Be honest and tell me what you see in pic related.
don't say "a black square" you fucking intellectual rapists your presence is not allowed
Be honest and tell me what you see in pic related.
don't say "a black square" you fucking intellectual rapists your presence is not allowed
a yellow frame
A crazy tranny. What do I win?
Best Girl
i see a square with gold color and some woman never existed.
The Golden Witch and Best Girl Beatrice
who was her name again?
Female Gilgamesh
Bee-a-treech-ay sama
A cute girl (male)
I see ep 8
This is a Umineko thread now
Post your favorite OST
Criminally underrated.
pre episode 5 battler was pretty badass after that he becomes the heroine being rescued by beato.
A lonely OL with communication issues.
A cute boy.
Battler was being rescued by Beato as early as episode 3, arguably even earlier. Plus, his rescue by her in episode 6 was his plan all along.
God i want to ravage her
Please elaborate user.
BTW, even though when Episode 6 was released and many people didn´t like it, I liked that part.
I didn't really like most of episode 6 (as much as the first 5 anyway) but that last part made it kind of worth it. I still think Ryukishi could have somehow fused the most important aspects of EP6, 7 and 8 and made just one big episode as a proper closure.
This is now an ERIKA thread
Only ERIKA (best girl(female)) posts will be allowed from here on out
She's literally dead and you know it
Posting best Seacat.
Maybe in the human world, but she now exists on a higher plane alongside Bern and Lamba
I remember when episode 5 came out, and we only had some translations from anons back then. Everyone at first hated her.
This was carried on until the end of episode 6. The way she handled herself against Beato & Battler gained her her popularity now.
Battler tricked Erika into thinking she had trapped him in a logic error against his will. However he was always able to escape for the same reason that Beato was able to rescue him. By creating a situation that Beato could save him from that she could only do by uncovering the truth of her own existence in a way he revived the essence of the Beato he loved.
>the castrato singer that fucks up several EP7 tracks wailing at full blast
It's shit.
A hatched egg
*Female Girugamesh
For that relaxing melancholy feeling
An Arch-nemesis engaging me in a battle of wits via internet shitposting
Yearly reminder
A crzy bitch
A dumb unfaithful tranny whore.
He has no kill?
Lets see who gets this one
>Ange loses her fortune and gets cancer
>Ange gets rid of her pursuers and is free to live the way she wants to
I hate having a complete magic resistance, I can't see shit.
All I can see is FURNITURE!
What, you can't see a guy with a wig talking to himself and screaming "muh magic" every two seconds? I think something is wrong with your internet.
So did sHe.
>Batora went to paradise with his waifu (eunuch)
>Batora is a retarded cripple
Not a hard choice.
I agree, trick ending is best ending.
I see a self-insert character who has magic and use it to earn her happiness.
both beato and satoko on the catalog, I guess someone is feeling nostalgic
And both threads are shit. Was this part of your plan as well OP?
>You will never get a Beato-reach-around
>that feel when you will never experience something as magical at Secats ever again
Feels empty and filled at the same time.
National Geographic logo?
There were two cicadas thread during the night
Is it weird if Will is my favorite cat?
Not at all, Will is a cool dude who knows what he wants. If anything there should have been more of him.
I see a transvestite boy.
I see a witch and we all know what needs to happen to witches.
Dlanor a best.