
24 hours and 40 minutes until it's December 18th in Japan. How is it going, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Still no 3rd season.

This year they will announce it for sure.

Some anons said there was no livestream this year, they're lying right? I'm not going into 2018 if I can't rewatch disappearance with everyone before.

http: comfytheatre co.uk /films/
There's this one. And alternatively, we can always organize our own livestream somehow.

Everyone but the bassist likes this video.

Still cant fucking belive they let this one go
>huge financial success
>lets not adapt it any further


>Kyon will ask me to wait a little longer once again

Do you realize Kadokawa earns more money by selling the light novels? The anime is a promotion for the light novels. Making more seasons would result in a lost of money for them, especially due to how popular the light novels are already and Tanigawa not making any more of them. If Tanigawa wrote another one, then things might change, but as for now we aren't getting new Haruhi anime, if we're being realistic.

On another note, the Yuki-chan anime was a thing due to different source material, aka promoting new stuff, which took advantage of Haruhi's popularity.

I would also love a season 3 just like almost any other user here, but unfortunately right now the chances are next to none. It's sad, really, no new light novels means no new content and no more anime.



>Youtube comment meme on Sup Forums

Not happening this year.

Still no good torrent. Doki's is unseeded and Chihiro never did BD.



>removed OP and ED in season 1

Will there be other streams other than this one? This one starts 5:00 am in Nipland

If you're talking about the anime download this one instead. Many people are seeding. nyaa.si/view/865932

That's what I have, the subtitles are garbage.


Have a (You).

Are you retarded or something?

either keep honorifics or remove them entirely
no one calls their classmates mr and miss

Their season 2 is fine, but since when did Coalgirls cut out OP and ED on their releases? I thought they were the "massive filesize is fine, these are archival releases" people.

Have a (Miss Asahina)

How many years has it been since he wrote another volume?

>official subs
no thanks

>$70 BDs with only 2 episodes each

Remember Haruhi hunting? Remember when we thought there was at least a chance of something new? That was 3 years ago.

The numbers are out there lad, I also really, really wish the anime made more money, but they also have to spend a load of money in marketing among other stuff.

I honestly don't think they'd need to market very much. At this point it would be enough to casually mention that season 3 is coming and post updates and info on Twitter.

It's still mildly painful



Does anyone still have the screens from that livestream camrip of Disappearance? With everyone freaking out about Asakura?

Making more seasons wouldn't lose them shit, the anime was always a big earner. Given how long the series has been dormant a relaunch of it with a new season could do well.

The real issue is that they'd be losing out on the chance to adapt and promote an active series, which could do better. Its not losing money versus making money, its making money versus making MORE money.

what about that post made you think it was bait

Season 3 never
More books never

I want to die.
And if we are streaming
it better be the cam rip

>the author has the fucking face to attend as a judge in LN contests
>keeps this smug ass face and ignores question when he will fucking write again
The anger on 2ch was great. Some wanted to stab Tanigawa but then realize stabbing him won't allow them to get more volumes

Is there a way to look up threads on 2ch via some kind of search or have they skipped on the whole archiving/searching shit that Sup Forums has?


Don't do this to me

Have this instead

I had to go through almost all of my folders to find it.

My dudes

The show itself was only just above decent, but the movie made chugging through it all, Endless Eight and everything, totally worth it.

Shit, when does it start? I might be on my last test of the year and miss it.

I will never recover from Haruhi Hunting. All that bullshit just for fucking panchinko destroyed my soul and hope I had for the world

>haruhi hunting was two years and a half ago
This is what is destroying my soul right now.

Actually 3 years and 4 months user.

Wait that was in 2014? Holy fucking shit.

Kyon asked us to wait 7 years ago. Time is waiting in the wings.

Shit, this happened to me every year so one year I just decided to not work for my last test and watch Disappearance instead. Still nailed it.

I'm sure there were more interesting ways of attracting new club members that they didn't think of.

user I'm not ready to hear the ED version once again.

Tanigawa wrote the lyrics. It's canonically Yuki speaking.

What are you implying user

She tried passing out lewds of Mikuru.

I feel like the only person who loved the show but was disappointed by Disappearance.


>Watch this, Kyon. You can pinpoint the second her heart rips in half.




I have work the next day but fuck it, I can't miss this shit

Is she hot or not? I have trouble deciding

Nothing involving bassists



>we weren't able to protect that smile

>yfw the series will never be finished because Haruhi wished for her adventures to never end, much like the E8


Isn't that the group that made the dual audio rip with

Did you watch all of Endless Eight?

Only about 585 years left for a new light novel, user.



>my bd is 18/Dec

How much of the filesize is the english audio? The video quality doesn't look too bad, maybe if I cut out the english the filesize will be small enough to have all of it on my old USB stick.

Mine too user. I wish you best of luck next year.

>tfw snowy mountain syndrome will never be animated

Thanks kind user, stay strong next year too.

If I've only seen S1 is joining the stream a bad idea? How long do I have to watch season 2?

Season 2 is only 8 episodes long if you just watch the first and last of Endless Eight. The only episode you really HAVE to watch it the first, but it's better with all the others.

>If I've only seen S1 is joining the stream a bad idea?
Not really. As long as you understand what happened to Yuki in Endless 8 in s02, the movie will have more emotion impact. But you can still enjoy the movie without imo

What is this "Haruhi"? Is it a new anime or something?

I'm going to watch all of Endless Eight. When is the stream?

Give me all the info for the stream please.
I've watched it with you guys before but can't remember all the details.

This year for sure


>You willl never have Haruhi lying unconscious on your lap

I'll just post haruhi until I get a response

are you ?
comfytheatre co.uk/

Has a second season ever flopped as hard as Haruhi? I’ve never seen a franchise go from so big to literally nothing.

The annual Toradora stream does Disappearance too. It should be either today or tomorrow in a few hours. Timezones confuse me.

Look at this thing

Technically speaking it didn't flop, it sold pretty well in spite of Endless Eight. But yeah it was a faceplant looking at it longterm.

I can do that. It's a little earlier than I planned to watch S2, but I can even watch 1+2 combined with that much time.