>watch a few episodes of an anime
>think its pretty good so far
>hey look, another interesting anime
>watch a fe-
Watch a few episodes of an anime
James Lopez
Christopher Murphy
a fe- what, the hell are you talking about
Jaxon Jackson
Nice thread megumemetard.
Nathaniel Martin
quality thread
Jack Smith
Justin Stewart
When you die you wake up.
Xavier Rivera
Hes basically saying that he cant finish shows. He watches a few eps, enjoys it, then sees something else on his backlog and starts to watch that, watches a few eps, enjoys it and so on. I can understand him, I've had LotGH on 89/110 for like a year now after I watched the first 89eps in like 3 days.
Samuel Baker
Just finish it you dumb fuck.
Adrian Hernandez
Megamemers should be banned on sight.
Brayden Sanders
at least they're not from discord