All 20 years+ battle adventure manga

Which one will end first? Last?

I'm not sure but I feel like One Piece is around 70%~75% of the story it will without a doubt end before 2025 and maybe before 2020.

Jojo will end with part 8 imo, so that's another 3-4 years at the very best.

Why would jojo end at part 8

talking outta my ass here but I just don't see part 9 being a thing considering how long it would take to complete it after 8 ends.

Araki has stated a couple of times he would stop drawing and writing around 50, he's 55 right now I think. Part 9 would take him at least 6~7 years.

JoJo will end first. Berserk second (yes I unironically think this) and One Piece last.

>Berserk second

I still think he'll put out another part to make a trilogy of the new universe.

One Piece first, then Jojo and last Berserk

Depends will JoJo and OP end before Miura dies?

One Piece still has another 10 years to go by Oda's estimation, and he always under estimates. Probably more likely 12-15 years. One Piece will finish last.

>it will without a doubt end before 2025 and maybe before 2020.
You don't even read it.

JoJo ended at part 6. Part 7 and onward is another reality.

You're forgetting Hunter x Hunter in the pic

Nice dubs but it's still only 19 years old, so close but no cigar

>first: One Piece
>last: Jojo
>never: Berserk

Add hajime no ippo

miura dying

But Araki doesn't actually age

hajime no ippo is already ending anyways

Should i read Berserk as my first manga?

One Piece will end first, 30th anniversary, 2027 -- this is actually overshooting Oda's latest thoughts on how long it'll take, and he always undershoots it.

Then, Berserk will end, 3035. I can't really explain why. I just think the math fits given where the story is at the moment.

Finally, JoJo will end with Part 9, 2037 (50th anniversary) or 2040 (Araki's 80th birthday). This is assuming Part 8's one-third mark is Gappy realizing his identity and the second-third mark will be the introduction of the primary antagonist; and then Part 9 will be longer than Part 7 in proportion to how much longer 8 will be than 7. Araki will be too old to do a Part 10, though he might consider it, he'll die before it ends.

So, One Piece will end first and JoJo last.

One Piece, all of the end goals are already on sight, only thing left is to actually get there, which isn't very far away taking in consideration Luffy crew can already face 1 of the 5 strongest groups in the world, so 1 more training arc and then is game over.

Berserk will end before Hunter x Hunter, i'm pretty sure your life will end before Hunter x Hunter, so not on the same league.

who cares about berserk anymore anyway?

>Luffy crew can already face 1 of the 5 strongest groups in the world
by getting completely wrecked, then saved by sheer luck and from then on running away?