South Park Creators Come Out As Republicans

They did it at a leftist award ceremony. This is actually surprising. I figured they’d identify as right leaning independents.

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>shitty comedians turn out to be republicans
Woooooooow I am totally surprised at this turn of events.
I really am. wowwwww
a big shocker

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This, conservatives can’t comedy. Also one of them as a wife’s son as well.

top sandniggering!
wtf I love bin'hymihn and schlomo now
let's viewerfag this sandnigger diarrhea together!

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they havent been funny for over a decade

Everybody already knew that, though.


Cartman is pol incarnate

>tumblr photo
fucking kill yourselves shills they're two of the actually good comedians to come out of h*llywood

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They were joking

Hey its Eric and Dylan whats up ?!

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And their kikes, which is why they have the kike Kyle as the calm intelligent rationale one, with white goys like Cartman made to look shit/crazy, with BASED BLACK MEN to top it off

imagine if they had a jewish cartman ranting about the goyim

You fucking retarded? South Park is legitimately funny, especially when you put it in comparison to the rest of the shitty comedies that Hollywood produces.

I figure they still are. They have a history of trolling liberals.

Not surprising at all. People who own businesses or make decisions in top levels of business often tend to be conservative at the very least.

They have a history of trolling everyone liberals are just the ones that always get outraged over it.

BASED JEWS making it look like only crazy, fat degenerates criticize Jews. MAGA

Problem is they're anti-Trump so if anything they're just dime a dozen brainlet "true cuckservatives"
I don't give a shit what political party you claim to be while grandstanding on the soapbox, what matters is all the shit you try shoveling into the mouths of viewers day in and day out.

>South Park is legitimately funny
Figures Bulgaria would be the last place South Park still has any relevance. The show hasn't been funny in like 15 years.

the jewish father is the most insane person on the show.

"True Conservatives" are Ted Cruz/Tea Party types. Matt and Trey are California Republicans. Lower my taxes and leave us out of your leftist idiocy. They likely don't care much about immigration levels, abortion, or trade deals.

They have always been based
Leftist shill and butthurt alt right SJW will cry because they got made fun of.

Kek kys you British pussy

Then why make 2+ whole seasons where you do nothing but attack the Republican candidate/president?

rhetorical question btw i don't give a fuck about these cucks, enjoy your shitty dated toilet humor cartoon

they always made fun of rednecks in a sympathetic sort of way and presented shitlibs as dumb trash that ruin everything

that being said what does "conservative" even mean anymore? trying to lolbertarian your way out of everything

>white school -> good school
>white neighborhood -> good neighborhood
>oh no affirmative action discriminates against... asians
>no gibs for niggers/spics -> small gubment
>moslems are the real nazies

I'm only surprised because their latest episodes have been gay as shit.

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>alt-right SJW

Why would an ethnonationalist pursue the progressive concept of social justice

are are you just retarded

They have always been self identified libertarian leaning Republican voters

You get butthurt and complain whenever your kind are even lightly mocked. Like a nigger who heard "you people".
Just stop being so sensitive.

Parker and Stone have always been open about being republicans.

>hurr durr looks like south park is /ourshow/ now. libtars btfo!

That's you. That's what you look like.

Someone call Ron Mayer because you all are some retarded faggots.


SJW means social justice warrior, what is an alt right SJW?

The last season was cucked as fuck.

They are cuckservatives.

I like how libertarians try to claim them like anyone is actually a fucking libertarian besides the dumbest trailer trash.

Social justice has an actual definition

Maybe they're just doing this to later on say they were just joking while trying to make it all appear as some sort of social commentary?

You just have your own version of social justice.

t. Enlightened numale


>claim to be republican
>make garrison the most retarded drumpf caricature ever

They just do whatever they do to be edgy at 50, otherwise they wouldn't have any money.