It's YOUR fault that Nichijou flopped

It's YOUR fault that Nichijou flopped.

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It's the Japs fault for not even trying to sell anime outside of Japan


>Sasahara married Ribbon-chan

Japs have shit taste.



Good, it was shit.

They were selling bd's for how much again?

were to watch

I'm sorry. Nothing I do will change the fact that no new season........... Nothing.

I'm not even sure there is enough material for a full second season. There's only 10 volumes of the manga and the first 6 are pretty well covered. The 7th volume was relatively untouched by the show and 8-9 weren't out when it was animated.

Volume 10... Is very strange.

Who cares? We ended up getting 2 full cours of god-tier animated goodness and a good amount of figures.


Those beautiful 26 episodes are all I need.

Fuck you OP I supported Nichijou more than you did. I even have this totally legit DVD to prove it. Dunno why there's chinese and shit on an American DVD but still. Fuck you.

It sold around 3000 when it aired. The rerelease sold around 3900. So it's around 7000, nowhere as bad as people made it to be.

Looks legit.


Did Sakarai ever end up with Sensei with the sideburns?

Partially right, as I would never buy this pile of garbage even if I was the kind of fag that wasted money on anime.

There's a subplot where the Sensei guy does something that makes it look to Sakurai like he's interested in the science teacher. I'm pretty sure they eventually clear up the misunderstanding but I don't remember if they actually get together.

Suck my dick OP. I've paid my share. The Japs are the ones who shit the bed on it. They shot their moe wad on inferior SoL shows and didn't give this gem a chance. That's on them. Fuck Japan.

It's Nichijou's fault for being shit

I bought a nendo and the calendar that one year

Oh and there was that cute Sega prize figure of Nano that I got

It's not my fault it put me to sleep.

It wasn't very funny.

Hakase or Nano nendo?

To me it was more cuter

Good taste Hakasebro. Hopefully I will get Nano for cheap someday to complete the pair.


What's volume 10 like, user?

The first 9 volumes are pretty random but there's usually some sort of cohesive storyline holding the pieces together. Volume 10 just starts to flail around wildly. There are sections of 4 koma built around totally random things (we're talking even more random than usual.) Many of these are cut into two or even single panel gags. The whole volume just comes off the rails and does whatever the hell it wants. It's really enjoyable, but noticeably different than the rest of the series.

It was the planets fault.

Being Mio is suffering

Fuck is this what they call 「True NTR」?


at least Sup Forumsnon has a chance now. get her on the rebound


i bought the madman dvd collection and the whole manga set

Forget Mio. I want the cubes.



Best girl won in the end


actually got this from arawi's twitter

Shit ass show wasn't funny.
I'll never get back the time I wasted going through all 24 episodes of this crap.

what would be breaking even?
what would be doing well?

so fuck her and take the cubes when she's vulnerable then. haven't any of you seen Gaslight?

>Someone called for me, I wonder who it could be?
>I'm really excited.

>This is sudden but, let's get married.

>W-well I may be too normal, but I'm in your care.

why did you watch 24 fucking episodes if you clearly were not enjpying the show?

also it's 26 you dummy

Thank you user

Fuck me sideways, this is actually funnier than any of the skits actually involving Ribbon-chan in the anime.

Would love to see this animated just to hear the delivery of the EEEEHHH x2 punchline.


>bought whole manga
>bought the anime

I'm not guilty of anything

Sure, it flopped so hard it kept being licensed for re-runs on NHK. Oh what a disaster for Kyoto Animation, a steady income of TV licensing fees.

It's the jap's own fault for making anime so damn expensive.
I'd accept a fair price for a box set, but no way in hell am I paying over 20 bucks for TWO (2) episodes.

Dumb frogposter

Fuck off

Post the comic where the robot has to sell her body to make ends meet.

>trying to sell to audiences with inherently inferior tastes
NO! Once they start trying to appeal to a western audience (((hollywood))) influences will invariably start to seep in. Sooner or later everything that makes anime different than western media will disappear.



Jungle subhumans should all hang.

>build sentient robot
>give her obvious and hindering inhuman feature's
>refuse to remove them because "they're cute"
Why was she so cruel, Sup Forums?

She's a sadist

giving a robot feelings is the best prank you can pull on it

>haha welcome to the shitshow with the rest of us, rustbucket. Hope you like existential dread.
Lmao, I hope we do this IRL when we invent AI. It will be the best troll of all time, at least for the 30 minutes we have before it nukes us all into oblivion.

God I want to have sex with them

>god, I want to have sex

his new manga will never get translated will it

So that Nano could learn to accept herself as a robot and not a human, because she isn't human and never will or can be.