
Maybe I don’t know a thing I’m talking about but honestly? I think Goku is holding himself back.
Every time there’s an obstacle he has to activate a new and even stronger hair color but I think that’s a mistake. It’s a crutch.

The measure of his mastery should, at the very tip top of his abilities that he’ll never actually reach because this show will outlast the end of time, be that he has these abilities and powers...WITHOUT going super saiyan or any of that.

As in- he doesn’t NEED to anymore. You know like some sort of Neo shit.

“Are you saying I can go super saiyan?”

“I’m saying when you’re ready, you won’t have to.”

thats sort of what old kai eluded to when he brought out mystic in gohan, saiyan the budrens of maintaining ss hindered true mastery. Of course, this idea was thrown out in GT, but super brought this idea back again with Whis telling goku and vegeta that ssgss and ssg also had to many draw backs and that if they learned to overcome their weaknesses they wouldn't need ss. I think that is sort of what ui is supposed to be, granted it is still a transformation since it changes goku's appearance in his eyes, but I feel like its a step in the right direction

ssg and ssgss are just for selling toys

yea, so is the rest of the show

Is he going to make a Sonic Rainboom?

I'm hoping that this is what Ultra Instinct leads up to, and it since it isn't a super saiyan form the rest of the cast learns how to do it.

>everyone gets UI
nah. not even beerus has mastered UI. im thinking only goku, vegeta get it( the seperate half idea is cool) and then gohan can master/get a mystic "final form"

dude are you high as shit because I want whatever you're smoking

what i'm trying to say is let's be friends

>( the seperate half idea is cool)
you mean where goku gets UI defense and vegeta gets UI attack? I seen that idea tossed around on plebbit a couple times. it'd be pretty sweet.
U7 still has their potara right? I'm thinkin' if they combined both of them into vegeto they'd mop jiren in the last minute or two of the tournament

>goku gets UI defense and vegeta gets UI attack
yeah exactly, it seems to fit with their personalities and the flashbacks that vegeta had about whis' training advice. the coolest part of the UI, from my understanding, is that either defense or attack parts both seem to be masterful in energy saving and when its used it seems like the people use "just enough" energy everytime to get the job done, so playing to your competition but in a way that still leaves you ready for more. also that eye flash/energy wave they can release whenever is a sick technique
>potential vegeto potara fusion
yeah the U7 kai still has them on, in the stands. that would be bad ass to see. in ep.122 when vegeta fights jiren im assuming that by that time a destroyer or whis or maybe even vegeta will comment on jiren's power level bc so far we dont know how much far stronger this dude is other then "goku greatly closed the gap, but jiren is vastly more powerful still". bc if they go vegeto I hope they do a multi episode fight or at least longer then a quick finishing move, bc that would be so anti-climatic.