Shingeki no Kyojin

Eren did everything right. But it was no Grim Reminder lets be honest. Smug editors btfo.

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Eren's a homo.

What's wrong with homo?

Let it die

Absolutely nothing.

Willy sure as hell died

I mean the thread

Yeah but up yours I want my daily feast of shitposts and fun.

>But why didn't he just shift
It's like Marcel 2.0 I can hear it already

If you shoot a shifter in the head, do they die or would regeneration kick in?

Depends if you shoot the part of the brain that deals with regeneration. Contrary to popular belief, you don't instantly die when shot in the hot. You just almost always are immediately incapacitated. You're still usually conscious, for 3-7 minutes, and 10% of people shot in the head actually live to tell the tale without being lobotomized. You have an even higher chance of living if you're stabbed in the head. You can keep that knife in there for a long time. There was some girl who got stabbed in the head and had it removed some 4 hours later.

Depends, if you're shooting Reiner, no

>Depends if you shoot the part of the brain that deals with regeneration.
Assuming that's a thing.
>mfw regenerating shortens the lifespan of another person on the paths

>Eren acts like Zeke's ally
>He knock him up
>Zeke wakes up naked and chained
>Manlet appears
>"This is going to be the best year of your life"

>mfw Eren convinces all the shifters to continually regen and cut off their limbs
>suddenly people start aging rapidly and dropping like flies


Now this is a GRIM REMINDER I could get behind of.

Who will die next on shingeko, goyims?

>Reiner's hope
>warrior kids
>Porky and Marley whore
>Monkey faggot

Imagine the Falco and Reiner breakdown

How is he still even relevant?

>warrior kids
Udo is going home with the Asian milf

Warrior kids for sure.

>How is he still even relevant?
He's Beast Titan's successor and admires the warchief so much.

I think the most he has done is throw a ball

Is Annie dead?

>How is he still even relevant?
He is the big brother of the current protagonist.

why are fujos so disgusting?

>Reiner's hope
>Implying it's still alive

RE is revenge sex and submission of the larger male.
Truly patrician.

When will they get help from Lyria and Vyrn?

You don't like? Are you big homo?

RE and LZ are the true patrician ships

Why are you making gay ships here? there is /lgtb/ for you

>current protagonist.
pls no

LZ is just torture porn.
I can't see lebi dominating anyone in the sexy way.

Reiner is the current mc you dumbfuck. Falco is just a retarded co protagonist

t.buttblasted monkeyturd

Sieg is awful, mind you.
Kind of a waste of space.

Nah, chances are he's not the real WHT. Everything about him screams red herring to me. What he did, anyone could have done. He was just needed to play the part of the Tybur leader. I think it's more likely than not the tall guard is the real WHT. I mean, all it would take is for the guard to tell Willy what those memories are supposed to be and he parrots them on stage. I feel like Willy was used as a sacrifice to unite the countries against Paradis. Eren just made that alliance possible by brutally eviscerating the guy in front of a global audience.

If they haven't shifted their consciousness then yes it would kill them instantly. If so, they can just regenerate their heads and continue fighting the good fight.

But we saw him doing that, he was having fun with him. Levi's revenge is going to be slow and full of 40 years of no sex frustration

>the tall guard is the real WHT.
Or the maid in black, don't forget about her.

All the people who insisted that Eren was going to "liberate" Liberio and that he saw the warriors and Eldians there as allies need to admit they were wrong. Magath and Tybur knew him better than you did

Zeke is as safe as safe can be. There's still quite a bit of mystery about him and his motives plus he's far as fuck from the festival. He's safe.
>Galliard and Pieck
Safe too. They were led away from the festival and put into the pit for a reason. It's so they won't become casualties.
I hope he's set his affairs in order. Probably going straight to hell for being a cuck.
At least she learned the truth about her people's history before she gets chomped. That's a bonus.
Falco's definitely living long enough to swear bloody vengeance against Mr. Kruger for the shit he pulled.
>Reiner's hope
That one died roughly around the end of the Shiganshina arc.

