How long does it take to learn enough Japanese to watch raw anime?
How long does it take to learn enough Japanese to watch raw anime?
If you study for 8 hours a day, it should only take about 4 years.
You can't learn japanese
There are more kanji in the Japanese language than stars in the universe.
Who invented those "kanji"?
To be able to follow along with raws fluently.
But you will never be like a native Japanese speaker.
Unless you are 4 or 5 and go and start living in Japan right now, you will forever just be a weeaboo who is trying to learn moonrunes.
Some say they were discovered by an ancient civilisation in quantum space. But the immense power of the kanji caused their race to go extinct. Some of their relics were discovered in asia by the natives but no one really knows what they mean or how many are there. If one could understand kanji he could probably discover every secret of the universe.
The difficulty is wildly exaggerated. If I could learn Japanese, you can.
Hwan empire
Reasonably - 1 to 2 years of studying 1 to 2 hours every day
Japanese in the majority of anime isn't hard so it won't take you long, especially if you already have been watching anime for many years.
This is literally a meme
6 months to forever depending on how dedicated you are. I've been self-learning for 2.5 years and I can understand some basic stuff from raws but during these years I had several month long hiatuses on learning Japanese. If I hadn't been slacking off I would've already been fluent enough to understand these.
Don't believe the faggots in this thread. You can learn Japanese in 1-2 years or something close. If I can learn Japanese, then you sure as hell can as well.
If you study for 8 hours every day, it will take you less than a year
Lol, yeah, good luck getting to fluency in a year. That's totally possible.
I have a friend who also has a friend that took him 5 years to learn japanese so he can watch it raw.
did OP say fluent? no? good
Is it possible to learn japanese without learning how to read it? Like memorizing a shit ton of words written in romanji and slowly learning how to piece them together into sentences?
Yes, he did. How can you watch anime if you can't speak the language, retard.
Ya if you have a learning disability
you can understand the language even if you can't speak it you EOP retard
in less than a year you will be able to slowly read simple kana vns/manga. in 2 years you can read manga pretty well if you keep up kanji studying. in 3 years you can watch anime if you've been doing listening practice. aim for 3 years, because 1.5 years in you'll spend 80 minutes on an episode of precure
As easy as learning braille to read regular english. It's retarded and a waste of time.
without using google... how do one type small tsu ?
jap keyboard
Japanese keyboard
It really depends. Not only on how hard you study but also on what anime you watch. QGDQT shit without any weird dialects and slang? You can probably watch that within a year. But MANime type stuff? That shit has weird phrases you'll never hear used in standard japanese, people suddenly speaking in faux medieval japanese, lots of strange grammatical constructions, rare words and people speaking with dialect and lots of slang.
We're talking about the ability to comprehend spoken Japanese, immediately, at a normal speaking rate by native speakers, covering a wide range of topics. We're not talking about "learning" Japanese in a way that you can cross reference written sentences with a dictionary at your side and decipher the meaning. You need to be fluent if you're going to watch amine and no retard can argue otherwise, retard.
Don't listen to the mememasters from DJT. It takes maybe 6 months on average of daily studying to be able to watch anime raw and read raw manga while only occasionally checking for kanji. Sure, some people learn faster and some people learn slower. All it really takes is dedication.
>You need to be fluent if you're going to watch amine
Case in point. Kill yourself.
ファック ミー
>checking for kanji
depends on the implementation of that keyboard but usually with an x before the character you want gets you said character smaller.
You really don't have to be fluent to understand a language, especially language that's as context based as japanese. Natural part of learning any foreign language is listening to conversations so that you can learn the vocabulary and grammatical structure in order to later form coherent sentences. It's called immersion and it doesn't require you to be fluent.
oh yes, you're an EOP dumbass just like what i thought.
i have seen so many people who can read or listen something outside of their native languages easily but when it turns for them to actually speak or write it they couldn't even make a proper sentence, let alone the grammars. also i'm one of them so i understand that shit.
I want to fucking beat up dekinai-chan and make her cry. Stupid annoying bitch can't understand that it takes time to learn something.
It depends on your level of intelligence. You could probably do it in 2 years if you devoted 3-4 hours a day and are highly intelligent. To be fluent in Japanese you need to know about 10k words. At 15 words a day that's 666 days. At 10 words a day that's 1000 days. At 5 words a day it's 2000 days.
what the hell are those characters on the right? old katakana or something?
anime vocabulary is so limited you can understand 90% without studying anything over time
>oniichan! kochi wa watashi no seifuku! kawaii desu ne??
>o, suggoku kawaii. ore no shourai wa kire! demo hayaku, kyowa okaasan to otoosan ite koi.
ZERO days studied
anime is usually made for tokyo audience so it is usually easy Japanese to learn. It won't take more than 4 years to learn easy Japanese.
おh! ありがとう アノン!
beiinu desu ka
Too long considering what little you get out of it.
>no fucking sense conversation
yeah bery impressive
ロ ン ド ン
Paberu hakase
I'm going to Japan in about a month and I only really know the kana.
Dude you said 8 hours a day.
If you can't learn enough japanese to understand stupid anime faster than 4 years studying every day, all day, then you are retarded.
Also I don't know how education in Japan is like, but I don't believe they have their children studying only japanese 8 fucking hours a day.
It's okay if you're a tourist. Most of them don't even bother to learn those.
I'm a fucking retard and managed to win a full ride scholarship to japan because i studied moonspeak on Sup Forums. Go for it user.
Reply to this simple question with your best Japanese.
If you're a westerner, no problem. Start talking and watch them feel inferior for their inability to english.
El pais de la joyeria
It depends heavily on your IQ too brainlets are gonna take many years if you a have a superior IQ or higher it should take around two years with dedication. After you reached a certain level of understanding you will learn it by yourself, but will need to practice kanji everyday.
This is an American board, we speak American here, get the fuck out with your moonrunes.
Oldf/a/g from pre-/jp/ split currently living in Japan
Don't give up on your dreams user. Living in Japan definitely helped with conversational language immersion but I learned most of my moonrune/comprehention on my own while shitposting on Sup Forums for over 10 years.
It depends of how much time you can spend on it.
They don't really study the Japanese language, but kids in Japan study various things in Japanese for 10 hours a day, speak the language for 16 hours a day and still spend 12 years studying kanji to reach some semblance of adult fluency
it's not like every nip remembers in school
>12 years
kids don't usually start to read until they're 4+
>but I don't believe they have their children studying only japanese 8 fucking hours
Well, according to test results in Japan, only half of Japanese people can master full Joyo Kanji table of 2000+ kanji.
What is the quickest way to learn kanji? Is it just memorizing a bunch everyday? I'm learning bit by bit over the years by reading shonen manga (furigana helps), but surely there are more efficient methods, and hopefully fun too.
My method kinda works since i can read LNs with very few furigana now, but I still need to use the OCR from time to time.
>I'm learning bit by bit over the years by reading shonen manga (furigana helps)
yeah that works for me too
>What is the quickest way to learn kanji?
Just learn vocab. Kanji comes with it naturally.
The Kanji they're derived from.
anki decks then reading every day
My Japanese professor always said the absolute best way to learn was to live in Japan and integrate with the language.
I learn Japanese with raw slideshow anime with Japanese subtitles
>okashii not in kanji
>in less than a year you will be able to slowly read simple kana vns/manga
How much of a brainlet are you?
What is wrong about that? Less than a year is anywhere between 1 second and 364 days.
Honestly learning to speak and understand japanese isnt as hard as actually learning to read it. Its just harder to do because no one actually teaches Japanese without trying to teach you the kanji because its considered essential.