Which timeline was your favorite?
Spirit Circle
Other urls found in this thread:
Future was where shit hit the fan, medieval was pretty fun too
Anime never.
The drunken knight.
Future and Sphinx
Current because it gave us this gem of a page.
Fuck me I dropped this just to see it went the kurohime route.
It always bothered me how she was always the one who remembered and then went after him, fucking up his life and telling him he deserved it.
Fortuna's, though I really liked Lafalle and the blacksmith life too. All of them were great except for the genderbent life, but that was mostly because it was so short and felt random at the time.
Brain in a jar and alien.
>Fortuna in a nutshell
Fortuna was just an autistic sociopath savant who wanted to take care of his family.
A Spirit Circle Thread?
I didnt know people knew of this series aside from me.
And: the timeline where people died but got preserved as just brains in a eternal sleep. It was such a depressing and amazing scenario.
The one you posted OP
The Sleeping Tower would be a pretty decent standalone movie/series.
Sucks that his new series was only one volume long. And the official release for Spirit Circle has some pretty wonky translations.
blatant incest right out of the gate was too ambitious.
Anyone has the finished reincarnation chart?
>I didnt know people knew of this series aside from me.
wat? Mizukami has a following on Sup Forums.
Wasn't there also some oneshot? I don't know if it is translated tho.
Fortuna and aliens
CR completely spoiled it with translation though
Wait, really? Only one volume?
I really loved nips dying under tree. Was both real sweet and sad.
Did the usual translator not complete the series?
I think it was a mixed release because CR tends to "forget" to release monthly series.
Medieval route and the Greek architect route were perfect.
He's referring to how the alien speech wasn't suppose to be readable but the CR release made it readable anyway.
Got any raws?
If it was not readable how did they translate it.
Because they have the script.
Wasn't that just semi-scribbled over? I don't think it would be undecipherable with a bit of work anyway.
As an alcoholic, vann was great. Can't wait to see my friends die in horrible accidents then redeem myself.
Vann, Lafalle, and the greeks were my favorite in order from 1st to 3rd. They had the most compelling plots for me when detached from the story. I was legitimately angry when Fortuna said the whole brain vat fight was for nothing. Vann's was just entertaining and was what hooked me. A really sweet ending. This series really tugged on my heartstrings in a way that a lot of anime fails to do. The Nip one was really good also especially with the payoff that happens in the present day. The whole series was fucking great.
She was real cute, but her part felt a bit rushed.
Does anyone know any similar manga to this one? I like the idea of past lives that are connected in some way. Even just past lives with the same characters would be nice.
Was this shit popular here when it was being released? I don't remember any discussion about it but my memory was shit and I was mostly on other boards.
We had capped threads every time there was a new chapter along with a reincarnation chart that was updated regularly. It wasn't Biscuit Hammer popular, but it was talked about.
Future arc
really shows you how far under the MC can go even with the best intentions.
He was really sympathetic in most lives and I thought the girl was a smug cunt. Its a shame that in nearly ever single one she was able to lord over him that he fucked everything up somehow. What's especially jarring to me is that in a few lives the girl is a murderer and a pragmatist, but she is always revealed to have good intentions.
Future arc really vindicated her
in fact I think if the series went in reverse it would be Fuuta's incarnations that would start looking like the bad guys.
>I didnt know people knew of this series aside from me.
Lurk for two years before posting, newfag. Sup Forumsnons were translating Spirit Circle every time when Crunchyshit delayed the chapters for weeks.
Yeah but how influenced were his incarnations by Fortuna since Fortuna kept himself out of the wheel? They were cursed to be bitter enemies, but the girl is usually a massive smug cunt who starts the conflict.
It was perfectly readable in the raws, what are you talking about
>reincarnation chart
Do you have the final version?
Was Misukamu Satoshi's latest manga actually cancelled or were people just memeing?
Youd think he'd be respected enough to not have his stuff cancelled just like that
His incest latest one got cancelled?