Magath and the Tyburs really played Eren there. Yes Eren was going to do it regardless, but they took full advantage of the fact that he's doing it and made sure he did it in FRONT of an international audience to ensure that a global coalition forms 100% guaranteed. Now Paradis is in for a tougher fight. At least they have Kiyomi and the Asians on their side so it'd be a more even war. Still, Magath's a pretty cunning son of a bitch. Calculated the Grim Reminder and played his cards right to come out on top.

I'm guessing at least one of the warrior kids, probably one of the less developed ones.

I still think Eren has some ulterior plan to get rid of the titan powers, and the final endgame is liberating eldians of the curse by making himself the final boss.
Who knows though.

Not really sexy.
Sieg has 0 sex appeal.

you could also view it as Eren waiting to see what Willy was going to say. Once he was convinced the rest of the world saw him as a monster anyways he just let loose.

>this is what Reiner puts himself through so the kids can have warm beds and 3 hot meals a day


>still reading shitgeki no ochinchin

What do you think Mads Mikkelsen is doing right now?

This is probably true too. Either way, I think Eren got the shorter end of the stick. Yes, he did grim reminder the fuck out of Marley. But let's look at things from the other side too. Marley just got themselves an international coalition ready to join hands with them. Eren just confirmed everything Willy said beyond a doubt by literally showing the world what he wants to do. So although both got something out of this, I feel Marley still won more than Eren did. Unless the SL are also all there and are going to spring a bigger trap next chapter that takes out a few warriors.

Ochinchin Daisuke though

Smoking and being perved on by Kojima


>tfw I just realized Mads made the cameo in SNK a few months after the Death Stranding trailer came out with him in it


If Paradis is there then all they need to do is win, or do enough damage to convince everyone "hey, leave us alone or you'll git it gud again"

Isayama was probably into Mads because of Hannibal.

But what about Noctis Reedus Jaeger?

>Noctis Reedus Jaeger?
Fuck off with the noctis shit

Eren titan looks huge

what the fuck is grim reminder?

How new? Be honest user, we won't mock you.

Eren devastating Liberio/Marley capital in some fashion. Something a lot of people predicted because Eren is Eren. OP trying to downplay the severity of a Titan Shift in the middle of Liberio that has already caused significant damage and death, and it was Eren that happened to do it.

>significant damage and death

these nicknames are getting out control

a building full of regular Eldians already destroyed, big chunks of that building crashing down into the people below killing many of them; and this is just the start of what is about to come.

>insulting the sacred tradition of bastardizing two characters at once

What's his endgame?

...Don't quit your day job, Isayama.

Lmao that's utterly pathetic.

Fucking shit up,mostly.

Turn back time and save Faye. Putting a stop to the cursed history of the Yeager family.


Hey, newfag here. I was wondering which ones are the endgames?


>can I leave now?


Armin x Eren is the only canon one.


>Falco is the jizz mopper

Th only relevant things he has done are get drunk and play baseball with Zeke

Ymir x corpse?

He saved Falco in 91.

Getting outranked by a former Captain because he didn't suck Willy's willy.


Oh wow that asshole that does the really shitty flood fill coloring of Houseki no Kuni pages is also an SnKid
mind blown


>Corpse x corpse

audibly kek'd


>This is getting pretty X-rated...

Karl the Cuck/Uri/Rod/Frieda/Historia = Sheena branch of the royal family
Dina/Zeke = Rose branch of the royal family
Ymir = Maria branch of the royal family

>Armin x Reiner
m-muh dick

This is more retarded than the "Armong a Reiss/Fritz/Tybur" theories. Ymir is a subhuman sand roach.


Based on?

You just wait. Isayama's bullshit has no limits.

I wish Hange had a body like that

>Brainlets think Erwin doesn't care about humanity
>Meanwhile he makes a plan to save as many soldiers as possible
>He still cheers on his soldiers while he's getting eaten by a titan
>He deathcharges into the Beast titan
Hurrdurr he only cared about himself

Sup Forums is 70% female. And females are 90% fujos.

>Brainlets think Erwin doesn't care about humanity

>Meanwhile he makes a plan to save as many soldiers as possible
But will still willingly feed them into the grinder

>He still cheers on his soldiers while he's getting eaten by a titan
He still tells his soldiers to complete the mission while he's getting eaten by a titan*

>He deathcharges into the Beast titan
After being brow beat into it.