If we keep going in this direction we are fucked

I no longer have pride for my nation, except in its history. Right now the direction of our country is disgraceful, and this is what happens when you give people too much freedom and democracy. Our women are hedonistic money grubbing whores or self righteous and ignorant, our men either pretend to be women or are just man boys, you ask the average youngster who Thomas Jefferson was and they'll either say a racist or not know who he is, but they know all about drakes dick, Hannah slutana's camel toe or Nicki minajs stank ass. I'm losing faith in this nation and I'm starting to hate most Americans. We need a drastic change or we are fucked, and that change needs to be the opposite direction of what a SJW would want. The modern American is a pussy with a dick or a dick with a pussy.

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The world is fucked and there's nothing you can do about it. Focus on yourself instead.

Agreed. But who is Drake Dick?

Narcissistic little tool.

Bad experiences become history so we can learn from it. You're thinking the same way people did when they realise their civilisation is too far gone. We will learn from this fall. And what made us fall will not be a thing anymore, for ages and ages to come. Embrace the white pill

You better get to Church and start praying to God that the Jew's will lose their power

Try looking at history from an objective view? Excepting WASP-type dudes, life was shitter for everyone in America back then

But we aren't learning from it, they just keep doing it, no one will be left to resist it in a couple generations, it'll just be fags, SJWs, race mixed SJWs, and ghetto rats.

Not advocating for it, but civil war/Balkanization is coming. America no longer has any unifying culture, people, traditions, or people. We’re done.

I no longer have pride for my nation, except in its history. Right now the direction of our country is disgraceful, and this is what happens when you give certain people too much power and wealth. Our women are hedonistic money grubbing whores or self righteous and ignorant, our men either drink their minds away or are just man boys, you ask the average youngster who Alexander II was and they'll either say a king or not know who he is, but they know all about fidget spinners, stupid youtube bloggers or sosach memes. I'm losing faith in this nation and I'm starting to hate most Russians. We need a drastic change or we are fucked, and that change needs to be the opposite direction of what our God-Emperor would want. The modern Russian is an apathetic drunk or a pussified youth with no values.

Kill yourself it will make America great again

You guys had three different systems of government in less than a century. No country is above collapse.

I suppose. However, at least to me, it appears you are only taking western culture into consideration. I hardly doubt Muslims, for example, will want to do the same we have done once they see what we have become.

Maybe I'll just hack your computer and ruin your social "image" for shits and giggles.

Almost certainly this. In the meantime stock up on supplies and strengthen your group bonds.

Western society is the current leader in culture, I'm not putting any faith in the middle east lol

Good, we need it, sadly. It'll weaken our nation while at the same time revitalize it.

soiboi spotted

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The problem is that the constitution of our republic has grown to such a state that not even the most liberal of founding fathers would have approved of, and many of them saw as inevitable given the expanse of time and the absence of structural controls to mediate their rise: growing factionalism which along with the undermining of homogeneity in the populace undermines unity of will and direction, necessary for the health of a republic; the decline in moral and physical education, necessary towards the same end; growing populism which empowers blind wealth (in the absence of an aristocratic republic, almost universally agreed upon as the only sane choice at the start of it all). The founding fathers realized the problems all republics inevitably fall too, and tried to instill structural controls to avoid them, but even so to no avail. If the ruling class is not landed, hereditary, secured, and the microcosm of the patriarchal household does not conform to the macrocosm of the state, then the world will suffer, and decline will ensue, from the macrocosm down.

What and when was the turning point in America?

We’ve taken the first real shots back at Marxist subversion for the first time in 50 years and NOW your going to go hopes on me?

Get it together the fight has just started

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Couldn't agree more. Well said. I totally despair of it. It's like Hell has come for us.

Probably letting women vote

That doubled the electorate and as we know women tend to vote for left wing things, larger state, more bennifit a etc.

If women couldn’t vote there would be no civil rights, no welfare state

Same with me. I used to be a HUGE civic cuck, too.

I am hopeful though since more and more people are waking up to the reality of how things really are. That's why the left is losing it's fucking mind right now. They can see that the scales are finally beginning to fall.

Andrew Jackson was the turning point. He was the first real populist. He marks the transition from an aristocratic republic to a populist one. This incentivizes and makes inevitable wealth redistribution, the extension of suffrage to women (the mass being in character essentially female), moral degeneration, the impetus for universal education and all the disastrous effects that has, etc. I would go back further, as you could glean from my last post though, and say this transition too is inevitable in the life of a republic. Without a permanent, fixed, landed aristocracy, the incentive and therefore the inevitability of populism and all that comes with it is practically guaranteed.

Noticeably post JFK. At that point, the coup was complete.

100% agree with you and fee the same way.

America is rotten to the core. We need to pull it by the roots and start again.

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The writing is on the wall. You can get bricked/killed for openly saying you’re conservative. Your death will get zero media attention. Call a liberal a fag though and you will be tarred and feathered. It’s a literal powder keg just waiting for something substantiave to happen.