How do you feel about watching anime in public?

How do you feel about watching anime in public?

fuck off to MAL

I don't really care but sometimes it's awkward af. Lolz

How do you watch anything in public?

Already there bruv.

I watch it on my laptop at college and work.

These dubs

>this is the kind of thread Redditor mods love

epic gamer....

Why would I watch anime in public? Are you talking about going to see a movie? Or something like
on a tablet while on a train? If it's the latter then it's obviously a bad idea.

How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards and a resistance to shitty external board culture thats not present anywhere else.

Exactly. Shitty moderation and retarded users is exactly why this place has ended up like this. People see "ironic" shitposts like , think it's acceptable, and normalize this kind of behavior until the entire place becomes an unironic cumrag for crossboarding ledditors, twitch chat rejects, twitterfags, tumblr and MAL rejects who think that being a faggot is the norm. Just look at how many people spam cuck, t., kys, and af, discuss e-celeb shit and beg for recommendations. Mods/janitors are castrated and the users don't self-moderate. It's a joke.