South Africa's "it's okay to be white" Plan

With the success that was "its okay to be white" Sup Forums clearly has the collective power to do the same with raising awareness with South Africa not only that if its written correctly the posters might not even be torn down and raise further awareness.
The only thing that needs to be decided on is what time it should happen and what poster should be the one we use
Personally I'm in favour of the one on the left of pic related credit goes to Original thread by

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Other urls found in this thread:

Boers are not white, they betrayed HM's empire, they murdered innocent Anglos, they established a degenerate Republic.

bump, make a discord to organize this shit

go away smelly gook

You're a traitor to the Empire if you support these animals, your ancestors fought for this land to civilize it and the Boers destroyed everything they built. We should take Boer refugees, then send them to slave camps or the gas chambers.

it will be as effective as its ok to be white. no laws changed with its ok to be white. affirmative action was not removed in america and nothing changed in europe or canada from what i can tell

i like how you guys waste time on meaningless shit and think your changing the world. makes it easier for every one else. the clock is ticking and none of your governments will use military force. you will only shit post and no one can stop what is going to happen

Instead of pushing for White supremacy we should be focusing our attention on Anglo Supremacy, the day Yale allowed Papists in was the day everything went to shit.
Papists and non Anglos need to know their place in society

Clearly jew poster

Traitors hang first

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I'm not a Kike
I agree, that's why we need to send Boers to the gallows They supported the Kaizer against our Empire!

is this whole thing legit or just over exaggerated?

>Our Empire?

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Hey nigger, this is an Anglo website speak the Queens English or go back to TeutonChan

may God punish england
>that's what happened, you should never have built the concentration camps against the Boers

The eternal Teuton, ally of the Saracen
We need to outlaw Teutonics from travelling to our Dominion, we need to outlaw Teutonic imports, we need to deport all Teutonic diplomats, we need to sanction Teutonistan

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yes please, not that we getting also infected

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Message is too complex, remember kiddo, normis have a collective IQ average of 80 and as high as 99 or so.. try something simple and that have some rhyme to it, like "Africa is for the Blacks"

>Personally I'm in favour of the one on the left
Yeah, any message that has #Farmlands is what has to be used. We have to make sure to do viral marketing for Lauren Southern's documentary so she can reel in the beta bux.

Get the fuck out of here, you transparent, plastic-faced thot.

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everyone need to be participating in this.
its okay to be white was a precurrsor
time to show the world you believe in that message
ill be putting these up at my uni and fighting any cunt that tries to stop me

>implying we are white supremacists
Want to know how I know you're a leftist?
Nationalism =/= supremacy.

Those are your allies, in both the Great War and the War of German Agression. You should be happy they have come to join you, Kaizer Hitler praised Mohammedanism and wished for Teutonistan to be a Mohammedan country

Nationalism might not mean supremacy to you because you're a failure of a nation
You have no king, you have no culture, you have no history, you have no unity. You're a mish mash of the worlds unwanted

I don't think so user most people when they think of ethnic cleansing they think of the rawandan genocide
To see and hear the afrikaaners being oppressed by blacks especially after making them search for it in my opinion would in my brainlet mind cause quite the redpilling

The boer should be oppressed by everyone no matter where he goes

those aren't arguments you faggots. end your line. also most sa (((whites))) are kikes. I see no problems here.

But seriously think about the ethnostate potential of SA and potentially Zimbabwe

We need to liberate the Anglos of the Natal Province, we need to subjugate and eventually elimanate the Boer once and for all.

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Zimbabwe isn't real, it's southern Rhodesia liberal faggot.

And I do think about the ethnostate potential, that's why I want the subhumans such as Boers and Niggers removed and replaced with Anglos, one single Anglo male is worth 10 European continentals, this is because he is the most purest human on Earth and a direct descendant of Adam, the other Europeans are mixed with animal blood from being conquered for generations, the Anglo has never been conquered and mixed his human blood with animals across the globe.
Look at the new world nations, even tiny little New Zealand that was only first settled by humans in the 18th century is more prosperous than half of Europe, this is because of Anglo superiority and ingenuity and the fact that Anglos are the only true race of man on this planet


Wow I feel like I'm talking to the spirit of Rhodes himself
Out of curiosity what makes you think afrikaaners are Niggers? surely with having pure Dutch blood having that near in built entrepreneurship and insane administrative efficiency they'd make a pretty nice place out of wherever they go
Also I've always wondered why are Anglo nations other than England such wealthy countries while England itself is shit?

