like welfare queens.

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Kek. I can't wait to see how this shit is going to end.

Will England become a caliphate or will it sink into a massive civil war?

Either way, entertaining.

If white countries don’t wake up soon we’re truly fucked. Proper fucked. UK, Germany and Sweden are probably already too far gone, but holy fuck, if the rest of us don’t wake the fuck up soon it’s game over.

I thought the pendulum would have swung back by now. What the fuck is going on.

Fuck I love that pic.

Notice how there are no Bongs chiming in. I think this thread is illegal over there.

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Every male Muslim is named Mohammad. They are too stupid to come up with anything else. Whites are still a majority that can actually come up with different names. There’s time to reverse the course, but not much.

Caliphate, no question. The English are far too subdued at this point, even if some portion of them start to wake up it's too late.

It's not like everybody start name their kids Charlie would change it.

Death to Muhammed

The english have thousands of different names. Muslims just call everyone Muhammad.

Thanks professor.... bitch ass cUK

it's not going to happen
there's a pushback in france against shit like xir xer, transgenders and inclusive writing (where you write references to people with all gender suffixes) but railing against extreme immigration is still taboo and will always be taboo

all they have to do is assign those beliefs to be that of "extreme ultra hyper far right" and that's literally all it takes

>he thinks the decline isn't real

there's 2 options. We decay into savagery and civil war or WW3 happens a new world government is formed after it to make sure none of those bad things are repeated (again).



>thats only because literally all the mudslimes name their kids mo
Really, I would have never thought of that

Purge ? The Germans rid themselves of the parasite people in a massive conflagration

oh i almost got worried there for a second

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Great we can identify them without crescent

thats the point

You mean, or civilization continue, or muhammad will be the top name.

You can not call it civilized when the muds take over.

>the state of cope

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I don't see the problem. Muhammed is a quintessentially British name.

If pollocks called all their sons "Mścisław" then it would be the most popular name, but it's not because neither pollocks nor britbongs use just one name to call their children, but

There is literally nothing wrong with this.

Winning strategy.

>Can't even decide on one name to spam.

Muhammad, quintessentially british.

t. muhammad

true, I mean the society as a whole, the settlement, the population, will utterly collapse.
in all truth, it is completely over
there is no more UK
all it took was welfare
fund the colleges


hit the nail on the head with this one

to be clear, not pro mudslime. just explaining why this happened.


It's because anglo"men"'s sperm is so diluded it only produces little girls.

I kek'd

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Many of them are cUK

Replacement of population never happen, and never will in total peace and tolerance and happiness.

You just have to look on how the shitskins are too much confident on our own soil, always defying our legacy by saying they're part of our history too and this soil never was only our property.

I dont say any conglict will happen.
I just say that a total replacement on our own soil will never happen in peace, in silence. That's just delusional.

I-is this f-for real?

>Count all variations of Mohammed
>Don't count alls variations of, say, William
>It now seems as if people overwhelmingly name their kids some variation of Mohammed

t. Jamal Von McGonhualbergstein


Poor children being named after a pedophile and false prophet

Muhammad is number one, but
Mohammed is also in the top 10.

London is a conquered territory already, maybe there is hope for some parts of the country, but they would need radical and fast political change.
Sadly even their conservatives and nationalist partys are cucked.
Welfare without close boarders is suicide.

This. The guy who ran over a Somali bitch with his car in Leicester failed to kill her, she was a mother of NINE, and is an unemployed cleaner. No mention of husband (she may be an illegal second of third wife). The van driver in London didn't kill the heart attack victim, he was a father of SIX. He was unemployed too. Fuck this government and fuck the useless retards who can't even kill muslims properly.

you're right it won't be in total peace, tolerance and happiness. go talk to people in the streets, talk to your friends
everyone is concerned that france is losing its identity, they're just not willing to do anything about it, they don't want to be ostracized, fired or jailed, so they leave
people are already leaving in mass
france is the country losing the most millionaires to exodus in the world, they're leaving for places like the US, australia or canada
they know their own country hates them for having money, and it hates them for speaking their politically incorrect mind, so why would they think of it as their soil or motherland ? she bit the hand that fed her...

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When it comes down to the executions, we can identify them by their jewdicks too

This basically, take a million white kids and they'll all have a diverse set of names
take a million muslim immigrant kids and 85% of will be called Muhammad

when you’re getting REKT by a Sweede you know there’s a serious problem!

Fucking mud slide babies!


>they don't want to be ostracized, fired or jailed
The tipping point will be when this no longer matters, or when an individual perceives the risk of getting caught to be low. Then it'll be carnage.

