
If you think it's better than Gunbuster, you're cancer.

But of course, I was born in June.

Me too

I know a person who does, am I morally obligated to kill them?

The proto giga drill breaker made me tear up

It is better though.


Being right is cancer?

Yes, since it makes no one like you

I only was able to get through the first episode, why did they tear their shirt off to get a powerup though? Wasn't the shirt tearing in gunbuster because she needed to tear off the front plate of her robot to get to the reactor or something?

Gunbuster is garbage. Shove a neon dildo up your ass, 80sfaggot

It's a callback, think that when Diebuster aired it had been 20 years since Gunbuster and that was probably pretty cool to see but I agree it's silly

The underage lolsorandom Let's Play generation enters the thread

Half of Diebuster's big moments are just shoehorned references to Gunbuster.

Well i guess its not a bad thing i didnt end up watching it then, I honestly wouldnt mind the references if they werent just thrown in randomly.
Although do they explain why the world isn't already lost considering the bugs are in the solar system? Their big threat was that they'd nest in the Sun causing it to rapidly age but the first episode had one hiding in the water on Earth.

>better main characters
>better robot designs
>better animation
>took all the good parts of Gunbuster and put it into the show
>first four episodes weren't complete garbage
>last episode actually has color
>one-upped the ending
Diebuster is OBJECTIVELY better than Gunbuster. You can't refute this.

Reminder that the good parts of Gunbuster were all Toshio Okada's ideas and Anno is a hack.

They do. While I'm a huge Gun > Die fag, I still think you should probably just go ahead and watch it. It's just 6 episodes, after all.

is gunbuster 3 still happening

Can barely wait for season 3.

>The year of our lord 2017
>Not appreciating both shows for how they represent their times and tell two sides of one story seperate by decades in real time and millennia in the show and how together they are the coolest project Gainax ever made


They already announced Gunbuster 2 & 3. Gumbuster and Dyebuster: The Rebustering.

I have the impression that when people praise Gunbuster they only remember the last episode, and not sitting through pure garbage like the Smith one.
Hard SciFi, realistic tone and serious stakes simply don't work well with Ace wo Nerae parodies and retarded teenagers straight out of shoujo that have no business fighting aliens in the army. The tone is all over the place and impossible to take seriously when shit gets real.
Diebuster on the other hand, has none of these problems, adopting a FLCL-esque cartoony and wacky tone consistent through the series and actually providing justification for the presence of spoiled shitty kids protecting humanity. This on top of being more thematically rich and having more interesting main characters, of course.
