Greater Israel

Is there any argument against it besides “muh Palestinians”?

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Fuck jews and fuck OP.

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Move Israel to Madagascar instead.

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It isn't time yet, Judah still turns his face from God and considers his brother tribes as beasts of burden.

Judah can not be trusted, but only a fool makes him an enemy in this time.

t. Son of Levi

>greater cape verde includes the entirety of the maghreb

We should just send all Jews to live in the Saharan desert or chad and force them to race mix with blacks

israHELL is a racist apartheid colonial state!!

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There is no such thing, it's based on a prephecy that is already fulfilled.
The offspring of Abraham would control the land that people attempt to call "Greater Israel"
It wasn't a promise for Isaac or Ishmael, it was a promise to both of them.
The land now known as Israel was promised to the offspring of Isaac and the rest was given to the offspring of Ishmael.
Prophecy fulfilled.

Glorious idea since they love diversity so much let them succumb under the BBC.

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>Is there any argument against it besides “muh Palestinians”?
More area for the US to have to protect.

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Expanding the Jewish empire cannot be allowed at any cost.


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You guys should just nuke it at this point, Fucking jews are such a drain on your resources.

I know but our government and military love Israel too much.

"U.S. pledges record $705 million in missile defense aid to Israel "

But the Satanic Jew, the Anarchist Jew, and the Bolshevik Jew have all become anti-Zion in the last century.
Only the NatSoc Jew and the Boomer Jew remain defenders of Israel.

that was real israel , not the planned borders of greater israel . and yea there's no real arguments against it , those lands are mostly unused and unoccupied by humans .

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...why aren’t Qatar or UAE included?

You mean the kikes that infiltrated your goverment and leech it dry. America is like a snail with brain parasites.

greatest allies

رد على هذا أو أمك سوف تموت في نومها الليلة

Jews have several times in history got their own state. Every time they ended up pissing up neighbors and getting expelled.
No need to repeat this again. Ship them to some remote island and mine the water around it.


>says greater israel
>it isn't nile to euphrates

Many in the Middle East got expelled by someone else. Assyrians initiated massive deportations and did them commonly. They expelled many. Jews got expelled a lot because they were the most ethnonationalist (something Sup Forums loves and is right to do so) and they had a long history (which means a lot of opportunities to get expelled).

Also, whitey is about to get expelled in South Africa.

Is there any argument against me confiscating your hose and kicking you out besides "muh property"?

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As a white, I genuinely don't give a rats ass what happens there. Take it, enjoy. Adios. Just let us have Europe, and parts of our former colonial continents back as ethnostates.

Gassing Israel. Is there any argument against it besides "muh Jews"?

Most certainly. It's called by right of conquest. You Brits should know all about it.

Allahu akbar kabira!

>kikes kicked in some fucking Arabs so now you can't gas them, goy
This must be that high verbal IQ at work.

Thats not what greater israel looks like. It goes from the mediterranean sea to the persian gulf.

Show the real map faggot.

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>Is there any argument against it

How about the fact that we don't wanna take millions of arabs into our country. We don't have enough Jews to prevent a demographic shift.

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