Perfectly fine characters ruined to further a retarded plot

Perfectly fine characters ruined to further a retarded plot.

More like
>characters who shot themselves in the foot

no, she's not fine
she's the worst
>no passion or talent like Ruri
>no loli appearence and truculence like Kanako
>no money like this tall nerd
>not a tsundere like Kirino or her friend, just a bland, dull, insipid girl

But the glasses

>implying her not being a violent tsundere like kirino isn't a positive

Manami a shit, even ignoring her actions towards Kirino. Her words for Kyousuke after Kuroneko dumped him made her a huge manipulative shit

>being a putrid fucking cunt
>perfectly fine character

>shit characters that were evil and should die

>foreshadowed throughout the series since volume 1
>ruined to further a retarded plot
Is Oreimo way too smart for the regular user or people is dumb as hell?

>calls out Kyousuke and Kirino on their toxic and incestuous relationship
Kirinofags, everyone.

What toxic and incestuous relationship? Unless you have proof that Manami is a time traveler you have no point whatsoever.

Kirino and Kyousuke's relationship? Hello?

You mean the relationship that was born after the volume 8 of the series? Ok, just leaving that clear.

>characters who shot themselves in the foot because the plot called for it*

I like tsundere personally
Those girls make me keep my mental and emotional health in good shape. +no boredom

I started to watch this show but dropped it after like 4 episodes because Kirino was such an insufferable cunt and Kyosuke was such a spineless faggot. The short haired girl on the other hand seemed like a perfectly decent person, what happened to her later on?

Maybe if your a masochist, but I prefer more level headed and calm ones.

She's a youkai who possessed Kyoisuke and cursed Kirino covfefe

English pls

She was a perfectly fine character until they retconned in the entire shit-evil-should-die backstory in the literal final episode

chitose is shit
manami is shit
this entire character archetype is shit

>Perfectly fine characters ruined to further a retarded plot


I feel educated

>I'll pretend the whole series of events in which Manami were involved since chapter 1 never happened
Correct me if I'm wrong but i'm almost sure that they didn't skipped the speech of Manami calling Kyousuke a worthless shit in the anime, the anime cut so much stuff that I might be mixing the anime and LN.

kanako is so irrelevant it must have been a joke

>Kirinofag fanfiction
opinion discarded

Came here to post that.

>implying it isn't accurate

Besides step 1 and 2 being in the wrong order and step 4 and 5 being a little bit overstretched, chart is pretty accurate.

Both of them. But mainly Chariot.

She would have won if she had just asked him out to begin with, but instead, she did this whole stupid convoluted plan.

>would have won
Not really, the author had already decided from the beginning that the retarded was going to stay with the excrement made character named kirino.

Your tears sustain me along with cute pictures of kirino and kyousuke.

Shit characters that got rekt for the plot.

this is what happened

>hurr imma write an incest story
>better introduce some other girls to make the story longer
>oh shit all the girls are better than main girl and each one of them make more sense to end up with the MC
>Should I change my planed ending?

Manami was always a boring girl. The twist made her a more interesting character.