>Volume 7 afterword said that 7.5 cover girl will be the focus of the volume
So basically Kinugasa wanted to start a fight between fans or something? Because that's how you start one. He shouldn't have made it too obvious really. Won't be surprised each camp in Japan are pissed right now except for the camp who are in favor of the girl in the cover for 7.5
Classroom of the Elite
Heroine Popularity chart from China
The war's now resumed. This is the 3rd thread only in 1 day
Good for heart and soul.
>cover girl will be the focus of the volume
The author is wrong, this is not how you write a novel. What a retard.
Absolutely fucking based
A best
We deserve to have the HD version of this epic picture
>Won't be surprised each camp in Japan are pissed right now except for the camp who are in favor of the girl in the cover for 7.5
You couldn't be more wrong. Majority of nips are praising the fact that Karuizawa is the cover girl and feel she deserves it after what she went though in Volume 7. The nips aren't as petty as people on here, heck one nip even talked about if Sudo x Horikita would have a sex scene at Christmas and none of them were triggered by it.
>that kushida steep dive
wtf I like china now
I fixed Hiyori's name position and added the other name that I didn't know before. Now all is correct.
Ichinose & Sakura almost join rank
>Horikita fell off but went up a little bit at the end
>Kushida what the fuck happened
>Ichinose still fine
>Arisu going up but still behind the others
>Sakura has a steady incline
>Hasebe spiked up due to being introduced in the last 2 volumes
>Satou going up
>Hiyori up but eh
>Chabashira straight line
>Ibuki X'd but in-line with others
>Karuizawa what the fuck is that boost holy shit
That incline on Karuizawa. That start is from the V4 introduction then just straight went up all the way to V7?
>Sakura goes up
>Kushida goes low
Wew, lad
>So basically Kinugasa wanted to start a fight between fans or something?
Not really. Generally in LNs the girl that's on the volume cover is the one that gets the most focus in that volume anyway. Even in Volume 4.5, whilst Kinugasa never stated it, Horikita had the most scenes over the other girls and she was on the cover. Unless Kinugasa constantly kept putting one character on the .5 cover all the time nobody should be getting triggered by this. In the case of 7.5, only Horikita getting the cover again should cause legit hate.
How is ichinose so low all the time? In nipland ichinose was a 50% in front of second and third best (horikita and kei I think) at the time of vol 6. I wanna see how nips say karuizawa fares against her after vol 7
>went up a little bit at the end
She didn't that's prediction
Damn it, Chink.
>Volume 7 afterword said that 7.5 cover girl will be the focus of the volume
Don't lie. .5 volumes are side story volumes focusing on many characters. Karuizawa will just be the foremost of those
*short story, not side story
Also .5 volumes are important to the main story.
Horikita gained a massive lead over the others in Volume 1 and had a slight increase in Volume 2 but ever since up to Volume 7, she's had a slight decline in popularity.
Kushida was quite a bit behind Horikita but steadly made her way up to Volume 3 and made very small progress in Volume 4 but as soon as Volume 4.5 came she took a massive nosedive in popularity and by Volume 7 she's now the least liked female character.
Ichinose had been one of the top girls from the start but since Volume 6 she's made a slow but steady progress upwards.
Karuizawa was right at the bottom at the start being a literally nobody but once Volume 4 came out, her popularity skyrocketed immensely and ever with each Volume release her popularity just keeps on going and now she's massively in the lead.
Arisu was a nobody in Volume 5 but once she debuted quite a lot of people took a liking to her, she's around mid-tier but she hasn't had much focus yet, her popularity is sure to rise even more in the upcoming volumes.
Sakura didn't leave much of an impression at first but from the start she's been making a slow progress upwards and is currently in 4th place.
Hasebe was practically a nobody until Volume 6 but once she got her moments her popularity went up drastically as well.
Hiyori is similar to Hasebe but on a lesser scale.
Satou didn't have a fanbase at all until she had gotten a crush on 50%.
Masumi has a very small fanbase which isn't suprising but maybe she will rise in the future as Arisu is given more focus?
Chabashira has been average from the start to the current Volume without changing in the slightest.
Finally Ibuki got a fanbase from Volume 3 but her popularity hasn't changed much since.
