Webster updates Assault Rifle definition

“Magazine fed full auto rifles are assault rifles. Also, semi-auto rifles that look scary are now assault rifles.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assault rifle

Forgot link

merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assault rifle


fucking kikes

>an assault rifle resembles an assault rifle

that’s literally two definitions

Ministry of truthiness

The children are winning, we are the future!

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webster just broke the golden rule of definitions: when defining a word, do not use that word
e.g. do not use the word bread when defining bread

What if it's a flintlock musket that closely resembles an AR-15?

Don't let the memes fool you. Language is of premier importance. Language has the ability to change the way we think without us even realizing it. Mechanically, however, the language of gun control is very difficult for the leftists.

Its an assault rifle and you need to kill yourself with it immediately

It's not called

SPELLing for no reason.

I think they're trying to define it how it's actually used rather than the original technical definition.

What's their definition for "literally"?

Nazis BTFO

How will rural retards ever recover?

This, they just lost all credibility as a dictionary. They can't even perform their basic function.

flintlock muskets aren't designed for semiauto

It's called Sapir–Whorf hypothesis.

Language control is a form of thought control.

This is like when other dictionaries started changing the "fascism" definition to include the qualifier "right wing"

Fucking hilarious.

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Who even invented the political spectrum?

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so an assault rifle is a rifle that looks like an assault rifle...

nice definition.

a semi auto is still an automatic weapon.
trump could order the atf to classify semi autos as machine guns and outright ban them all right now.

This is so sneaky. It always meant select fire. Emailing them to find out when they changed it

Kek, liberals pulling out the recursive definitions


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Yep, change the language and pretend that's what it always was

>We have always been at war with Eastasia

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How can a definition change completely based on misinformation spread by anti-gunners and their meat puppets on TV?


those are meant to be mounted on ships, they only got used on land in desperation (by the American revolutionary army etc).

A whole lot of books need burning.

look up the definition of racsim on dictionary com
look at the articles they link too

Some kike needs to be impaled as an example

You misspelled Leftists.

im starting to think george orwell was a prophet of God. that nigga was right about EVERYTHING

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Says it on the page you blind fuck. March 17th 2018. Just last week.

time to meme up new meme-tech attachments?


this is wikipedia

Social and behavioral science
Main article: Sociology of race and ethnic relations
Sociologists, in general, recognize "race" as a social construct. This means that, although the concepts of race and racism are based on observable biological characteristics, any conclusions drawn about race on the basis of those observations are heavily influenced by cultural ideologies. Racism, as an ideology, exists in a society at both the individual and institutional level.

While much of the research and work on racism during the last half-century or so has concentrated on "white racism" in the Western world, historical accounts of race-based social practices can be found across the globe.[25] Thus, racism can be broadly defined to encompass individual and group prejudices and acts of discrimination that result in material and cultural advantages conferred on a majority or a dominant social group.[26] So-called "white racism" focuses on societies in which white populations are the majority or the dominant social group. In studies of these majority white societies, the aggregate of material and cultural advantages is usually termed "white privilege".

race is a social construct?
is everything a social construct now?

Got to build the bonfire somehow.

oh.. OH..

>etymologically the ancient greek word for jew is extremely close to the words for 'liar' and/or 'log' 'that which one burns on a fire'
>israel spelt backwards = le arsi
>Le arsi is old romanian for "that which one burns";"you burn this"

Wait.. The neanderthal die off... THE HOLOCAUST DID HAPPEN

I’m a suburban retard.


>etymologically the ancient greek word for jew is extremely close to the words for 'liar' and/or 'log' 'that which one burns on a fire' in various languages

muh bad