I claim Juri as my waifu
I claim Juri as my waifu
Koto will always be the superior referee.
fuck off edible
I am more into fishes than furries
remember that 1 time when juri wasn't a shit
>why would you want a girl with sick bangs when you can have a girl with the same haircut as your aunt
No competition there OP, Koto was better.
Found out that Koto was meant to be a cat not a fox. This is kinda disappointing.
How can this guy draw such hot females, then do hunterxhunter and go full gay and draw women with jew noses or penises.
i want to play with those ears
Feel bad for girls that have to wear falsies and cant grow their own.
Vaporeon has always been my favorite Eevee evolution.
>there are people with taste this shitty
You don't deserve her anyway.
Why not both.
is Koto really 15?
Does that mean they could have stood a chance against Hiei at the beginning of the series?
She and the other referee were fucked by old men during the tournament. It's actually canon.
You can have her.
I claim Botan as my anime Wife
How do you feel about the fact that their lines were changed so much in the dub as to make them seem like sociopathic sadists?
I remember thinking it was weird when Koto suddenly defended Kurama when he was invalid and the other guy still wanted to fight him. It didn't make sense that she wouldn't want to see more bloodshed.
daily reminder that juri did not want to die as a virgin
just no
she is so boring
fuck you she's MINE!
It's just a dumb thing shitty sexually obsessed western dub added.
what she said instead?
any feesh is MY feesh