God damn why didn't I watch this shit sooner, it's 10/10. Gives me those good Gantz feels

God damn why didn't I watch this shit sooner, it's 10/10. Gives me those good Gantz feels.

Prepare to get disappointed if youre expecting more.

Would be a lot better if the CG wasn't so fucking jarring.


is that a board?

what chapter did the last episode reach?

It's an olde forum where people enjoy anime incorrectly, according to virgin oldfags. Modern, streaming Chad-newfags won't know it.

CG's fine. Don't know why so many people have an issue with it. I don't even notice it because the story is engaging.

Seems like a really surface level thing to attack

>CG's fine
define fine

>expecting more
Not sure what you mean. Like, more to the story, or more as in a season 2?

It's doing a fine enough job as a feel good anime about being a hero vs a murderous kid.

It's used where it needs to be used and does a good enough job conveying scenes which would be otherwise time consuming to animate.