>Karuizawa literally topping the charts.
Yes. Kawaiizawa-chan deserves popularity, happiness and a good Kiyopon dicking.
what I love is how Kinugasa turns mob characters into prominent ones. Most importantly Karuizawa who is a heroine now, but also Hasebe and Satou. It keeps things interesting
where's this from? their chink threads or something? no amounts given either
I want to marry this literal goddess. How can other girls even begin to think about competing? I'll be amazed if Kiyotaka so much as looks at another girl after he realizes he has this perfection literally throwing herself at him. And lastly, what is she going to do with 50% this volume? How will she have changed after the rooftop moment.
It can't be Karuizawa on the cover. This is some fake photoshop shit those Keifags cooked up.
Fuck. When will Kei kill herself? Kei is worst girl.
But it's not like 7.5 will be 100% Kei focused, other heroines will also get their own chapters. Maybe Horikita will also get her own chapter.
I hate this shit LN. Classroom of the Elite? Moar like Classroom of the Shit am I right guise?
Karuizawa got this volume but the LNs are not over yet. Just wait and see, from the previous LN Kinugasa wrote I can already tell you she won't win 50%.
Threadly reminder that Horikitafags are currently going through the 5 stages of grief. They are having a tough time so I implore you all to be more understanding of their outbursts. It's a tough time for them.
Why is Hiyori listed twice? Once in kanji and the other in romanji?
>How is ichinose so low all the time?
She's third, very close to Horikita. You probably mistook her color with Arisu's
Nice pasta, faggot.
Seriously, I like it.
No no, I saw it right. 3rd place is still low compared to her undisputed 1st place in nipland, where she was 50% in front of 2nd place after vol 6, as I said
Most of them probably got into the series through the anime first, unlike the nips
I fixed, I put the name position wrong in the 1st one.
I found on 5ch.
Oh, I didn't see that, thanks. By the way, are there any numbers for this chart?
No, I didn't find any numbers at least.
预测 is prediction, so the increase of every line from vol 7 to the last part is speculation, meaning Horikita is still declining and Kushida is at the lowest point
Sudo x Horikita is the patrician ship.
the burning city of horikitafags
Ahhh I see, thanks for the explanation user.
>dat huge jumps on vol 4 for Kei
>dat huge falls on vol 5 and 6 for Kushida
Holy shit
>satou is that high
Yay, satoufags unite!
Kushida is dead fucking last, all is right in the world
If they polled nips now, it would probably look similar
I mean, it's only to be expected. Kushida's popularity was doomed the moment she betrayed class D and teamed up with Ryuuen. Which also happens to be revealed in volume 5, which is also the volume where her popularity starts taking a nosedive through 6 and 7. I expect her to remain least popular for another couple of volumes until her inevitable redemption. But at this point, I doubt anyone can catch up to Karuizawa in terms of that popularity explosion. She went from a literal who in the first three volumes to rocket boosting her way through the rankings by volume 7.
Good shit. She's fucking trash.
No she's not. She's my waifu. Out of all the girls in this series, Kikyo is the best.
>No she's not. She's my waifu.
Stop you're killing me
>her inevitable redemption
her inevitable taming by X, you mean?
>she will be tamed by the power of Ayano's dick
I literally enjoy her duh.
I can't wait to see how much spaghetti she's going to be spilling around Kiyotaka now. Their last interaction was him beating the living shit out of her bullies on that rooftop so something should have changed between them. She's probably going to be spilling spaghetti all over the place.
I'm more interested in how she's going to scheme to get Sato away from 50%
Best girls Horikita and Karuizawa.
Still shit taste, desu.
True best girls reminder.
Me too. I don't think there'll be much spaghetti spillage tho. She's a confident girl with an attitude, she knows ayanokouji well, also she's used to acting lovey dovey, that shit shouldn't faze her much -- tho it will be different this time as with hirata it was faked. I think for the first time she'll show uncertainty when interacting with ayanoukouji, as she'll feel like she shouldn't change their current dynamic. I don't expect her to be very aggressive, nor to spill much spaghetti
Samefagging at its finest. Only 20 people here
21 after
I make only this post.@165912020
It will have translations today?
