



>no subject
>useless comment

Great thread, OP.

>Not Supai desu

Welcome to Sup Forums

>He thinks a subject is required
Fuck off newfag.


This scene felt like it made fun of itself. Her boobs looked perfect in episode 2, everything else was a downgrade.

Can we just wait until there's something to talk about before we spam useless threads about this series?

Season 2 soon hopefully

Beato saying Mama

Sorry, I just finished it and wanted to discuss it

One of the best shows of the year, in my shitty opinion

I agree, it was really, really fresh.

I hate this show so fucking much

>i can't appreciate true art

What did she mean by this?


Maybe she has titanium ribs?

maybe her heart is infested with cultured mongols wishing to bring prosperity to england?



Do not lewd Beato

If your image doesn't have the series title, and your comment doesn't have the series title, then your subject had better have the series title if you don't want your thread to die because nobody could actually find it.