We need more anime about cute girls and cars

We need more anime about cute girls and cars.

How about cute cars?

How would that even work? The car is a cute girl?


That's... not what I had in mind.
Something more like cute girls racing

Would it have Cars And Girls as the OP?

how about cute girls and side cars?

I just think that cars are comfier but there's nothing saying it can't have both.


Just take an idol anime and change the idols with racing girls.

I disagree. Cars? Sure. Cars AND cute girls? Nah.
CGDCT, while potentially decent as a stand-alone, ruins any other genre archetype.

The last decent CGDCT was Lucky Star anyway.

Is this an Utena reference?

No thanks.

Nobody said about CGDCT, it's a racing anime with girls.
Or it could be something like Dagashi Kashi, but about cars instead of candy.

>racing anime with girls.
Look at Two Car.
I'm way behind on it, but it doesn't evoke the same passion in me that Initial D managed to pull off.

I'm not saying the girls are at fault, though. Wangan Midnight was garbage as well.

I don't know, man. Cute girls driving cute cars sounds pretty cool.

>Wangan Midnight was garbage as well.
Don't you fucking dare.

>We need more anime about cute girls and cars.

Over Rev anime never

>Two cars
>It´s about bike

>CGDCT, while potentially decent as a stand-alone, ruins any other genre archetype

So this is the power of a rotary engine...

Bikes > cars

Hey you fucking negroid.