I don't think it was cancelled, it was just one volume long.
It wasn't that good anyway. Low Mizukami tier like Sengoku Youko. It's a good thing he has a new series in April.
Goddamn, thank you op, that was such a great read
>Low Mizukami tier like Sengoku Youko
Well out of the big three, it is the worst.
But fuck me if Shinsuke is not one of my favourite characters of all time.
Pre-time skip was GOAT. Shinsuke and the samurai dude carries the 2nd half.
>wah user has a different opinion from me so it must be bait
Are you Jinka apologists or something?
Low Mizukami tier is still better than industry average.
Japan's shit taste strikes again. Translations of the other chapters never.
Shinsuke, shogun and tiger monk dude are the best.
Alright give me your rankings then if you're so mighty. Lucifer > Spirit circle = Sengoku
Are there any good rape doujins with her?
Spirit circle = Sengoku youko > Lucifer
SC > SY > HS
fite me
Samidare > Spirit Circle > Sengoku
When he was first introduced I thought he was some mary sue forced character. But then this scene happened.
>wat? Mizukami has a following on Sup Forums.
Yet no one is translating Nihonmatsu Siblings
I wish I knew japanese.
I could do the cleaning or typesetting if needed.
Spirit Circle > Tanpenshuu > Sengoku Youko Part II > Hoshi no Samidare > Sengoku Youko Part I = Psycho Staff = Sanjin Sadou = Nihonmatsu Kyoudai
I loved sengoku youko and liked spirit circle a lot, but dropped hoshi no samidare like 15 chapters in, should i give it another try? or it stays the same?
Nah, it's the weakest of the bunch and has a shitty Deus Ex Machina ending with some boring reveals
Every character in hoshi is the best character. Only one I love all the characters in.
Read it until all 12 knights are introduced. If you don't care about any of them by then, you can drop it. But you should probably find a more normalfag hobby to suit your tastes.
If you don't think Sengoku Youko is at the top then your opinion is wrong.
The second part was amazing really.
The useless swordsman is best boi
My favorite one too. I think Lafalle and Vann worked better as stories, but the feeling of forgiveness and peacemaking in this one worked so well.
No studio would make justice of Spirit Circle user.
It's okay. Shinka brings it down.
>Want your comfy series to have an anime so the degenerates anime only fags can come and ruin your comfy ass threads for some reason
Thought you niggas learnt from Jojo
Fortuna did nothing wrong
I really like how Lafalle story has kind of "true end" for Houtarou's story
Same thing with repaired robot in Fuuko's story
>spread cut in half
SO THE UNIVERSE IS ONE BIG RPG GAME OR WHAT? What is the proper time line for each reincarnation or is it some sorta multiverse shit?
Sorry those are remains of a time when I was an ignorant ape. Now I'm only an ape.
Basically this. Felt bad for the monk though.
Yeah, the scene where he was yelling at the ghost in the rain was really good.
>2018 - 0.03835616438
>not knowing time is convoluted
Shit meant for
Can someone explain how the three series entertwin with one another? I get that they're part of a multiverse but further beyond, I don't quite understand.
The threads were really fucking comfy.
He'll be back soon in April with another series
This was the best part of the page.
>Shogun Yoshiteru Ashikaga
>Mary Sue
>Beat a genius scientist by the sheer strength of retard power
Sure is mixed message in here
Kouko is loco, they gonna bang in uni.
Gods just wanna have fun
>What is the proper time line for each reincarnation or is it some sorta multiverse shit?
Fortuna (post 34th century) >
Fone (Middle Ages) >
Vann (Middle ages) >
Flors (Classical antiquity) >
Houtarou (16th century) >
Lafalle (34th century) >
Fuuko (alternative 21st century) >
Fuuta (21st century)
If only the shitty goddess didn't ruin them all the time.
>the official translation was so lazy it just directly translated the song without trying to make it work