Well, 25 days to go until Violet Evergarden runs in Japan. And before you ask, no, this isn't a falsefag post...

Well, 25 days to go until Violet Evergarden runs in Japan. And before you ask, no, this isn't a falsefag post, nor am I trying to 'kill' the show before it airs, because why the flying fuck would I want to do that?

It looks beautiful, and I all I want to know is if the plot is interesting (too lazy to read light novels).

That's all I want to know, then I'll leave this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's like The Last Jedi in how it's beautifully made.

Alright, thanks and goodbye.

Thank you Based Kyoani

Kyoani wouldn't make a show with a bad plot, would they?

But that movie was trash

Thanks for ruining the subtlety of user's joke by explaining what he meant by this.

Does this girl look like someone who would kill ten strangers in the blink of an eye?

She is delicate, fragile and not a murderer. You a mentally damaged if you think otherwise.

>kills people
>not a murderer

What's up with the contrast on that image?
Don't tell me the entire show is going to be like that?

Stop talking shit about my wife Violet. She kills only my unborn children when consumes.

There's nothing implicit in the laws of nature which says that stealing things is wrong, because the laws of nature don't have anything to do with morality. Neither the concept of 'theft' nor the concept of 'wrong' are innate to humans. They have to be taught. The key difference between this idea and Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment is that this idea allows the contents of the 'poster' to be altered by material from the 'IN' slot. Every human starts off with a blank poster, and over the years, it's filled with more and more rules for taking the 'input' of human social interaction and converting it into 'output' – your own participation in that social interaction. So, if we're talking about 'theft' being 'wrong', we have to think about it in terms of the 'input', the 'output', and the 'rules'.
Anyway, all of these 'rules' get used to process the 'input' and eventually the 'output' pops out – let's say, for instance, that you decided to take the banknote and return it to the guy who dropped it. In this case, the rule 'theft is wrong' won out over 'money is something to be acquired'. His idea was that every human is fundamentally just 'shuffling symbols' inside the 'box' – mindlessly accepting input and manipulating it according to arbitrary, abstract rules that we only have because 'culture' or 'civilisation' imparts them to us through meta-rules. Internally, there's no such thing as society, or even morality – just rules and meta-rules, which the vast majority of people go about their lives entirely unaware of.
It's not impossible for people to become aware that they exist inside a 'box'. In some cases, they even recognise the nature of rules and meta-rules. People whose process of ideation is no longer unconsciously governed by rules and meta-rules – these people are 'sociopaths'. sociopaths are those who are aware of the arbitrary nature of the rules that govern the nature and method of their human interactions

Violet is a sociopath.

Was there a problem when they encoded the show/trailers? Because the contrast is fucked throughout all their PVs.

They're just crushing the blacks to give it a hipstery effect, it looks annoying in static images but I have found it bereable in motion.

>this text
Is this schizophasia or something

Don’t listen to the nay-sayers, just watch it because you won’t regret it. This is coming from a person who saw the pre screening at Singapore.

stop falseflagging

Or high functioning autism


And cringiest post of the year award goes to you.


Nah, I think you just about have him beat.

It looks set to be a shitty soap opera.

This is going to be AOTY.

Not hard when its litterally the only ANIMATED show in whole year. The rest is outsourced to north koreans trash.

Why would i care what someone from a third world shithole got to say?

Kyoani has an oursource studio in korea, actually. And they made this using jewflix's money.

There is no such thing as morality regardless anyways. It's just an artificially constructed set of rules that people limit themselves so as for their proper functioning relative to the society.
Violet is just pure.

Like this?

KyoAni still owns Violet and only sold streaming rights to Netflix.

Good to know i'm among pseudo-intellectual college dropouts.

>Kyoani has an oursource studio in korea
KyoAni has a studio they OWN in Korea, which however makes money on its own and barely involved in KyoAni project other than ocassionally doing 2nd key stuff. KyoAni originall was doing a LOT of outsourcing for other studios - animating whole episodes for them (including Shinbo even), 2nd key animation etc. However once they became more independent they stopped doing it alltogether and instead delegated the remaining contacts to korean studios, while KyoAni now only makes own anime and does everything inhouse.

