I love a woman that could kick my ass
ITT: Ripped female anime characters
OP should probably watch Real Drive.
Sell me the show
>character that could kick OP's ass
So basically any loli chosen at random OP?
This kind of pseudomale body type is for self-closeted homosexuals
Mate, it's common courtesy to state the name and show of your ripped female of choice as well
>implying women can't be ripped, and guys can't find that attractive
>being such a DYEL that a slightly toned female could make him question his masculinity
Please get and sort yourself out, user.You can do it.
Without testosterone injections it's nearly impossible for women to become 'ripped'
Of course, such male hormone injections also have the side effect of essentially turning the body pseudomale over time
Keep rationalizing why you are obsessed with male body types.
>caring about 3D logic
Never post again, you fucking retard
How about ripped AND cute?
2D logic follows 3D logic. The reasons you're attracted to 2D are rooted in 3D, of course.
If you prefer women who have male body morphology (high muscularity, large stature, etc.) it's because you're homosexual but unable to cope with the shame of looking at men, so you look at women whose bodies can be mistaken for male instead.
I don't think OP meant literally ripped, user. It's just a figure of speech
>I love a woman that could kick my ass
That's not what makes muscle girls best, though. Their body type ALONE is sexy, and it goes best with a docile girl who doesn't meet her appearance.
Nigga there is such a thing as degrees
You can be into fit chicks without being into roided out testosterone addicts
Looking for gif, and or anime of female mecha pilot with swole biceps pulling down the hatch of her cockpit.
Cute muscle is best muscle.
How good is it
t. Steve Blum
good lord i need a sauce
>this back
Lurk more and learn how to use the triangle that appears next to your posts
wow thanks i'm so glad you helped me
Terrible. Main girl didn't get to fight against the tan one in a match.
But I like my women muscular and my men looking like little girls.
Check mate atheists.
Lurk for 2 years before posting, retard.
Fuck off.
>use the triangle
>don't use the triangle
make up your mind
You're not even trying.
thanks for the sauce, friendo
Learn how to use it, you fucking retard. It's fitting how the thread starts with a tumblr gif and a spic stream screenshot and is filled with newfag retards asking for sauce when they could get it themselves. Lurk more.
woah what the fag!
face too manly to be cute
Mikasa is sad.
as if white men didn't have enough of a yellow fever
muscle girls are pure fiction. Unless they are on gear or are literal males born with a female body, it won't happen, man.
>muscle girls are pure fiction.
No shit, and I thought I was in a chinese cartoons board.
And why do you have to derail a thread with talking about 3D?
Ignore the retard i bet he doesen't have sauce either and is being a retard for the sake of being a retard.
lurk for 2 years before posting
What about lesbians who like ripped women?
I want her to shove my face in her pits and chokehold me while beating me off.
It ended too soon...It still hurts...
When muscle girls are done right they are super hot.
tier meme
I just realized that this show reminded me of Snowpiercer
where did this muscles=masculinity came from, back in the 60's james bond the epitome of manliness wasn't ripped
Closeted heterosexuals.
ur all gay i fuck u
80s hollywood
Pic not related, this is just a traced man with tits, kill yourself.
No u.
That's done wrong, too much like those nasty real life female bodybuilders.
Every girl was hot as fuck in Jormungand.
That reminds me: I wanted to start reading Dorohedoro again, but I can't remember what chapter I was on.
I recall that I stopped reading not long after En died
Could you help a brotha out?
>muscular girls are gay
>traps aren't
How retarded do you have to be to believe that?
>liking dick
>not gay
pick 1
Noi is a miracle.
>you'll never get to dance with her
Homosexuality is a meaningless social construct
Just read it all from the start you pussy
That manga was a goldmine.
Best girl
Best doujins
Closest I got is a mecha pilot working out.
Degenerates out.
It's always the weak ones that don't like strong women
Nice projection, homo.
To be honest i miss those times. Arnold kicking ass movies are still entertaining
But he is right. That is why muscle girls or just tomboys arent popular with otakus, they are weak and they want submisive and weak girls so they dont feel weak
Nice projection, homo.
>great manga
>best girl
>best girl paired with best boy
Dorohedoro is a masterpiece
Thank god you won't be passing on your trash genetics.
All girls are submissive if your big enough.
This fucking manga.
this is what you do usually, you click on the triangle, you select iqdb, then from the end of the url you remove the s and possibly change the extension (since that's the tumbnail's filename and thumbnails are always in jpg while the full image might be a png), then if you can't find the result like that iqdb will offer you the possibility to search on other engines, you choose saucenao, and yandex if that doesn't work
that might not work, in that case you can ask here and hope someone is good enough to give you some salsa, else you go to r or wsr
this here is Sakura-san from Boku to Kanojo no Hikakuteki Naisho no Nichijou, all hail Maruta-sensei