Why do morons here still think these shootings are caused by bullying...

Why do morons here still think these shootings are caused by bullying? Bullying has been decreasing for the past decade and these events still happen.

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Nihilism is what's causing it, bullying just gives them motivation

If you paid any attention, you'd see that they're decreasing you unobservant moron.

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No one believes bullying is the cause. It's the constant media attention that gives people the idea that they can make something of there miserable lives. People want to be remembered for the good that they do in this world. If they are unable to be good, the wanting to be remembered still remains. At that point they don't care if they are remembered for doing something bad, they just want to be remembered. It gives their life a fucked up meaning and that's why they do it.

A lot of people believe these people should get the death penalty but I believe that's exactly what they want, which is why I think they should rot in prison for the rest of their life. By the time they're 70 no one will remember what they did. It'll just be a blip in history where only the victims are remembered. I think that's true punishment for these human dregs.

School shootings are not decreasing. Bullying is.

>citation needed

Nope. Mental issues is.

Eric and Dylan weren't even bullied. Nor were they Marylin Manson fans or any of that bullshit. All urban legends. They were just psychos that liked to shoot guns and blow things up.

These things happen because we no longer live in a homogeneous society. And it will continue to happen until whites are in camps or you niggers and spics have gone back.

They were, the late 90's were a time of HS cliques, jocks, preps, skaters, goths and so on and they both were definitely in the alternative category, they liked pc, gaming, metal bands, KMFDM, industrial and so on. so by that notion in the 90's they would have been a prime target for bullying.

There is even a video of them walking down the corridors n which the jocks shoulder barge them.

It's not the sole case, but they were certainly not normies.

Ok. Shut the fuck up and watch the forst 2o seconds of this video. People like you makr me sick, not wanting to take the credit for the corrput actions you do.


These children clearly state that the duo were "pushed against lockers, called faggots, the whole deal." Look into yourself and the other people around you and wonder these three questions; "Should I take life more seriously? Should I show love and brotherhood to people unless somebody hurts me? Should I take more accountability for my actions?"

Aw shit typos were everywhere. Watch the first 20 seconds, please.

Yep. They did get shit at school. A lot of kids do and most don't go on to kill but those with mental health issues are triggered by bullying and that's what happened with these guys.

maybe because they were douche bag try hards. They watch Matrix one to many times

Imagine this... being a bullied teenager and seeing movies with all these cool action heroes in that don't take no shit and wanting to emulate them.. so hard to imagine, right

Oh and Matrix was released after they were dead

Wrong, they were bullied.
You can even see on one of their videos when the jocks are coming towards them

No they weren't. They both had multiple friends and bullied others. They were not loners or outcasts.




Eric states MULTIPLE times in his journal that it wasn't because of bullying.

>“If people would give me more compliments all of this might still be avoidable . . . but probably not.”19

He states multiple times not to blame anybody else, only he and Dylan are at fault. He even says not to blame the school and that the administration is doing a good job.

>God damnit do not blame anyone else besides me and V [Vodka, i.e., Dylan] for this. Don’t blame my family, they had no clue and there’s nothing they could have done, they brought me up just fucking fine ... don’t blame the school. . . the admin[istration] is doing a fine job.2

There you have it. Not once does he mention bullying in his writings. The bullying myth has long since been debunked.

Eric knew his attack could kill two of his best friends who went to school during the day of the attack. He saw it as collateral damage that would not justify aborting his attack.


>Eric: "Morris, Nate, if you guys live, I want you guys to have whatever you want from my room and the computer room."
>if you guys live

Chris Morris and Nate Dykeman. Two of his best friends who went to school on that day.

Eric was a fucking psychopath and Dylan very depressed who primarily wanted to die.

I read a lot before, there are reasons why they don't put bullying because it looks weak, don't take every word they wrote as fact. They are playing an image.

Still, saved and will read them all later.

>they were members of the trench coat mafia who were bullied
>they were targeting athletes

This is a very early media report which was proven to be absolute bullshit with greater research.

Dylan's mom doesn't say bullying caused the shooting. Had you read her recent book she points out that Dylan had many friends, invited people to sleep over and went to sleep overs, and was not an outcast or lonely. She blames his mental illness as does every researcher on this shooting.

There are conf for the psycho theory.
If he was a psycho, then why did he spare two guys? Psychos can't feel sorry or remorse.
Also I heard they were crying when they commited suicide.

>because it looks weak

Yet Eric had no problems mentioning that he wanted to have sex, was still a virgin, and other tidbits that would have looked weak.

None of the people they killed bullied them. They wanted to blow up the entire school with everybody inside with Eric knowing that some of his friend's could potentially be killed, and had bombs in the parking lot to kill first responders and other people.

The mental gymnastics you have to go through to claim it was because of bullying is laughable.

>why did he spare two guys

Because he wanted to play god, ruling over who lived and died. That's why he taunted other people in the library and killed others.

Furthermore the primary purpose of the attack was to bomb the school and kill everybody in it. He knew his friends could get caught up in the blast but this was an acceptable cost and he did not abort his plans.

It doesn't add up if you actually read Eric's blog. The fact that a psychopath had a handful of altercations with his classmates over the years isn't surprising. It's not the reason he shot up that school.

The entire case still stinks since they won't release the basement tapes.
Officially they don't want to inspire other shooters. But this is bullshit, since Columbine already inspired other school shootings. Not to mention the fact that they reveal their motives on the basement tapes, which makes the tapes even more mysterious

these shootings are caused by adverse reactions to commercial antidepressants.

nobody talks about that because dems and repubs are both bought and paid for by big pharma.
so expect the shootings to continue regardless of marches or gun control laws.
>but why don't these shootings happen anywhere else?
because our government is so corrupt that the FDA approved these drugs for domestic consumption despite almost every foreign government banning the import of them because everybody in power knows exactly what the fuck this is