
And so begins years of pain and torture for our tomboy
wouldn't have it any other way

More blushing tomboy!

thats about all this has to offer any more

So, all what Tomo needed is that Jun had to stop talking to her for a whole year to make her fall for him?

Haven't read this shit since the faggot arc.
Have Tomo and Jun fucked yet?

Read the manga.

So begins Tomo's awakening into womanhood. Will she wet dream about Jun?

Jun looks so damn handsome in this page.

>faggot arc
But there was no arc about op

there's a reason for that

Cutest chapter yet?

>years long foreplay & orgasm denial
That's too brutal Jun, cut Tomo a break.

>full multi page blushing Tomo
This calls for a full coloring so see you guys tomorrow.

we'll be here, waiting.

nothing will beat the volleyball one

There was no arc about you.

Just finished the flashback arc revealing why Jun dated Muzuku, and why Tomo friendzoned herself forever

Tomo getting dolled up was a long time ago. Tomo is dressed in her school girl outfit. This will be the last arc she will be feminine.

She'll be pretty feminine when Jun finally impregnates her with grandkids.

>Tomo's breasts got so large from years of Jun's rubbing and abuse

Well, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

i don't think the foreshadowed followup ever happened, did it?

Does the artist syill even draw porn?

She's not a tomboy

A fucking cute.
Will we see a long straight hair Tomo again?

>not a tomboy
I hate this meme

Had eggs & chicken a little while ago. Not Oyakodon though.

She's a best tomboy.

>She blushes when Jun hugs her, probably touching her breast without realizing about it
Well, Tomo is really getting into puberty.
She's a healthy growing up girl after all

Would a totally femenine Tomo be good too? With her proper tomboyish part once she gets too much into anything

>Would a totally femenine Tomo be good too?
No, girly tomboys are a nice temporary treat, but their tomboyishness is where it's at.

>Tomo realized her crush on Jun when he confessed about being together forever three seconds after she friendzoned him.

>Cupping a tit out of frame

I can see why she's so sexually frustrated. Too bad Misuzu isn't going to relinquish her crown of queen over Jun's dongus.

this arc sucks monkey balls

wrong series

If we don't get some kind of epilogue with cute kids after all this shit is over then I am going to be pissed. Christ.

My head hurts. Anyways, I think we'll get the Christmas break tomorrow or the day after, so we'll make an announcement then (not related to Tomo-chan or other manga).

The start did. The last few pages have been good.

Twi_yon hasn't updated yet, and they normally do within the hour the page has been uploaded, so not tonight. Also thanks.


Has Fumita taken christmas breaks before? They seem more spontaneous than planned out.

every year it's been in serialization.

Last year he stopped before christmas and didn't continue until February a bit later. It was awful

this dummy tomboy, I swear

>was Jun always this big and manly

Oh, now I remember. Yeah that was awful.

The announcement has nothing to do with manga, it's more like an event thing.
I'll announce it on the last Tomo-chan page before the break cause the thing starts the day after and the last time I tried to announce it, my thread got janitor'd.

Lmao this is why cutting contact with sluts always works

A true madien, completely hopeless in the face of truly manliness

He's a big guy

>we'll make an announcement then

>Tomo likes them big
Tomo's crush really is 100% hormones.


read Nothing is canned, doesn't have anything to do with scans or whatever. It'll just be fun times.

Man, I want to see again the actual Tomo beign cute

Breast growing hurts?

The best thing about that panel is that she finally got closure from this page

well they get tender, yeah
but the joke was that hitting them was magic or some shit

they get sensible, nipples chafe sometimes, and there the back pain, or so I've been told.

>Her mom

Akemi is great, yeah

For Mizuzu

Why do you consider the piggy back as closure for this page? On this page she was merely following Misuzu's advice.

Second panel is so rapey


check your privelege shitlord

f-f-for you.


Because she want's to get touchy with him the way he does with her, but the one time she tried he blocked her, but in that panel she finally gets her wish.

Yes I know Don

What theme would the dreams follow?

The first panel always gets me, cant unsee

This might be a bit off topic anons but it's something that suddenly made me wonder. if a Tomo anime was made, what would tomo's nahaha sound like?

i've been picturing ryuuko, but a little higher pitched

Think Makoto from Idolmaster doing that instead of hi~hiin


Are you finally dropping Kaguya, dipshit?




Wait a minute, did tumblr do this one?


it's the cancer group that worked on it for all of a month

What a blockhead

That was the older translator, before dropout picked up the slack.

>what are you?
>a tomboy sandwich

More like a chicken and egg sandwich seeing as those are her mother's hands.


It doesn't say manly anywhere, too much freedom here. And it should probably be more along the lines of hard, not big.

I think he's trying to keep the actual tomboy noises Tomo makes.

The last one should be na though, and it's due to stuttering in the nandemoneeeeeeee.

>tomboy oyakodon sandwich
O-oh my.

So we know the problem
but what's the out?
Jun stopped treating her like this ages ago now

There's two likely things that are gonna happen once we're out of the flashback:
Either we're really in endgame mode and things are gonna start to happen and we only got a volume or two left.
Or all the loose knots have been tied up and a new obstacle is going to be introduced as a sort of phase two for the manga, maybe an actual rival love interest for either of them, and either new, or misuzu herself.
But all the previously operating obstacles have been resolved:

Well, Jun still sees himself at an impasse, and reflecting on all this on its own probably won't help him much
It has to come up somehow again, for them to really tackle the BFF pact.

can females have wet dreams?

Well they're a lot less wet and messy, but yes they have dreaming orgasms too. Why wouldn't they? There's nothing gender specific about erotic dreams.

Wet dreams happen when you don't fap/have sex and your body finds a way to dispel excess semen, my dude. Did you skip basic health class?

I dunno what ancient books you read, but that's as much bullshit as the idea that fapping gives you hairy palms. If you want some idea on the current literature, google's right there for you.

yup dropped out 8th grade

oh and thanks for paying my bills ant.

>Well, Jun still sees himself at an impasse
Both kind of are, but at the same time both are finally kind of on the same page. They're both finally happy where their relationship as friends is and both are asking themselves what else they want.