>RT actually covers the murders of whites and openly calls it a race war
That feels weird.


Delusions of grandeur

I gues that’s wh the angleos daughters are being trafficked by the thousands in britain

The Dutch are not white, only the Anglo is white. The Dutch only became a prosperous and industrialized nation after the War of German Agression in the 1940's, before that they were a backwards nation, even Belgium industrialized before the Dutch.
England is in trouble now because it's too influenced by the European Continent, Australia and New Zealand are the major power in their region, so the Anglo influence has remained strong there. In North America the United States and Canada are the major powers so again the Anglo influence is strong here, in Europe Teutonistan, and the French Republic have influenced the United Kingdom too much with their liberalism and Bolshevism. Britain needs to go back to her Anglo, Capitalistic, Christian roots

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What is happening today in England has happened in Europe for thousands of years, the Balkans are a mixture of Slavs and Ottoman Turks, they are one of the most mixed People's on this planet and it's because they've been conquered, raped, and enslaved for generations. Go to Turkey and you will see many white skinned people there, that's because their ancestor is a Balkan woman who was taken as a sex slave by an Ottoman Turk.

Its been attempted for thousands of years. theyre fucking cockroaches.

Hitler had something to say on why there are so many poor in England, England at his era and before, Democracy, Democracy is used to enslave the public it has always ended the same way. The destruction of its civilization but not before the ruling class makes alot of money off of them, as far back as ancient Greece at Democracy's inception it was eventually outlawed in Ancient Greece, more proof it does not work.

The Boer hasn't even existed for a thousand years, he's been squatting on British territory for a hundred years, South Africa is rightfully ours, we took this empty land the Boers were sitting on, and turned it into a prosperous and wealthy industrialized nation.
They gave what we made to the niggers and now they suffer, but they aren't suffering enough, Britain and her loyal Dominions needs to firebomb South Africa, we need to wipe out every species that walks on two legs from those lands and finally build human civilizations without any Boers there to ruin things this time.

England, her Dominions and America were the freest People's on this planet. That is because the Anglo invented the definition of freedom, things went sour with fears of a Bolshevik uprising and the immigration of Italian anarchists to Canada.
Australia had the right idea, whites only unfortunately in Canada after the Great War we allowed Greeks, Italians and Slavs into this country

Because Russia doesn't exactly have a dog in the social justice fight from what I've been told from my Russian friend
It wouldn't surprise me user if the rest of eastern Europe if they reported on it were to report it in the same way
That was actually pretty interesting to read user it seems that it's true that all of England's true issue is and always has been the French
Could you tell me more anons?

>degenerate=jew free
It was there in SA where the jew invented the concentration camp. After being unable to defeat the Boer on the battle field, the jews rounded up Boer women and children and put them in camps, let them starve, suffer from the elements, go without medical treatment. Fuck, even the krauts treated gramps, better than that.

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The problem with the Anglos is that we are human, we feel remorse we feel guilty. The animal species we conquered don't understand these feelings, their minds aren't capable of comprehending these things and unfortunately because they look similar to us we have applies human characteristics to these species. The fact is no Englishman should feel any guilt for what he has done, we need to remember that those we conquered are literally not human they are animals. The bible gave Man dominion over all the beasts, he told us to subdue the Earth it is our God given duty to colonize every single corner of this world

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That wasn't kikes, that was the Anglo and the Boer deserved 10 times worse than what they got, the niggers butchering them isn't enough

Why is this thread full of so much rubbish?
Might be onto something OP.

Watch Hitlers speech on Democracy:
What is your nationality? What position exactly are you taking, right now you are just whining and not making alot of sense.
>Inb4 Im a Afrikaaner with black DNA
Im pure blood Anglo, I stand with the Afrikaaners. How many times have you stood with your fellow man and had to fight angry kaffers?
You don't know what bonds men and what divides can be bridged by a common and very real enemy. You just talk alot of kak and shit your pants, like an infant.

