Monogatari series thread

Monogatari series thread

Yeah so

New instalments when?

anybody else kind of fizzled out of this series
I got like 3/4ths of the way through owari and then I no longer had interest enough to keep watching

Owari is the best instalment though.

I'm really torn about this series. It has a lot of good shit but even more worse shit, the direction can get really stale/ineffective.

I think the best way to watch monogatari is to watch some different shows between each series, so you never get burnt out by the SHAFT style.

this is what I've been doing, but it also makes me remember way less
watched bake a year ago and just finished kizu and looking to watch second season, but fuck me if I remember anything that happened between then

Remember that time Arararagi fucked all the megucas

i just recently started watching bakemonogatari an i find the dialogue hard to follow is that normal or am i just a brainlet?

i just dont understand what they are talking about most of the time and i have to pause all the time because things are happening so fast

I recommend pausing bake plenty to read the dialogue, that's what I did. Int he series after bake the pace of the dialogue is much more normal.

thanks thats what I will do.
There are a lot of references to japanese culture that i dont understand, is that important for understanding the series?

There are quite a few references like that throughout, and wordplay too. They aren't really necessary to get at all, it's just that not getting them might make some jokes fall flat or the dialogue a bit awkward. IIRC they decrease as the series progresses as well, but I'm not entirely sure. The series is VERY stylistic, some hate it and some love it, but if it gets too much you can just take it in smaller doses as well.

I really love the style of the it thats why i hate that I have to interupt my expierience by constant pausing. Besides i fell like im missing out by not understanding the referneces.But ill definetly continue watching it, thanks for your advice

No worries, glad you're enjoying it.

>no Mami

old hag

Walk her home gently.

> Thats literally what he meant, not FUCK her home gently.

New book soon. Probably in January.


>Best girl spotted.
Sounds good to me.

When was this? I don't remember it.