I've finally decided to give this a shot after the shitflinging and defending and whatnot to see what this is all about. I started SAO II a few days ago and I'm on Episode 5. The verdict so far: It's pretty good?

Aincrad Arc: had some weird directing issues that hurt some of the emotional scenes but still got across the sense of dread. I also really like Asuna so it was fun seeing her relationship grow with KiriGod. Kayaba was a unique antagonist although it's hard to call him that.

Fairy Dance: I don't know what happened here and I don't know why but I can't stand ALO in general. It felt so boring, the villain was also pretty shit. Kawahara why?

And from the few episodes of GGO, it's been a lot better directed, feels like there's enough breathing room and Sinon focus has been refreshing. Looking forward to more shots of her ass.

How are the arcs after GGO? What about Alicization?

So half of a show is shit and you call it pretty good? Those are some low standards.

I had some pretty low expectations and a lot of the moments in Aincrad made up for the 2nd half.

>actually went through the series
This nigga.

But thats the thing. If an entire half of a show is bad, it doesnt matter how good the other half is. Its already worse than tons and tons of shows that are consistently good. It isnt a bad thing to expect a show to be good for its entirety.

Sure but people are going to judge things differently. It's pretty normal to hear about how others forgive this thing because all of this happened. It's not like I hated it, I just consolidated it to the plot/setting and said it was boring.

Thats my point. You are willing to forgive all the shit in a show, but why? There are so many shows where you dont have to put up with shit at all.

Think of it this way. I temd to try about 40 new anime each season. I drop any show as soon as I dont find it enjoyable. I end up with about five good shows typically. Thats five shows EACH SEASON that are good from start to finish. Why waste your time with shit, when you can watch all the good shows that are available?

SAO: Weird pacing but overall good.

ALO: What the fuck

GGO: Good to be honest.

MR: Masterpiece

OS: Pretty good, also funny to see Kirito cope with AR since he's unfit.

ALO is the only one that actually sucks.

Fucking lel that bulge.

SAO is entertaining, but it's not good by any means.
Yes, something terrible can also be entertaining and just dumb fun to watch.
It's funny how Sup Forums adores other shows with that quality, like vulvarape and cross ange, but absolutely hates sao because it got popular with normalfags.

It has its good points and bad points more so bad than Aincrad, but more than enough good overall to say it's been pretty good for me. Again, never said I hated it. I'll agree to disagree here user, since we watch and judge differently. I don't do what you do.

So Season II to Movie ends up being pretty nice? Good to know.

saofags, how's the ln to anime adaptation? can you jump into the novels from movie onwards without issue?

>Fairy Dance: I don't know what happened here and I don't know why but I can't stand ALO in general. It felt so boring, the villain was also pretty shit. Kawahara why?

This sure sounds like you hated the fuck out of it. I'm not trying to tell you what you should or shouldn't like. I'm saying that if you hate half of a show, you owe it to yourself to watch something better.

They've adapted everything except one story in volume 8 in the main novels.

Basically nothing from Progressive is animated.

That said, there's a couple minute changes here and there, but you can basically just go in if all you care about is missing plot points. Alicization can be pretty much read stand alone because it takes like 10 volumes for any older characters that aren't Kirito to be relevant.

Nice. Is Progressive worth picking up and how would you rate Alicization overall?

I haven't gotten around to reading Alicization, but Progressive is definitely worth picking up. To put it simply, episode 2 of the first season was a highly condensed version of the first story in Progressive. So if you liked the second episode of the series, you'll probably like Progressive.

>40 new anime each season
You know they don't make nearly enough quality product for it to be worth the trouble, so why do you torture yourself?

we all know its this

I did. Thanks user.

>not watching it so that you can tell everyone exactly why it's shit

Alicization is the best one, at least the first half since i haven't read the other part, but at the moment is pretty damn good. It start with volume 9

SAO2 would have been 30x better if kirito wasn't involved.

SAO Abridged's second season just started.

Who's excited?!

was not expecting the "i have aids" storyline

>low standards
Different standards. "high" and "low" standards are a retarded way of looking at it.
Most of the anime Sup Forums considers "good" has a fuck-ton of terrible points, and the only reason you're using a different standard for SAO is because it's TOO popular.

