ITT: Characters who died useless deaths

ITT: Characters who died useless deaths.

I wish I could die like this one day, not of old age, not of a shit disease or by a car crash, I wanna go while doing my best at what I love doing the most somehow, maybe fail but still showing great resolve.


Why are men so retarded?

You wouldn't understand, honey. Honor and accountability are male traits.

ITT: Scenes women will NEVER understand.

Unless you're sacrificing yourself to summon an ancient horror & eternal loli, I don't see how your death could be non-useless.



>hurr hurr muh fighting, muh brain damage
>WAHHH boo hoo my waifu is dead, muhh depression
I don't get it, where's the honour and accountability? Both of those retards aren't honourable or reliable people.