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Also, one on the left looks better. Bold and punchy, one on the right looks wussy imo.
Clever with the "world is watching"

If they put this in the news, the world will watch cos ppl want to be up to date with what "everyone is doing"

I'm Hungarian
If you're an Anglo and stand with the Boer then you're a traitor to her Majesty and her Empire and deserve to be hanged

Sentiment held from 1920's, sentiment that today both Afrikaaners and English can quickly overcome, even the ones taking the hardest stance on either sides. Still there are a few Anglo's that are hopelessly lost, thankfully this is not their fight besides they wouldn't very useless in a fight anyway. Go kick a can down the road and ask yourself why you even care about this.

OP I'll be printing out a few of these to distribute, was thinking of giving them to a kaffer that can't read and paying him to hand them out LOL.

I care because this species has destroyed what the Anglo worked so hard to achieve, your ancestor went to this desolate wasteland, the boers there barely above the nigger just sitting around instead of taking advantage of all this bountiful land they have around them.
If it weren't for the Anglo settling in South Africa, then you'd be no better than the former Belgian Congo or French Africa

>20 posts by this shill

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The problem is: South Africa is not being ethnically cleansed. Yet. And they can turn it against you. You need to rephrase it.

You're an idiot, anglos and Boers are allies. There have been many Afrikaners that are loyal to the crown and the only reason the 1960 RSA referendum was a success was because they wrongly associated the betrayals by the socialists that were occupying the British parliament with the monarchy.

we need to wait for things to get worse before this will be effective

Yeah, do you not remember APARTHEID and COLONIZATION you Nazi pieces of trash? Ethnic cleansing? Why the fuck do you think whites are in Africa in the first place? Genocide and colonization. You're getting your just desserts you fucking Nazi hypocrites. Fuck you, ethnostate for you but you want to conquer Africa? Hang on a rope. Hope they actually do get white genocided. Rot you fucking Nazis, rot.

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I'm not an oriental, I already said I'm ethnically Hungarian but culturally I am 100% Anglo
If boers are our allies why did they attack us when we came to civilize South Africa? They murdered thousands of innocent Anglos, every Boer needs to be sent to the gold mines and used as slave labour, from 1 to 100 years every Boer needs to be put to work.

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We were trying to prevent Russian expansion, this helped prevent the spread of Bolshevism in the future. The Crimean War was completely justified

> I'm ethnically Hungarian but culturally I am 100% Anglo
Mentally ill leaf larping shill retard. Impressive.

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There were atrocities on both sides. After the conflict most were willing to come together within the Empire to move forward and civilize the savage races.

Ah right, that's why you alled with Stalin and Bolshevism. You're so much piluling you are a Jew 100%. No wait, it wasn't you, Hungarian Jew. You are just mentally ill.

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Germany intentionally unleashed Judeo-Bolshevism on Russia.

Anglo supremacy is just common sense, anyone who denies it is mentally ill themselves.
The Anglo has never once committed a single atrocity since God created him
The Teuton invented socialism and Bolshevism, Hitler wanted to spread socialism across Europe

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>The Anglo has never once committed a single atrocity since God created him

Fuck off. The atrocities were worth it in the end and not particularly bad but they were still regrettable.

Meanwhile, the white man is sue for rape when he makes a social aproach

There were no atrocities liberal idiot

Was "Okay to be white" really that successful?

It did get SJWs to just outright admit their true thoughts, "no it isn't". So there is that.

what is the honking of dresden

∆@#$!% autocorrect

Completely justified

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made some new ones last night in another thread

wut do you niggers think?

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Given African whites historical 1:1,000 death:kill ratio, this sounds like good odds. But how do we get Boers to turn whiteness into a cult like the Rhodies did?

We have Anglos make more children, we need every Anglo family to have at least 3 kids
That way we can finally wipe out the nigger and the Boer

That's your opinion, man. who started targeting civilians with carpet/incendiary bombing campaigns?

I'll give you a hint, it wasn't the Germans.

It was in response to German Agression