>And they made this using jewflix's money.
Wrong. Unlike "netflix exclusive/netflix original" shows, VEG is not funded by Netflix. No one aside KyoAni and Lantis are in production commity, its entirely KyoAni thing. Netflix only bought rights to stream it very late seeing the show will become popular, it also doesnt have exclusive rights -it`ll be broadcast in japan on five channels as well on other streaming services in China and Latin america.

I think we should predict which show will be dark horse of winter 2018 and beating this and Fate Extra in sales.

BTW I would like to know what he consider himself as-a psychopath? He too seems to be aware of the constructed reality of morality.

Yeah but outsourced korean trash regardless mate, as you've said

kyoanus shit stopped being top selling material a while ago


Is this sarcasm?

story is shit and bland but it's probably going to be really pretty
same as everything kyoani has ever done ever

>They're just crushing the blacks

Anime isn't outsourced to South Korea and there are "animated" shows every season.

how so?

Well, it sounds like you're being sincere about it. No HOW CAN ANYONE ELSE COMPETE/SHAFTARDS ON SUICIDE WATCH TOP KEK/GET READY TO HAVE YOUR SOUL CRUSHED bullshit. See, retards? This is how you start a thread.

Kyoani now makes their entire shows with shitty tumblr filters so that every picture of a kyoani show is a shitpost




It's a myth that anime is outsourced to South Korea.

I want to violate Violet.


Then prove that anime is outsourced to South Korea.

You are correct, Trigger outsources to Chinese

They don't.

Just watched the new PV, looks really beautiful, I hope the show is good as well.

>Hangzhou Longqi Animation Design Co.

Top part of immage - Trigger`s "Kill la Kill" animation production

Bottom part of image - KyoAni`s Hyouka animation production

So your argument is that because SOME Chinese or Korean people are involved in the production, the production is therefore outsourced to China or Korea? Really?

My argument is that i actually know what i talk about, while you are retarded ignorant shitposter thats too lazy to ever pay attentiont to end titles of shows or research the production, otherwise you`d know KyoAni is pretty much the ONLY studio that does not outsource (Studio Blue being their subsidiary) and doing everything in house.

Just about EVERY anime you see has 2nd key, Finishing, coloring, etc done in either or both Korea or China partially or even fully.

Also where is that second screenshot supposed to be from?

This is the precise opposite of reality. I do know what I'm talking about, while you do not. That's why I'm right while you are claiming that anime is outsourced to Korea or China, which it is not.

>Just about EVERY anime you see has 2nd key, Finishing, coloring, etc done in either or both Korea or China partially or even fully.
Trying to shift goalposts, huh?

Pretending to be idiot at this point doesnt serve the purpose you think it does.

I'm not an idiot or pretending to be one. The fact is that anime is not sourced and you are either ignorant or lying.

Name one show this season that is not. I dare you.

Name one show that is.

Can't wait for Kyoani to overestimate themselves and go full QUALITY from episode 8 onwards.

How come there’s like 50 studios making KlK but it still looks like shit?

Not even in your dreams, boyo.

Inuyashiki as highest profile show this season. And just about every others since theres no KyoAni show. Let alone Animegatari thats directly funded by China Film Corporation

Nice falseflag you faggot

The first episode was already shown in July, so they are way ahead of schedule. The first PV was shown in mid-2016.

It doesn't look like shit, but having more studios work on something isn't going to make look it better.

>And just about every others since theres no KyoAni show.
Complete bullshit. You are either massively ignorant or lying.

Oursorcing. Every studio does it (aside KyoAni) - Trigger is actually very small studio and does not have stuff, so recieving the funding for anime production they pretty much just do the important key frames and outsorce everything else - backgrounds, 2nd key, finishing, painting, montage etc. to others.

Big studios do that too, a typical Aniplex show easily getting 50+ compenies involved in production, Madoka having a lot more even.

A lot of people involved does not mean better quality - the opposite. Since one one has to check the stuff from multiple sources, match it, get everything in time etc. and it does not really correspond artistic vision since its not you doing stuff and you cant supervise everything.

KyoAni is the only one that does everything (sound and sometimes backgrounds aside, but now they even have own sound recording studio and) - but one has to understand, KyoAni is not a "small" studio, its almost 200 people working on permanent basis: which is unreachable for most studios.

Some studios, like A-1 or Diomedea pretty much do nothing inhouse and just gather production crew specifically for shows and outsource just about everything.

