You are being watched

You are being watched.

Every post you make is being recorded.

You are not safe here.

Your days are numbered.

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K keep me posted.

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Attached: Kim Bog Un shuts it down.png (569x437, 304K)

Take the knife FROM the bin, and cut yourself.

News flash capt obvious, we fucking know....and don't care. Now go crawl back under your rock g man

the phone call that saved Europe

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lol in mexico the police cant even solve a simple robery. i think they wont come for me because i write "nigger" on the internet

Yes, but how do you tell apart the true alt-right Sup Forumslsters from the JIDF trolls?

Which one am I?

>take this

Attached: 1522207463500.png (490x308, 372K)

>We need Sminem because of this.

>he thinks we dont know that threads get archived.

It works more to our advantage than not Mr. Noseberg

Putin will protect me

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I don't give faaaaaack

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Heh, that tattoo looks like "grizzly" (bear).

How do I get a nice Greek Orthodox girl? Is it even possible as a American?

>take this

Attached: pill.jpg (259x194, 5K)

It's that simple?

Like hell I will.

fuck niggers

record this homos.

You look like shit

i grant you honorary australian status