
Did someone say hiatus?
Yes? No?


Blushing happy tomboy is all you need.

Tomo makes me homo!

>waiting outside the gate eagerly like a dog
Destruction of the status quo when?

When will Fumita draw lewds of Tomo and Misuzu already?

I hate when he does hiatuses after something good

This is the true ending of the manga. Don't fool yourselves gents

not today, at least
it's usually posted within five minutes

Fumita isn't going to draw lewds of his daughters.

>I liked her more when I thought she was a boy... Am I gay?!

What is he, fucking gay?

Fuck, quick translation when.

lucky trips for jun getting lucky

You nailed it! Jackpot!

But you know it’s coming

Tomo voiced by Yuko Sanpei

We have one more day!

Man.. Jun is into tomboys. Literally /our guy/

Tomboy fucked like a dog when

He's late for school and she came to get him; he thinks she's cute.


Tomo fucked by a dog when?

carol is shit

Took him long enough


>First I've got to meet her face to face

>With the present here... and myself...!

>Jun you're late!

>Tomo!? What're you doing at my house?

>You were late so I came to meet you!

>Hurry up and let's go to school!

>Stop it, what is this a zoo.

>Seeing present tomo face to face


>Face to face

>I was vaguely aware of it but... She's actually

>Cute, isn't she?!

Slight correction
>With the present Tomo... And myself...!

Also the title is "The result of looking at her from the front"


do someone here have the tomo x misuzu picture!
the one jun imagined, i need it for science

>not Touyama Nao

>so i'm actually not gay?
Jesus christ, Fumita.

HOLY SHIT HAPPENING. Thank you for quick translation.

it's the japanese cold

Wow! It's nothing!
For three weeks we got gifted nothing, we didn't already know, then right after they get back to modern day Jun, Tomo and Misuzu, slapped by a hiatus. Fucking great.


>Wow! It's nothing!
He's finally realized Tomo-chan wa Onna No Ko.

>Jun thinking Tomo is cute is nothing
This is like landing on the moon for their relationship.



i want to believe you but i don't
please be real

it is

No he didn't he just realized that Tomo is cute. Tomo is still a boy.


This is the only glimmer of hope, that keeps me motivated to come into these threads every day. Some would call me a retard to keep hoping for this, but isn't a little bit of hope better than having no hope?

Nah it's something. 3 years later.

Why do people say that Tomo isn't a tomboy?

Trying to force a meme.

He'll start spilling spagetthi everywere tho

reminds me of aho milf

Are you unironically this stupid?

it's one thing to joke about it but to expect it seriously just makes you werird

When will they fuck, Sup Forums?

seriously, if fumita ever actually did smut of this series, it'd have to be canon. Akemi's not gonna fuck shit up like that.

he called her kawaii


okay yeah a smut is fine but i'm honestly not even expecting a kiss from this series since fumita has kept it pure for the most part. but actually coming to these threads and seriously expecting anything overly sexual let along a mother and daughter threesome? really?

Not much longer until they have grand kids.

Still no break, so I guess the stream is still on hold.




I have some hope again, fuck.


I haven’t liked an arc this much since ... the beach arc? Maybe the festival one a little bit.

Tomo fused with a dog when?

B-but, Misuzu ending, thinking man fetish! What is this shit, Fumita?

Never, fuck off Tucker.

I'm worried now that he going to start liking her, she will stop liking him.

Holy fucking shit finally.


this isn't shoujo user



Bravo Fumita.


Wew feels underwhelming to me. Maybe because everyone saw it coming, or because it's taken forever? Who knows.



Tomo has a better physique than that

>akemi and juns mum end up annoyed with the ammount of grandkids

she's slacked off and is perfectly bullyable

Kill that man. Kill him with fire.

Taking years to realize that Tomo is cute?

He was too busy being insecure.

>finding your bro cute

it might actually be happening!

Hiatus soon

the stakes are getting higher
the only question now is what amazing shade of blue our balls will be
"it's over" iris blue?
or more of a persian "mid-happening" blue?

why does the fang switch from left to right

Hoping this isn't a death flag.

she has two to pick from to show

She has two fangs.

She technically has it on both sides.


>I had know of noticed before, but I guess...
>She really is cute isn't she!?
Yes you fucking idiot, Yes. Fucking finally.
she's ambifangstrous

It's gonna end with Jun asking Misuzu to go out with him so he can stay together with Tomo.

Can the user who checked before the last hiatus look on sai-zen-sen website if there are more chapters uploaded? Just to see if there's going to be a hiatus this week

Jun already broke up with her. He's not going to try that again.

there's only one left uploaded, now that you mention it.
good bet for tomorrow, yeah.

>one page left for the volume
Ok, I think we can call it, volume's over tomorrow. He's gonna confess and her answer it's gonna be the cliffhanger. And in Feb14, 2018 she'll say no. Because she's still trying to figure out what she wants out of a relationship.