Why is this cocksucker first in every fucking Tweet?

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-28 pol - ptg PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - THE WALL EDITION - Politically Incorrect - (765x505, 167K)

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This. Dude, I noticed it too!



I think the jews have literally algorithmically kept the pedos on social media more visible because they all hate trump

So, the only reason this kike is famous is because he what exactly ?


We need to take him out. Just saying...
Pipo like this need the rope

He's a Jew.

Him and his brother run scam operations. The reason he replies to every Trump tweet is so he can get views, and direct them to his leftist blog, which is another Ponzi scheme.

No one cries more than a triggered Trumpkin. lel

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bought and paid for the pleasure from what i understand

>someone made this meme


This kikes phone literally vibrates next to his cock every time Trump tweets. He is the biggest faggot on the planet.

Because thats Secretary of Staff Kellys account

i think he might actually have some form of mental problem

its either this guy, the asian doctor, the blind sand nigger along with many others that are always the first to tweet at the president

For the longest time Twitter has chosen who has priority on Trump's tweets. They actively suppressed his supporters comments and promoted Liberals with blue checkmarks that within seconds have something shitty to say about him. Facebook did something similar during the election cycle. One of the higher ups, I can't remember and don't feel like looking, for Facebook actively suppressed stories involving Trump and promoted Hillary. This story was overshadowed because when they were caught the story twisted into Facebook implementing an AI system to determine who gets what articles.

The entire system is against you.

Russian bots err I mean Israeli bots

Yeah. He fucks kids.

He was part of a Ponzi scheme. Look it up.


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oh he also always, AND I MEAN ALWAYS replies through IRnet's tweets. If IR doesn't reply, he doesn't.

No one knows

>when you say something because you have a hunch and it turns out to be true

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watch some Brendon O'Connel videos on the Talpiot project.

>Him and his brother run scam operations.
What's the scam?

to make you mad, bitch

c h e c k
'e m

>here's a picture where he's in close proximity to children

I'll paraphrase it. Waze navigation? Israeli. 5G? Israeli. Google Maps navigation? Israeli. When you get pulled over by a cop your information is in Tel Aviv before it gets to the police station running your shit. youtube.com/watch?v=ujW7j9ROwUU

He's staring at his computer screen, watching, waiting, staying up all night to be the first to reply to Trump. Trump lives in his head rent free.

If they shadowban conservatives, why wouldn't they do the opposite and spotlight ultra leftists?

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>implying it's actually just one person and not a boiler room operation with shifts

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uhhh I hate that fucker

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ed kwassenstein onwive stweam

>implying it's not triggered by twitter's api and setup to respond with pre-planned tweets

It's good to let him keep doing it, everyone can see what a cunt he is


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