Why feeling so salty if kyoani did outsourced its production to the Chinese and Korean. It's not like there is nothing wrong with that.

>ou are either massively ignorant
oh the irony

Outsourcing is "bad" in general (also inevitable for most), and Koreans/Chinese outsourcing is reason of most "QUALITY" you see posted as memes on Sup Forums

For long running series, whole episodes like say Naruto are outsourced completely

Are you ignorant or are you lying? Which is it?

Almost every anime studio is outsourcing to a certain extent, but the outscourcing is done for more unimportant things (inbetween frames, painting, etc...).
There's also the case that Japan's animation industry works at near 100% capacity, they just don't have enough people to do inbetween frames in Japan.

That said, KyoAni did subcontracting work for others before, including Shaft`s Shinbo with Soultaker.


> Koreans/Chinese outsourcing is reason of most "QUALITY"
No it isn't. Key animation is almost done exclusively in Nip. QUALITY happens when there's production issues.

VEG's production is basically over by now.

You are ignorant and retarded. First of all, oursourcing is not limited to that. Whole episodes are oursourced at times - usually long running series, but even high profiles one like recently MAPPAs later episodes of 1st season of Bahamut.

Secondary, 2nd key, inbetweens, painting, finishing are NOT uninportant for fuck sake. You have no idea about how the picture you see in anime comes to and role of each step.

I don't think is saying this show is funded by Netflix.
That said, one of the reason why Netflix keep getting more show's streaming right is because Netflix will directly sign the contract and give money to the studio, also they won't ask how will the studio use the money.

Can you stop talking about things you have zero understanding about? Guess not.

Keyframes are merely rough sketches or framework at best. Their role for final animation you see is similar to storyboard to anime episode - thats it.

>Whole episodes are oursourced at times
Name me fully outsourced pisodes at least 10, you have 5 minutes.

I dont have a burden to educate you in your ignorance in idioty. My role is to call you out on it and insult you as idiot you are, making you feel pitiful and regretful.

Keyframes are finished animation drawings that form the structure of the animation cut, which is orchestrated by the key animator responsible for it. Storyboards are what key animators base their work on.

The overall plot is hit or miss. I like the Gilbert/Violet stuff, but I can see people disliking it because they might get put off by the context of their "relationship".

Do you have any kind of source for that Netflix claim?

>I-I can't procide sources for my claims, b-but I am right
Everybody knows that you're a ignorant retard, that's why you instantly use SJW style excuses when somebody calls you out on it.

>Keyframes are finished animation drawings
Except they are not. They are raw structure and guidelines for particular pices of animation on screen. 2nd and 3rd key, painting and finishing and post processing and digital fx and composition is what creates the animation in the end.

1st stage - is key frame
2nd stage - detailed appliance of highlights and finished core, 2nd and 3rd key already applied
3rd stage - paint
4rd stage - background and other characters/pieces of animation integration in frame
5th stage - finishing, fx and post processing

Episodes do get regularly fully outsourced, though that doesn't mean they get outsourced overseas.


2nd key animation is a recent invention and is not necessarily used. The standard is key animation -> in-between animation. The role of 2nd key animation is to clean up or finish the key animation. If there is no 2nd key animation then the key animation is the finished product, with highlights and everything.

Paint etc. is not relevant to what we're talking about.

The first sequence in that Evergarden clip is the storyboard. What comes after it is in-betweened key animation.



This is gonna be a good season.

user the first part is the storyboard, it's litteraly written in the left corner.

An English one.

Even if Netflix gets exclusive streaming rights, or overseas streaming rights, the anime is still going to be part of the Japanese anime market too and there's more to that than just getting funding. Production committees don't get together just to fund an anime, the members also specialize in different areas.

Age difference romance is a top tier and under appreciated genre.

Seems more like you're basing the laws of nature on animalistic behavior, rather than natural law that philosophers have sought out since Plato.
The concept of theft is wrong, on the basis that if you commit murder, you rob one's natural right to life.

The converstation was about outsourcing to China/Korea and not in Japan, I am fully aware that studios subcontract work, use freelancer, and even fully outsource animation.
It's also to note that the chart is only about animators.

For the future of anime, I see key animators and animation directors getting more & more important, it's only a question of time until digital inbetweening is good enough to replace standart inbetweening.