Just to add, this is why the govt is so hell bent on monitoring and prosecuting "hate speech". If we are all worried about being caught we won't speak up.
>All my posts are satire

Gotta love the creativity of Muslims. They really put alot of thought into naming their children

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Well it's nothing then if it's only the UK turning muslim

It’s like little Mexican babies being named Jesus pronounced Hey Zeus!

No way!

Quintessentially British.

They're insectoid. They have to follow the tradition. First son called Mohammed (or variant of). Boys cut. Girls covered. Aside from the paki doctors (who still aren't worth it when you take into consideration the huge family they bring over) most Muslims/pakis here do one of three jobs: taxi driver, takeaway/restaurant worker, and bus driver. They are not worth having in any way shape or form. We can make our own fucking curry (not that I eat their halal shit any more).

What happens when little Emily draws a picture of her best friend Muhammad?

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>Gender-neutral names and 'extreme nature' themed names are becoming more mainstream
which one?

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Creepy. Looks like she was abducted by ayys.

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>ayy lmao

Oi let me see your license for those numerals, lad


>All Muslims name kid mohammed
>Multiple mohammed spelling variations
>All polls put each variation of Mohammed in the same category

Its like If you grouped together all the names in the bible as one christian name, its dumb

they love it. they worship mudslimes. i can't wait for the anglo to disappear from the face of the earth. fucking beady eyed scum.

Yup nothing at all wrong with Britain just statistical stuff

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I see nothing wrong with this
just a cheeky wee kiss between mates

Say, do you play video games, specifically shooters?

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shooters are for poofters
I play strategy games like a true lad

When you combine all variations of Mohammad then Muhammad is truly at top of baby names in England.

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True this! In my family, we literally have 7 Muhammad's. I shit you not. Based name tho

I've been meeting so many brits in shooters. They are all weeabos and all cheat. Is there a sudden rise in weeabos over there? I lived in London some years ago for a while and while there was a LOT of asians, otaku shit wasn't THAT overwhelming.

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Was the weapon the spoon?

>be British
>Mohammed gangbangs your daughter erry day
>report to police
>get arrested for inciting racial hatred
>get gangbanged by Mohammed in jail erry day
>daughter goes to the police
>Constable Sergeant Mohammed ibn Mohammed takes down her report
>nothing happens
>daughter kills self
>released after five years
>Mohammed breaks into your house, rapes your wife (also you) and steals your telly
>oi mate weres yer telly loisence
>mfw you have to pay for Mohammed to watch the BBC on your telly
>hand the chap your quid
>report burglary to police, make sure you don't mention who did it
>Constable Lieutenant Mohammed ibn Mohammed says the police don't have the resources to investigate household burglaries
>Go over to Mohammed's taxpayer-provided house
>Armed with a hollow aluminum dildo, the only metal objects now permitted for British subjects to own
>Mohammed and his mates open fire on you small arms and RPGs
>back to jail for inciting racial hatred while in possession of a deadly weapon
>sentence suspended by Judge Ahmed ibn Mohammed when he learns you will require treatment in an NHS.
>Die of sepsis in waiting room while Dr Pandeep Gupta delivers his 15th Nigerian baby today
>Body sold to kebab vendor for resale to non-halal customers
>Big Ben doesn't bong in the distance because it's currently broken

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>implying this is not a jevvish written piece to promote homosexuality
No mate of mine has ever done such thing, neither have my friend's friends.

Actually that sounded fake so I went to check it and it is.

It's not like I'm short on material anyway.

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what reason do you have fro carrying this weapon of mass destruciton about your person laddy?
>i w.w.was jus going to turn it in, bin the knife save a life?
oh a comedian eh, send him away lads he makes me sick.

Every single brit I've made likes to be "cheeky" with the lads, there's a shitload of homoeroticism. Brits shower together, do each others hair, act like homos ironically.

Just the fact brit lads tease each other the same way you tease a girl you like as a kid is enough.

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Nailed it!

I've met* I mean

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Name another name muslims have that's not Muhammad.

Enjoy your stay in jail, Nigel

Yet this only happens in the UK

Yeah, they are so dumb omg.

I guess Pakistanis (muslim in UK are mostly that I presume) call more their children Mohammed than other muslims

He says without looking up name statistics for other countries

What I meant is that even if all muslims call their children muhammad or whatever variation of it, you still have a problem if it's reaching #1 in a western country. In Germany it's also very popular AFAICT, but is it in other western countries?

Brits are cucks.
What else is new?

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Lol UKucks

says the mulatto who got part of his dick cut off because some Jew wanted to sell it