>There are so many shows where you dont have to put up with shit at all.
I don't think I've seen a single show where I didn't have to put up with something retarded. As it turns out, nothing is perfect.
>that are good from start to finish
More like, they keep you interested long enough that dropping them half-way through would completely null your time investment into them.

Progressive is definitely worth picking up, and it's worth noting that the manga and the novels are pretty different, but both are good.

Early Alicization feels like early SAO, really good. The latter half isn't as good as the beginning half, but it's still enjoyable.

GGO is the "best" part
it goes to shit all over again in the next arc

SAO's shittiness is really more reputation than fact because of how popular it got.

Thanks you expressed it better.

What's different about them if you know?

Nice good to hear. I can't wait for the anime.

Yeah I just don't put stock in people's opinion if they don't give me some valid points. If you can't get specific, you're likely one of those people who shit on it without watching. I enjoy every Dengeki series now as of this.

>What's different about them if you know?
Progressive manga is only barely canon, in a lot of ways. It follows the same general plot, but sometimes seems to go off and do its own thing.
It's still pretty fun from what I've read of it, it's just that it doesn't always follow the Light Novel.

Liked, subscribed, and shared with my friends. Thanks for updating your blog!

I see Tawawa artist is on it. Picking it up now.

>What's different about them if you know?

Off the top of my head, one major thing is that Asuna learns the Martial Arts skill in the manga, but doesn't in the novel.

Asuna is indeed pretty cute.

And sexy.

I did watch it unfortunately the whole season 1 and reading the ln before.I did watch one episode or two to laugh in ggo but found none.

>What's different about them if you know?

I'd say the chief difference between the Progressive novels and manga is that the manga artist changes things to spotlight and follow Asuna over Kirito. Novels start with Kirito encountering Asuna grinding in a dungeon, manga starts a couple weeks before that with Asuna waking up at an inn. At various points the novels follow Kirito around doing stuff, while the manga follow Asuna instead.

Is the 'aincrad was good though' meme still a thing? God, only the first episode is actually good. SAO is a trainwreck from the get-go and you self-insert faggots can't prove otherwise.

Sounds like both sort of compliment each other.

Again, this isnt about different tastes in shows. Its about putting up with shit that you yourself hate, for no reason. OP says that ALO was shit. Thats a whole cour. 13 episodes of sitting through garbage, and in the end, he says the show is good. Why? How can he possibly consider that to be good, if he hated half? If he loved both arcs, amd said he liked the whole show, fine. But thats not the case. And yes, no anime is perfect. But good shows may have only one or two bad episodes, not a whole fucking arc.

>Its about putting up with shit that you yourself hate
That user didn't say he hated ALO though. He said it felt boring, and the villain was shit. A boring arc and a bad villain doesn't mean he "hates" the whole arc.

>13 episodes
10, actually. The first arc was 15 out of 25 episodes.

>in the end, he says the show is good. Why?
Because he overall likes it, despite the one arc, (that is now barely a 5th of available episodes, at 10 / 49 episodes) that he didn't like so much.
Sure, maybe one bad arc is enough to put off some people from a show entirely, but I'm sure most will continue watching if they feel it could improve, given what there was from the earlier arc.

Kind of.

"I cant stand ALO in general" Sounds like he hates the whole arc.

Fine. 10 episodes. but at the time, that was 10/25 episodes. I used to like Konosuba. Season 2 sucked. I dont like Konosuba as a whole anymore. I liked season 1. If theres a season three, I wont be watching it. I get that he liked Aincrad. I did too actually. But I refuse to put up with any show that expects me to sit through 10 episodes of garbage.Why? Because there's only so much time in a day, and plenty of shows that don't have worthless arcs.

By ALO I meant the MMO game itself. What happens moment to moment is by no means all horrible. It was just stale compared to Aincrad for me, again I stress I never said I hated it. Despite it sounding like it, I was just consolidating it all for comparisons sake. I already got a blog post comment after all.

OP are you still here? Are you new to anime and Sup Forums?

What about if he was, but was a trap from the start?

A trap can't carry a show by itself.

Would have made the interaction between him and Klein a whole lot more entertaining.

It'd just shift to Asuna being the MC, which wouldn't be a terrible thing.

He's canonically supposed to be mostly a trap. Or at least, easily pass as one.
The bit about Klein saying Kirito was his "type" was a jab at him looking like a girl.

Illustrations just do a bad job at showing this, and the characters themselves only mention or think about it in passing.