>discovers 50% invited Sato for a date on Christmas
>puts on good use what she has learned fron 50%
>officially breaks up with Hirata and asks him to help her
>tells Sato first by (not)accidentaly bringing up that topic the day of the date
>tells Sato Hirata is at some place and she should take this chance to score points
>Sato goes to Hirata instead of meeting 50%
>50% waits for her and Kei appears to take Sato's place
You can't spell keikaku without Kei
>Implying Sato is a slut that would drop 50% for Hirata instead.
No, user. I'm afraid Kei's losing this one if this is her keikaku. Sato will still choose to go to 50% since in volume 6, she herself admits she finds 50% cooler than Hirata.
We were supposed to have translations yesterday but TL-user never came back, which is odd as normally weekends are the days we definitely get some.
Ch2 is the longest chapter of the novel, he is probably busy translating all the remaining chapter
I only saw this translation once and can't find it now, but didn't satou accidentaly drop the hint that she isn't going for hirata because he's taken and then flusteredly and obviosuly tried to backpedal that statement?
She did. And it's not like 50% did something to make her like him more. Unless she never wanted to aim for Hirata and was just lying as a deffensive mechanism, she's most likely going to jump ship
Chinese reading user here. Yes, I read that part of volume 6 and she did sort of imply that she's only after 50% because Karuizawa already took Hirata which she said was a shame, and then immediately backpedals by praising him as being cooler than Hirata. I think if Kei suddenly breaks up with Hirata, she might actually dump 50% for Hirata at which point Kei can capitalize on that by meeting up with 50% instead.
Satou is in for a big shock when she finds out Hirata's homosexual.
She'll probably jump back to 50% when that happens.
Then only Karuizawa and Sakura that really likes him.
>kei dumps hirata
>satou jumps ship to hirata
>hirata refuses her advances on the pretext of "too soon after breakup"
>actual reason is satou is not ayanokouji
poor satou. she'll miss her chance with ayanokouji, get rejected and then be too late to the party after kei's already all over ayano
>Then only Karuizawa and Sakura that really likes him.
Yeah. Satou likes him because he's cool and Haruka is a Satou with higher standards
DESU Sakura likes him because his nice, but the only girl that we know for certain that she likes him is Kei. Since Sakura may not like him anymore after she finds out he is not as a nice guy as she thought he was.
>kushidafags BTFO by based chinamen
How will they ever recover?
Why is everyone talking about Kei? What about Suzune? She will win right?
Win what?
IIRC Sakura said in vol 7 her gut tells her Ayanokouji might be X, when she and Hasebe were talking about it. She didn't seem to mind the notion. I think Sakura might be the type to convince herself into thinking he'll always be gentle to her at least, or that he does the other shit because he has to, so it isn't who he really is
Pretty much this. Sakura still likes him for now, but we have to remember she has NO idea what he's really like. All she saw was the kind side which from volume 3 we already know is an act he's putting up for the sake of his 'normal life'. The real Ayanokouji is the one we saw on that rooftop viciously beating Ryuuen unconscious. Once Sakura finds out, either she gets even wetter for him or she stops liking him altogether but still stays friends with him. I think she might stop liking him, personally, because Sakura's a gentle soul. She may not be into literal sociopaths like 50%.
As a Horikitafag, you don't want her to be talked much in this volume, because it would mean Sudo has done something
Nice try, baitbro. I see everyone else is doing a magnificent job of dodging the bait as well.
Hes going to answer it himself
Did tl user dump anything yesterday ?
He hasn't dumped yet. But to be fair, chapter 2 is the longest chapter in 4.5. It's probably taking him some time to translate it all too. He said he would dump once he finishes it so either he dumps tonight or he'll dump tomorrow.
Kushida best girl
Literally no one thinks that. Anyone who says Kushida is best girl only wants to fuck her because she's hot. Any other girl would be better than Kushida, even Manabe.
>Horikita falling
>Kushida hitting rock bottom
>every other girl getting more and more support (Sensei didn't change at all)
Is this the yahari deconstruction?
This post never ceases to amaze me.
with that logic kiritio is best because is 1st place in the polls